Mark Lawrence
Le jeudi 20 juin 2013 13:43:28 UTC+2, MRAB a écrit :
And all these coding schemes have something in common,
they work all with a unique set of code points, more
precisely a unique set of encoded code points (not
the set of implemented code points (byte)).
Just what the flexible string representation is not
doing, it artificially devides unicode in subsets and try
to handle eache subset differently.
On this other side, that is because it is impossible to
work properly with multiple sets of encoded code points
that all these coding schemes exist today. There are simply
no other way.
Even "exotic" schemes like "CID-fonts" used in pdf
are based on that scheme.
I entirely agree with the viewpoints of jmfauth, Nick the Greek, rr,
Xah Lee and Ilias Lazaridis on the grounds that disagreeing and stating
my beliefs ends up with the Python Mailing List police standing on my
back doorsetep. Give me the NSA or GCHQ any day of the week
"Steve is going for the pink ball - and for those of you who are
watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green." Snooker
commentator 'Whispering' Ted Lowe.
Mark Lawrence