[ANN] Bootstrapping Ruby with MinGW: selfhosted and test sandbox!


Michal Suchanek

I have read something about pure ruby readline on this list. There's
something on RAA but the linked site is down.
hmm, I found a rreadline-0.5.4.tar.gz on a FreeBSD mirror.
adding the rreadline folder to site_ruby and a writing readline.rb as follows:

require 'rreadline/RReadline'

fixes the 100% CPU usage for me, at least in irb.



Luis Lavena

hmm, I found a rreadline-0.5.4.tar.gz on a FreeBSD mirror.
adding the rreadline folder to site_ruby and a writing readline.rb as follows:

require 'rreadline/RReadline'

fixes the 100% CPU usage for me, at least in irb.

The CPU usage problem is related to constant pooling. This has been
solved in Ruby SVN repository, and is included in the build I created.

Anyway, the pure readline (InLine) is not a direct match, but the one
you mention could be.

I'll take a look to this during the weekend.


Gordon Thiesfeld

The readline that comes with installer3.zip works fine for me in irb,
it's just the test that hangs. Is that what others are seeing? Maybe
this is a naive question, but could the test be implemented in a
different manner? It seems to me that this is more of an IO
redirection problem than a readline problem.

I certainly don't have any solutions, I'm just trying to understand the problem.



Luis Lavena

The readline that comes with installer3.zip works fine for me in irb,
it's just the test that hangs. Is that what others are seeing? Maybe
this is a naive question, but could the test be implemented in a
different manner? It seems to me that this is more of an IO
redirection problem than a readline problem.

Is the IO redirection with readline, nothing more, nothing less.

The issue is that tests cannot run successfully until that issue get

SO I cannot add MinGW build of Ruby to our CI...
I certainly don't have any solutions, I'm just trying to understand the problem.

Don't worry, I still don't understand i neihter :p



Hey Luis,

I've been working on trying to do a MinGW environment, so that I can
work on a MinGW Compile of wxRuby for Windows. The only thing I have
to say, is congrats, and you have made my day! The sandbox
development environment that you setup with the rakefiles, is exactly
what I needed, so desperately. Thank you so much for this, I'm
running the rake for installer3, to get everything I need setup. I
seriously recommend that you setup a OCI just for the Development
Environment itself! MinGW and MSys has unfortunatly come up short for
me on many occasions on trying to get a full compiler environment
setup on Windows, that I'm use to on Linux, through their installers,
and setups. If things work the way that I believe they are going to,
this is going to make my day!

Keep up the good work, (Especially for us developers who are less then
familiar with trying to get Ruby going, let alone work on our own
Extensions! LOL)


Mario Steele
wxRuby Senior Developer
Website: http://wxruby.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl
Rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/wxruby

wxRIDE Creator / Senior Developer
Website: http://wxride.trilake.net
Rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/wxride

Hello List,

I'm happy to announce that huge progress (hack-a-ton) was made this
weekend to bring a new implementation of One-Click Installer for

This test version is based on the rake recipes I commented on previous
posts [1], and it download MinGW, MSYS and some Ruby dependencies to
get a working Ruby implementation using MinGW (i386-mingw32 platform).

I've packaged Ruby 1.8.6 (revision 15830) as 7zip package (2.7MB). You
can download it form the following URL:


The project and the recipes code can be downloaded from here:


I'll like to point a few things before everyone start using this ruby


All the enhancements got here will be injected back in the new version
of One-Click Installer for Windows.


1) Pre-built gems for i386-mswin32 are not compatible with this build
of ruby. You'll require to download sources of your favorite gems.

If you haven't created the sandbox environment using the recipes, you
can grab the baked mingw+msys sandbox from installer3 URL. You need to
put MinGW binaries and MSYS binaries in the PATH (in that order)
before firing the gem install or any build procedure.

2) Don't expect Rails, Mongrel, Merb, Sqlite3 or "name your favorite
gem" will work with this release out of the box (hey, this is not even
a release!).

3) The package contains the bare minimum stuff to serve as self
hosting environment:

Ruby 1.8.6
Zlib 1.2.3
OpenSSL 0.9.7c
Readline 5.2
Iconv alternative
RubyGems 1.0.1

Nothing more, nothing less.

