jacob said:
In the C tutorial for lcc-win32, I have a small chapter
about a debugging implementation of malloc.
Others have commented on the alignment issues, and on
the wisdom of initializing newly-allocated memory to a
"useful" value like all zeroes. I've got a few further
When an allocation is released, consider filling it
with garbage. This may help catch erroneous uses of an
area after it's been freed, as in the famously incorrect
code for freeing a linked list:
for (ptr = head; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
release() leaks the memory that's passed to it, so the
package isn't suitable for debugging programs that churn
through a lot of allocations and releases and expect the
released memory to be recycled. Consider passing released
areas to free(), perhaps not immediately (so the garbage
mentioned above has time to cause damage). You might make
a FIFO list of released areas, and let it grow to a few
thousand entries before handing the oldest to free(). You
might even postpone free() until malloc() returns NULL.
Consider keeping the "metadata" -- addresses, sizes,
and so on -- separate from the allocated data. The idea is to
make the metadata less vulnerable to common off-by-one errors.
(I've used a skip-list with the block address as a key for
this purpose; that's not portable because C doesn't define
comparison between pointers to "unrelated" objects, but it
works for mainstream C implementations.) Maintaining the
metadata separately involves more overhead, but this is, after
all, a debugging package.
Consider adding a sanity-checker that visits all the
allocated areas and checks their signatures for signs of
damage. Making the checker callable by the user can help in
"wolf fence" debugging. If sufficiently desperate, sanity-
check at every transaction.
I found it helpful to keep a sequence number in the
metadata for each block, and to let the user program query
the current value. This is useful when tracking down leaks:
open files, initialize libraries, ...
epoch = getCurrentSeqno();
do something that should be memory-neutral ...
... where the final call just traverses all the allocations
that haven't been freed, reporting any whose sequence numbers
are greater than `epoch'.