Leslie Viljoen
We had put lot of effort to bring this English Ruby tutorial online but
instead of any appreciation people started blaming us. I found out "Ruby
in a Nutshell" on the net and if you see itself is a copy of standard
ruby manual.
I found few pieces copied from this book and according to my fellow
writer he found this content interesting on the net and tried to
incorporate here. So finally I tried to remove that content.
I've gone through 8 books while compiling this content. We are not a
research scholars who do R&D and then write a book. Like other authors,
we also took many things as reference while writing this tutorial.
Anyway, if you did not like it then we are sorry....but I can say there
are few books who gives you clear understanding on Ruby-on-Rails,
Ruby/TK etc. if you have one then pls let me know.
Here's a tutorial on plagiarism:
It is a great thing to share knowledge, but copying other peoples work
and then not crediting it to them is dishonest. Just rework the
material you copied a bit
and your tutorial will be much better.
Also, the rails quick guide looks quite useful, thanks for that!