Lawrence Krubner
David said:David Mark wrote:
I know. Some dumbshits would actually measure all the way to thetop
of the HTML and then try to work backwards to the positioned body.
Some might even recommend such an approach to newcomers (possibly with
a version of a debunked script that they themselves haven't even
used.) Nothing surprises me anymore.
And, as you know, theirs looks suspiciously like my take, just years
too late. If I am the one who designed the box and I tell you the box
isn't worth getting into, what does that mean to you? Remember what I
said about browser sniffing, attributes vs. properties, etc.? AmI
wrong on this one or shouldn't you be listening?
What I understand you are saying is that the jQuery offsets plugin was
inspired by code you wrote. Did I get that right?
What plugin? I am talking about the offset function in the jQuery
If I understand you correctly: Why do you think so?
It is obvious.Apparently, according to you, it is not obvious that we are talking
about the same thing.
I only know of one thing and that is what I was talking about. I
assumed you were talking about something else.
.......In fact, we are talking about the same thing. jquery offset was a plugin
before it became part of core. Calling jQuery.fn.offset a "plugin" was
not the best way to communicate what I was talking about.
Those long-winded offset.* properties are figured by styling and
injecting created DIV's and then measuring their computed styles
against expected outcomes. My last (and most absurdly unneeded)
version of this function, which had evolved since before the turn of
the century, did the same thing in the same way with similarly named
variables. Why they are exposing these properties to outside
intervention is anyone's guess though.
So mine was published in February of last year. It was discussed here
and certainly compared to jQuery at some point. In fact, this is one
of the functions that Matt Kruse kept demanding that I publish to
"prove" that I could write better code than Resig (as if that
mattered.) Resig himself asked where my version of this was when I
first panned his script. You think he suddenly lost interest two
months later? Another demand was the also unneeded getAttribute
wrapper, which was apparently less than inspirational.
Why don't you just publish your scripts as a library then? If people
like your ideas, then your library will become popular. There is a lot
of competition out there, among the various libraries. The good rises
to the top. Surely offering something to the public would be more
useful than griping about other people's work? How much of your life
do you really want to spend posting to comp.lang.javascript, ranting
about the degree to which your ideas are better than everyone else's?