Mingnan G.
- I notice that the _hnxgc_assign_lptr function is made up of more than an
interlocked update, or simple distributed reference count increment. I
notice at multiple lines of code that makes calls into other object
functions made up of multiple lines of code themselves.
Yes, basically _hnxgc_assign_lptr is handling that a new reference is
assigned to a CLockedPtr pointer. This will include two operations
you notice more than an interlocked update), the first one is to
decrement the
RC of the object that the pointer originally pointed to, the second
one is
to increment the RC of the object that the pointer will point to
Note: assign a CLockedPtr to another CLockedPtr will not cause any
RC operation, so will not execute the _hnxgc_assign_lptr function.
I give an example, suppose two pointers: 'p1' points to 'A', 'p2'
points to 'B',
'p1' is a CLockedPtr pointer, then considering the following C++
p1 = p2;
(1) if 'p2' is alos a CLockedPtr pointer, then there is no RC
operation, no
calling to _hnxgc_assign_lptr function.
(2) if 'p2' is other type of pointer, such as CWeakPtr, CMemberPtr,
then the
_hnxgc_assign_lptr is called. It will complete following works:
a. increment the RC of object 'B';
b. decrement the RC of object 'A'.
c. set the pointer 'p1' pointing to 'B';
- I notice that the _hnxgc_assign_mptr function has more lines than
_hnxgc_assign_lptr, and it does make calls to functions made up of multiple
lines of code.
the situation _hnxgc_assign_mptr is like _hnxgc_assign_lptr. It also
include a
RC decrement and a RC increment operation.
- Mingnan Guo