rob.02004 said:
Jay, what jEdit quirks are causing you problems? I'm working on the
next release of the Ruby Editor Plugin for jEdit, which along with
method auto-completion for the core Ruby types, will also fix some
quirks in the plugin's parsing of Ruby code.
If you let me know your problems I might be able to get a fix into the
next release if they're related to the plugin.
Nope, not plugin-related at all - I actually haven't been able to really
sit down and code Ruby yet outside the tutorial. But I've started using
jEdit for editing Perl, PHP, HTML stuff, and I keep running into things.
A bunch turned out to be just defaults I didn't like (like the "smart
home" key binding which I removed, or the lack of TAB binding to
reindent). Some are outright bugs, like the seemingly-intentional
unsupport for page-at-a-time wheel scrolling (tracker #1189908), or the
fact that comment-blocks don't work in Perl mode. And a bunch are just
poor UI choices, like double-clicking closing a tab, or the inability to
memorize passwords, or the odd way that you have to escape from
incremental-search mode, or the lack of modifier-free keyboard shortcuts
in Yes/No dialog boxes, or the inability to rename buffers, or the lack
of indenting in HTML mode, or, or, etc.
It's almost as quirky as xemacs, though in very different and less
fundamental ways, and certainly Java will be easier for me to learn and
fix than LISP was. I'm sure I can hack and plugin jEdit to where it
functions as I want it; it's just a shame that it's not cleaner by now.
Eclipse looks (at first blush) to be much nicer, but the whole
"project" model is incredibly intrusive when all I want to do is edit a
file remotely, so it looks like jEdit will stay as my default choice for