A couple of questions regarding class design


Robert Klemme

Coming from a background in computers from the 70's when the language
was much closer to the metal I never had any problems with Go To or

Well, you had to use what you got, didn't you? I believe the reasons
Basic et al had GOTO was historic as you said: programming languages did
not have evolved very far from the basis (machine code or assembler if
you will).

But later people detected deficiencies of this approach and tried to
come up with better solutions. I would not want to miss structured
programming and exceptions.
In assembler there is no way to not use Jumps for loops or
conditional processing. Fortran and Basic were much the same way. I
believe Knuth's original works were from this era and of course a lot of
his code is in the MIX assembler.
I can see the reason to eliminate jumping around in code when possible
but think they can sometimes make a program easier to read. I find it
easier to read a program that says "If error goto ERROR" over trying to
figure out where a Break command goes.

Well, for error handling there is a different mechanism in modern
languages: exceptions. :)

Kind regards


Robert Klemme

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Michael W. Ryder

Well without the code I cannot really help but somehow I have the
feeling that send might be your friend here!

Now Michael just needs to integrate the Ruby interpreter into his
Business Basic engine. :)



Robert Klemme

2008/4/23 said:
Just to be clear, I meant to join Ruby, not that he could not program,
hopefully that was not misunderstood :-O

Oh no, not at all - at least here. :)

"Great Roberts think alike."
*cough, cough*

Now off to CL watching...


Michael W. Ryder

Robert said:
Now Michael just needs to integrate the Ruby interpreter into his
Business Basic engine. :)

Funny you should mention that. One of the things I am working on is
Ruby equivalents to the Business Basic commands. Obviously some of it
is not going to be possible, like the built in file and screen handling,
and will require integration with other tools. From this I can try to
convert some 20+ years of programs to Ruby and get some of the benefits
of the language.

Michael W. Ryder

Robert said:
Well, you had to use what you got, didn't you? I believe the reasons
Basic et al had GOTO was historic as you said: programming languages did
not have evolved very far from the basis (machine code or assembler if
you will).

But later people detected deficiencies of this approach and tried to
come up with better solutions. I would not want to miss structured
programming and exceptions.

Well, for error handling there is a different mechanism in modern
languages: exceptions. :)

One thing I haven't figured out is returning from an exception to the
calling location. In Business Basic I can set a location that the
program will go to when an untrapped error occurs. From there I can
handle the error and return back to the program.
I can also do the same if the Escape key is pressed, or I can go to a
new location and continue. This comes in real handy when an operator is
finished with data entry they just press the Escape key to save the
changes and continue.

Robert Klemme

2008/4/23 said:
One thing I haven't figured out is returning from an exception to the
calling location. In Business Basic I can set a location that the program
will go to when an untrapped error occurs. From there I can handle the
error and return back to the program.
I can also do the same if the Escape key is pressed, or I can go to a new
location and continue. This comes in real handy when an operator is
finished with data entry they just press the Escape key to save the changes
and continue.

That would be "retry":

irb(main):009:0> def test(x) raise "#{x} is too low" if x < 5 end
=> nil
irb(main):010:0> i = 0
=> 0
irb(main):011:0> begin; puts i; test i; rescue Exception => e; puts e;
i+=1; retry; end
0 is too low
1 is too low
2 is too low
3 is too low
4 is too low
=> nil

Kind regards


Robert Klemme

Common Lisp that is I hope ;)

Of course, with 22 actors and one controller. A complex application
with a load of observers. It's real time application: the whole
processing has to complete within 90 minutes (plus some slack for
special cases). Unfortunately they did not get rid of punch cards yet
and to make matters worse they have two different kinds of these cards.
That's also the reason why sometimes there are drop outs and not all
processors continue processing until the end. Bugs creep into every
program - even if it's written in Lisp and uses a friendly green screen.



Robert Dober

On 23.04.2008 19:48, Robert Dober wrote:

Well in our match of wit (very modest as I am) I declare you the winner.
Robert vs. Robert 1 - 0
Robert (what else)

Robert Klemme

Well in our match of wit (very modest as I am) I declare you the winner.
Robert vs. Robert 1 - 0

That's just an intermediate result - wait for the 2nd half. I am sure
you have some tricks left. Thank you for the inspiration!
Robert (what else)

Did I just talk to myself? Oh, I need a break...

Have a great weekend - weather will be fine!


Simon Krahnke

* Robert Klemme said:
And, does it feel better? For me it does - for Knuth apparently not. I
haven't felt the need for a goto in ages. I also rarely use continue
and break in loops. My impression is that quite a number of cases where
either is chosen can be greatly improved and actually simplified by
choosing a different loop condition. My 0.02EUR...

