James Britt
...James said:My experience has been the opposite.
At my wife's company, they spend a significant portion of everyday
importing raw text reports from their database into Excel for various
uses. Some of the reports do not go into Excel well at all. A large
chunk of most employee's day is spent cleaning up these reports, by
hand. (I'm considering one of these reports for a future Ruby Quiz, if
that gives you any idea how wonky they can be.)
My experience is that I use REs on a sporadic basis, and tend to learn
and remember just enough to get a task done. But by the time I need to
write another RE, if it isn't something trivial, I have to go looking
for docs and such. And the docs often do not explain how to do certain
things, or tell me if it is even possible.
(An example: Can I write an RE that tells me if a given string contains
all substrings in a given set of substrings, irrespective of the order
of the substrings in either the target string or the set of substrings? )
But, to be fair, some of these sorts of requests may be beyond a basic
cookbook or newbie intro Web page. So, it's either get the O"Reilly
book, post a question, or hack away.
In general, I don't really care if people are too lazy to look things
up, if they don't make it a regular habit and overrun the list. I
scan message headers, do a sort of triage for attention, and ignore
many, many things. Pretty painless. So, stupid questions are welcome.
(I'd hate to feel reluctant to ask a stupid question myself; I have too
many of them.)
One a side note, I wonder what it would take to write a domain language,
parable by Ruby, that let one write REs in plain-ish English? Maybe
take some of the mystery out of regular expressions for most of the
common cases. (Or would that just get people dependent on too much