["Followup-To:" header set to comp.lang.c.]
I would never presume to suggest that you are not more of an authority
than Adrian Akmajian, who in his chapter on semantics wrote: "Hence, if
a grammar describes a language, part of it must describe meaning, and
thus must contain a semantics."
This is silly. Semantics is not a countable noun, and so the article ``a'' is
inappropriate. Akmajian might not be a native English speaker.
``Must contain a semantics'' is a a lot like saying ``must contain a air''.
The correct usage is ``must contain semantics''. (Better yet, ``must have
semantics''; containment isn't really the best analogy for the
association between a language and semantics).
Also, what he is saying seems somewhat strange (keeping in mind that it's out
of context). A grammar must contains semantics? What?
A language need not have any meaning; a grammar describes only syntax which is
devoid of meaning in and of itself. A grammar must be augmented with meaning in
order for the resulting language to have any. Otherwise all it does is
describe, in a condensed way, the set of possible strings of symbols that may
be generated (or parsed).
Of course the /description/ of a grammar has semantics: it is expressed in the
form of written phrase structure rules and those rules have a meaning; their
meaning is that they express a system of symbol rewriting. (Is what Akmajian
means here by the grammar having semantics?)
But that usually not the semantics that we are talking about when discussing
syntax and semantics with respect to some language. Of /course/ the tools
we are using, and the language in which we are discussing, have their own
(_Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication_, MIT
Press, 1st ed. 1979
229; 5th ed. 2001: p.228). If Akmajian were still
alive, I imagine you could teach him a thing or two.
Sure, like perhaps how to to properly ask for directions from the airport
to the linguistic institute.