access denied using mywindow.moveTo() ?



Le 04/05/11 08:06, (e-mail address removed) a écrit :
Not sure what you mean re the 850ko?

850 kilos of octets (seems to be bytes in English ?)
whom at least 5 or 6 hundreds kilos of JS code

Poids de la page -
Documents (1 fichier) 4 Ko (14 Ko sans compression)
Images (8 fichiers) 150 Ko
Objects (0 fichiers)
Scripts (11 fichiers) 382 Ko (397 Ko sans compression) 212 Ko 100 Ko 19 Ko
13 Ko 11 Ko (26 Ko sans compression) 11 Ko 11 Ko 3 Ko 1 Ko 431 o
253 octets (314 octets sans compression)
Feuilles de styles (6 fichiers) 15 Ko (15 Ko sans compression)

*Total 552 Ko (577 Ko sans compression)*
.... and without Flash and audios files possibly called by JS

You can get the compressed file at jquery (actual version: 1.6)
as you can use the compressed one for SoundManager

I've used

<a href=""
onclick="target='display'"> etc

is this what you think is the best way?

By our days it's of good practice to do not force opening new windows.
I think that that code allows to open in same or not window or tab
(right-click on the link).
The best being to leave visitors doing what they want when clicking a link.

<a href="">your teacher</a>


Le 04/05/11 08:06, (e-mail address removed) a écrit :

850 kilos of octets (seems to be bytes in English ?)
whom at least 5 or 6 hundreds kilos of JS code

Poids de la page -
Documents (1 fichier) 4 Ko (14 Ko sans compression)
Images (8 fichiers) 150 Ko
Objects (0 fichiers)
Scripts (11 fichiers) 382 Ko (397 Ko sans compression) 212 Ko 100 Ko 19 Ko
13 Ko 11 Ko (26 Ko sans compression) 11 Ko 11 Ko 3 Ko 1 Ko 431 o
253 octets (314 octets sans compression)
Feuilles de styles (6 fichiers) 15 Ko (15 Ko sans compression)

*Total 552 Ko (577 Ko sans compression)*
... and without Flash and audios files possibly called by JS

You can get the compressed file at jquery (actual version: 1.6)
as you can use the compressed one for SoundManager

By our days it's of good practice to do not force opening new windows.
I think that that code allows to open in same or not window or tab
(right-click on the link).
The best being to leave visitors doing what they want when clicking a link.

<a href="">your teacher</a>

Many thanks - will take note!




Erwin Moller wrote on 04 mei 2011 in comp.lang.javascript:
If you want to be more friendly to visitors with JavaScript disabled,
you could place at least an image in that section with a hyperlink to
view all the images.

I never met one.

Perhaps they are only visible to me with javascript enabled?

Are they a kind of aliens,
and not life-as-we-from-clj-know-it,
so we can shoot them without remorse?

Would this detection-code help?

<img src='noScriptDetector.asp' style='width:0;'>

See, they are not even 3-dimensional.

Seriously now, I never knowingly met one.

Erwin Moller

which is the worst?!

JQuery is very popular, but has lots of issues.
You can scan this very group for many postings on the subject.
David Mark did post a few in-depth messages (a lot actually) concerning
JQuery. So looking for both JQuery and David Mark will get you started.

I must warn you: the technical level of most of the discussions/issues
is probably over your head (I know it is over my head most of the time).

Bottomline: JQuery always has failures on almost on any browser
(including new versions of existing one, like IE8 -> IE9) that is
released. The makers of JQuery then have to fix their code to make it
work (more or less) on that new browser.

For you as a developer that means you have to explain to your clients
why you have to fix the code so often. Possibly it is a good move
business wise to use JQuery, you'll always have things to fix. ;-)

Disclaimer: I am no JavaScript expert.
This is the impression I got by reading many discussions in here
concerning JQuery.

Erwin Moller


Nisse =?utf-8?Q?Engstr=C3=B6m?= wrote on 05 mei 2011 in
We do exist.

Maybe, I never met you, at least knowingly.

I do not want to programme extra for nosctiptians,
except googlebot, ofcourse.

What interest have you got in this NG, btw.


Stefan Weiss wrote on 07 mei 2011 in comp.lang.javascript:
Do we really need to discuss this any further?

You seem not to understand Usenet. On usenet you are not obliged to
Unless JavaScript is an
integral part of your content (such as a game or a mobile app or a
specialized web app), you start by building a basic static document
layout, preferably without any CSS.

Oh, yes?

Methinks not.

Perhaps it is the adagium of your tutor, but this is not a truth, anyone
builds pages the way he or she likes best.
When that works, you can add
styles, images and scripts to enhance the user experience and the look
and feel of your site. Doing it the other way around is not a good

It is just a way of doing things, there are miriad ways of doing things.
I thought that was common knowledge in this group.

So it kannot be common knowledge to the fact, because it is not a fact.

It could be communis opinio, quod non, but communis opinio is common
opinion, not common knowledge.

The whole idea of "best way" propagation to others must be common opinion
in this ng to be nonsense.

[perhaps perhaps that jquery is shit ;-) ]

Stefan, I do not think clientside javascript to be dangerous on the web
for my personal use, so I do not do <noscript>.

Some graceful degradation I adopt in my clintside programming,
espessially by adopting serverside equivalents where possible.

But I repeat, I never knowingly met one in the flesh.

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