Mark said:
FWIW, I don't object to the keyword, I object to the indented block. I
agree that newbies will need to look either up. My only real concern
is that certain suggested syntaxes (mostly the list or tuple forms)
look innocuous enough that newbies may not realize that they've hit
something new. Everything past there seems more and more like simple
The interesting thing here is that it seems that the reason you dislike
the indented block is the reason given for preferring it by those people
who *do* like it -- the fact that it *looks* like normal Python.
Frankly, if a new feature is so radically different from the rest of
Python that it's deemed that it needs to *look* radically different from
the rest of Python for it to be understood... that, to me, suggests that
it's a feature that shouldn't exist in Python. All the criticisms aimed
at the decorate: syntax, ISTM, apply equally well to @pie syntax, except
for the few that are based on indentation level. And on those, *I* at
least feel that it'd be preferable to pattern decorators after existing
language constructs, rather than deliberately breaking all the patterns
that Python has established. I don't see the indented declarations as
any harder to understand that nonindented, @tagged declarations, but I
*do* see them as being much easier to read. And I expect to read a lot
of code, so having something visually jarring seems like setting myself
up for a future full of low-grade anguish.
I see your point about it looking a bit odd that an indented block
contain only declarative statements. However, the @pie mess in front of
function defs looks, to me, to be not just odd, but downright
obfuscatory. It's *much* harder for my eyes to pick out the def and
thus the function name, and all I see is a function body dangling from a
blob of @pies.
Yes, this is personal preference, but it seems that it's a preference
shared by many people -- isn't Python supposed to fit my brain, rather
than forcing my brain into Python's shape? The fact that one can get
used to @pie-syntax doesn't mean it's intuitive. The fact that the
feature is new doesn't mean that we need an entire new code-layout
principle. The differences between class & def, on the one hand, and
try/except & if/else on the other, don't seem to confuse people too
much. I'd rather see the same layout principle applied in a different
way than see an unprecedented and unfamiliar layout principle used in
one or two special cases.
Jeff Shannon
Credit International