Tell that Matz & Co.

,----[ ruby-1.9$ grep -c goto *.c | grep -v 0 ]
| array.c:2
| bignum.c:11
| class.c:4
| compile.c:18
| dir.c:5
| dln.c:32
| eval.c:3
| file.c:2
| gc.c:12
| io.c:15
| marshal.c:5
| numeric.c:1
| object.c:5
| pack.c:6
| proc.c:1
| process.c:2
| random.c:3
| range.c:2
| re.c:4
| regcomp.c:43
| regerror.c:1
| regexec.c:157
| regparse.c:94
| ruby.c:16
| signal.c:6
| sprintf.c:16
| string.c:8
| thread.c:3
| time.c:5
| util.c:92
| variable.c:3

mfg, simon .... l

Robert Klemme

* Robert Klemme said:
And, does it feel better? For me it does - for Knuth apparently not. I
haven't felt the need for a goto in ages. I also rarely use continue
and break in loops. My impression is that quite a number of cases where
either is chosen can be greatly improved and actually simplified by
choosing a different loop condition. My 0.02EUR...

Tell that Matz & Co.

,----[ ruby-1.9$ grep -c goto *.c | grep -v 0 ]

Last time I checked C did not have exceptions. Without looking at the
exact locations that fact alone might attribute for quite a few of them:

File ruby/ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c
5 100.00% err

File ruby/ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c
3 100.00% err

File ruby/ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c
3 100.00% err

File ruby/bignum.c
8 72.73% bad
1 9.09% bignum
1 9.09% bigparse
1 9.09% out_of_range

"goto", "break" et al aren't bad in itself like to tool is, but it is
like a sharp knife which can do damage more easily when handled
carelessly than an edgeless knife. Also, often a sharp knife is not the
right tool either, like, when you want to fasten a screw.

I do say though that a lot of code I see (and have to change) has
"break" and "continue" in there and becomes easier to read and
understand once you take them out. I do have to concede that in the
past of my company there was one guy who wrote exceptionally bad code.

Looking a bit further at label counts in goto.c:

File ruby/regex.c
39 51.32% fail
4 5.26% numeric_char
4 5.26% invalid_escape
4 5.26% nofinalize
3 3.95% end_of_pattern
3 3.95% restore_best_regs
3 3.95% repeat
3 3.95% normal_char
2 2.63% too_big
2 2.63% memory_exhausted
2 2.63% invalid_pattern
1 1.32% nested_meta
1 1.32% on_failure
1 1.32% unfetch_interval
1 1.32% advance
1 1.32% startpos_adjust
1 1.32% begbuf_match
1 1.32% range_retry

Of course, a state machine is special in a way. Like a parser, which is
typically generated:

File ruby/parse.c
6 8.70% decode_num
6 8.70% trailing_uc
5 7.25% retry
4 5.80% again
4 5.80% eof
3 4.35% yyerrlab
3 4.35% yynewstate
3 4.35% error
3 4.35% yyoverflowlab
2 2.90% yyerrorlab
2 2.90% yyerrlab1
2 2.90% id_regist
2 2.90% gvar
2 2.90% quoted
2 2.90% ternary
2 2.90% yyreduce
2 2.90% escaped
2 2.90% yybackup
2 2.90% yyreturn
2 2.90% id
2 2.90% yydefault
1 1.45% yysetstate
1 1.45% new_id
1 1.45% quotation
1 1.45% yyacceptlab
1 1.45% yyabortlab
1 1.45% start_num
1 1.45% octal_number
1 1.45% newline

If you want to do it yourself, here's the quickly hacked gotolyzer(TM):

Robert@Babelfish2 /c/TEMP
$ cat gotolyzer.rb
#!/bin/env ruby

ARGV << "." if ARGV.empty?

ARGV.each do |dir|
Dir[dir + "/**/*.{h,c}"].each do |file|
cnt = Hash.new 0
File.read(file).scan(%r{\bgoto\b\s+([^\s;]+)}) do |m|
cnt[m] += 1
unless cnt.empty?
puts "File #{file}"
sum = 0
cnt.sort_by {|k,v| sum += v; -v}.each do |label, count|
printf "%5d %5.2f%% %s\n", count, count * 100.0 / sum, label

Robert@Babelfish2 /c/TEMP

You couldn't do that as elegantly and shortly in C. That's the kind of
sacrifice Phlip mentioned.



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