Joe Wright said:
I think I read that after several ...
.... million ...
.. years, the computer calculated that 42
was indeed the answer ...
.... to the question of 'life, the universe and everything',
but that the question was flawed. Much too
esoteric for me anymore.
The computer (*Deep Thought*) that had calculated the answer had
warned its creators that his answer would not please them,
because they were not really aware of the question.
But he had already constructed a massively greater, faster,
better computer to calculate the question to this answer.
This computer was - or is, for that matter - called:
'*The Earth*'
Us mere humans were/are/have been/will be an integral part of
the organic matrix of that computer, which, by the way, was run
by the most intelligent species on earth; no, not humans nor
dolphins, but mice. Unfortunately, shortly before the completion
of the calculation, earth was (will have been destroyed - it's
not easy to talk of the future as something from the past - look
up temporal grammar in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
destroyed to make place for an interplanetary hyperspace-
express-route by the Vogons.
Know where your towel is and:
Don't panic!
hth, Markus