A Stupid question.


John W. Kennedy

Goodness gracious! You boys really have your nylons in a knot!

So -- basically you're arguing that you're just a harmless little
fluffy-bunny-minded female, and we shouldn't blame you if you're wrong?

John Bokma

Purl said:
Mark Clements wrote:

Is that so?

Google will display close to three-hundred-thousand
entries which disagree with you.

Results 1 - 10 of about 15,500 for mastrubate
Results 1 - 10 of about 388,000 for masterbate

Your point is?
Perhaps you are confusing technological jargon
with the the Queen's proper English?

You got a reference on that?

John Bokma

Purl said:
John Bokma wrote:
Computer virii is such widespread common knowledge,
a person would have to be dumb to not know of
computer virii, and exceptionally dumb to not
take precautionary measures for protection.

Most people even don't know what a normal virus is, nor
what the difference is between a normal virus and a computer virus. If
you are able to grasp some idea doesn't mean you are smart, nor others
not able to understand it, dumb.
Computer virii, in themselves, are not impressive.

Nor are millions of lines of computer code to me, nor are neural
networks, nor are genetic algorithms. What's the point?

To some people (only a few) the work of Einstein is not impressive.
"Your Ebay account is about to be terminated unless
you send me your logon and password."

Sometimes people go to a doctor with a problem. The doctor says: don't
worry, it is just an innocent thing, it will go away in three weeks. Two
weeks later, the patient is dead.
Have to be dumb to be so gullible.

You have a serious personality problem when thinking that.
True, there are new virii which take all by surprise,

Isn't that "dumb" in your world view?

Charlton Wilbur

PG> Yes, I am. However, only when being a pedantic person affords
PG> me a chance to annoy you boys! Some may accuse me of being
PG> friggin' fickle. I am simply annoying.

Straight from the horse's mouth (or the horse's ass). You heard it
here first, folks.


John Bokma

John said:
"john bokma" 526

Results 1 - 10 of about 175 for "dolphins are fish".
Results 1 - 10 of about 149 for "dolphins aren't fish"

John (smelling something fishy)

Charlton Wilbur

PH> Thank you for your insightful comment. How could my life be
PH> complete without a spelling lawyer, btw virii has a usage as
PH> the plural of virus going back to the 1990s and no one but a
PH> pedant has problems with this.

Using *virii as the plural of virus is the mark of someone who really,
desperately wants to be cool and elite but who can't quite manage it.
As such, it pleases me when people use the word 'virii'; it's a likely
indicator that they should have their bozo bit set.


John Bokma

Purl said:
Andre Wisniewski wrote:


"men are stupid" 5,700
"women are stupid" 1,800

820 for "women are smart"
2,670 for "men are smart"

so, there are more stupid men than women, BUT there are also more smart
men than women :-D.

Peter Hickman

Geoff said:
And there are 5,550,000 entries for "viruses" so if your criterion
for correct usage is frequency of occurrence, then viruses wins.

Language doesn't work like that, unless you are a school teacher.
English especially. A language can and will contain variant spelling of
many words (is it thru or through?) and real people have no problem with
this. Even dictionary compilers have no problems with it.

That just leaves the anally retentive language lawyers.
The Queen has nothing to do with it. Virus is Latin.
See below.

Again this is not how language works. What is the plural of octopus?
The dictionaries records 'octopi', however octopus is a Greek word and
should take a Greek ending; 'octopodes' but it has a Latinate ending -
tough; your petty rule is broken, get over it.

A language, its vocabulary, its grammar, its conventions, are all
arrived at by common usage even if this means accommodating multiple
spelling and overlapping usage.

And then there is jargon (professional or slang, it matters not).

Peter Hickman

Charlton said:
PH> Thank you for your insightful comment. How could my life be
PH> complete without a spelling lawyer, btw virii has a usage as
PH> the plural of virus going back to the 1990s and no one but a
PH> pedant has problems with this.

Using *virii as the plural of virus is the mark of someone who really,
desperately wants to be cool and elite but who can't quite manage it.
As such, it pleases me when people use the word 'virii'; it's a likely
indicator that they should have their bozo bit set.


No, you are thinking of -> \/1211

Hey could this be the first usage of such a spelling, should I patent it?

Matt Garrish

Peter Hickman said:
Language doesn't work like that, unless you are a school teacher.
English especially. A language can and will contain variant spelling of
many words (is it thru or through?) and real people have no problem with
this. Even dictionary compilers have no problems with it.

So, according to you, b4 is a word? And it doesn't matter if you use there,
their or they're, because intended meaning overrides poor grammar? There is
an English plural for virus, it's viruses. You can use virii all you want,
but it just shows that you have a poor grasp of the language.


Ben Morrow

Quoth Peter Hickman said:
Language doesn't work like that, unless you are a school teacher.

Language *does* work like that. The correct plural of a word (in a given
dialect) is that which people use. People (except pretentious idiots) do
not use 'virii'.
English especially. A language can and will contain variant spelling of
many words (is it thru or through?

'through'. 'thru' is an invention of that illiterate idiot Noah Webster.
Again this is not how language works. What is the plural of octopus?
The dictionaries records 'octopi', however octopus is a Greek word and
should take a Greek ending; 'octopodes' but it has a Latinate ending -
tough; your petty rule is broken, get over it.

This is correct, of course. While a word or usage is still young in the
language, it is permissible to argue about this or that being right or
wrong according to its derivation; once it has become 'fixed', what
people say is right.



No, you are thinking of -> \/1211

Hey could this be the first usage of such a spelling, should I patent

Awwww shame - you should have got us all to sign a non-disclosure
agreement first, now it's public domain ;)

Seriously people, grab a sense of humour (sorry - English spelling) from
somewhere - purl's giggling over there is driving me nuts.

Mark Clements

CodeSprite said:
Awwww shame - you should have got us all to sign a non-disclosure
agreement first, now it's public domain ;)

Seriously people, grab a sense of humour (sorry - English spelling) from
somewhere - purl's giggling over there is driving me nuts.

Lucky I didn't mention the dirty knife.

Peter Hickman

Matt said:
So, according to you, b4 is a word? And it doesn't matter if you use there,
their or they're, because intended meaning overrides poor grammar? There is
an English plural for virus, it's viruses. You can use virii all you want,
but it just shows that you have a poor grasp of the language.

As long as people understand me then it does not matter, even the
pedants know what virii and b4 mean. Thus we have common understanding
of a these words. Language is communication and 'virii' and 'b4' allow
communication. If I were to use 'sdkjfa' you would be on stronger ground
to say it was not a word but you understand 'virii' and 'b4' and your
understanding is the same as mine. Communication! That is what language
is all about, not rules.

If you are young enough and die of old age then you will see the
emergence of the word 'thankyou', just the same way that 'goodbye' came
into being.

And if you want to go on about how 'thankyou' is not a propper word just
remember that 'goodbye' is.

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