Adding a search to a site



Where do I start to look about indexing our site and providing its own
search engine - just started using php to try to get the site under
control. - I took it over just over a year ago and am fighting it
As I may be in the same sort'v position shortly, can I pick your brains? - what did you
find yourself doing mainly, and/or in what order? (VERY broad question, and I appreciate
that every situation is different, but anything you can suggest would be welcome.)

Toby A Inkster


Titus A Ducksass

On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 00:08:14 +0100,
As I may be in the same sort'v position shortly, can I pick your brains? - what did you
find yourself doing mainly, and/or in what order? (VERY broad question, and I appreciate
that every situation is different, but anything you can suggest would be welcome.)
Doh. where does one start. - only now am I able to start automating
the site. For one year, I was not allowed to change anything other
than content - none of which was databased.

Constantly having to re-write the home page/index/sitemap/fix broken
links because all pages were hard coded with the same menu, all pages
had the same roll over events / images.

The site was written very precisely so that every page looked the same
- 26 a-z buttons - 26 a-z hover buttons 26 a-z button pressed buttons.
Not to mention the active menu /hover/pressed buttons.

Took me a year just to get most of the pages 'A' [SENDA / DDA]

AND, global replace was not an option...

The one area I am glad about is the ability to use include files and a
database of information that can be extracted.

Watch out for dynamic pages that ought to be dynamic static pages to
help withserver strain - does the data change often enough to need to
be dynamic or can it wait for an hour or 12 - use copy a page to
generate static copies of the dynamic pages and update using cron when

I am still a beginner at this - check the library, post explicit
questions AND - HAVE FUN!!!, Learn from your mistakes - NO 1, learn
how to include base files.


"Toby A Inkster"
Thanks to the numerous people who have pointed this out. Seems to be a
bizarre bug in IE's XML parsing engine, but I *think* I have found a
workaround. Could somebody with IE please compare:



(Win98, IE6) -- Both pages give an error message right now. Here's the

The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using CSS style sheet. Please correct the error and
then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

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