4) Readline is still broken. I removed the readline tests from the
check procedure to continue working on this (was stuck for two months
without feedback). If you wanna help, search for my previous posts
about this issue.

For CI information:
1760 tests, 1343436 assertions, 2 failures, 0 errors

5) GNU Utils are a nightmare to get it working or find proper builds
for Windows. following _why advice [2], opted for win_iconv which
seems working (but there aren't tests for it).

6) Microsoft Installer (MSI) recipes are still missing. Future
releases will be use WiX tools and will provide patches between

7) Contributions are highly welcome! I'm using Bazaar as VCS since
Windows support for Git (the new cool tool) is still behind...

Remember: everything shown here will became part of the next One-Click
Installer. As you can see, I'm trying to keep it to the minimum. Later
we can discuss "addons" or different versions that are target
different usage scenarios.

Check my blog [2] for upcoming hack-a-ton dates and keep an eye on
#ruby-lang if you wanna help ;-)

Regards and everybody have a nice week!

Luis Lavena
Multimedia systems
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn
the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams

Tim Hunter

Luis said:
Hello List,

I'm happy to announce that huge progress (hack-a-ton) was made this
weekend to bring a new implementation of One-Click Installer for

Just in one evening I've been able to get everything installed and built
and use the resulting version of Ruby to build RMagick. Very nice!

I had to scratch my head a bit before I figured out what changes I
needed to make to my PATH but other than that everything went very smoothly.

This says good things about...well...everything, actually. Good work,
Luis, and thanks! I'm looking forward to being able to rely on this
environment for Ruby on Windows.

Luis Lavena

Just in one evening I've been able to get everything installed and built
and use the resulting version of Ruby to build RMagick. Very nice!

Wow, thats excellent news! Is great to know that RMagick works on
I had to scratch my head a bit before I figured out what changes I
needed to make to my PATH but other than that everything went very smoothly.

Hehehe, yeah, it still lacks a bit of *cough* documentation *cough* :-

These recipes will be used to create One-Click Ruby Installer and also
the Developer Kit I commented in my blog [1]

The idea is those gem developers or users that requires compilation in
any sort, can download and get a developement compiler more faster
than figure out MinGW setup and all that pain :p
This says good things about...well...everything, actually. Good work,
Luis, and thanks! I'm looking forward to being able to rely on this
environment for Ruby on Windows.

Thank you!, I'm looking forward for this too!

Next step involves the creation of Windows Installers to be a real
"one-click" installation solution ;-)

[1] http://blog.mmediasys.com/2008/03/29/progress-of-one-click-installer-rubyinstaller

Thank you for your time, kind words and perseverance!

Luis Lavena

Hey Luis,

I've been working on trying to do a MinGW environment, so that I can
work on a MinGW Compile of wxRuby for Windows. The only thing I have
to say, is congrats, and you have made my day! The sandbox
development environment that you setup with the rakefiles, is exactly
what I needed, so desperately. Thank you so much for this, I'm
running the rake for installer3, to get everything I need setup. I
seriously recommend that you setup a OCI just for the Development
Environment itself!

Another great news!, wow, now three major extensions/gems that works
with MinGW build!

wxRuby, RMagick and Ruby-GNOME (comment on my blog [1])

This is excellent!
MinGW and MSys has unfortunatly come up short for
me on many occasions on trying to get a full compiler environment
setup on Windows, that I'm use to on Linux, through their installers,
and setups. If things work the way that I believe they are going to,
this is going to make my day!

Yeah, getting a MinGW environment is a real pain. I tried create it
manually several times that got tired and wrote the first rake tasks
to do it for me ;-)
Keep up the good work, (Especially for us developers who are less then
familiar with trying to get Ruby going, let alone work on our own
Extensions! LOL)

Hehehe, I will :-D

[1] http://blog.mmediasys.com/2008/03/29/progress-of-one-click-installer-rubyinstaller/


andy sipe

I couldn't agree more. Thanks for all your efforts Luis!!


<The fact is, actually getting a performant stable interpreter on the
platform would probably do more for the language than any other single
action. Of course OCI download numbers from rubyforge can easily
attest to this.>

Roger Pack

The CPU usage problem is related to constant pooling. This has been
solved in Ruby SVN repository, and is included in the build I created.
downloading r15977 seems to still have the 100% readline problem. Is
there a better version to use?

Roger Pack

Luis said:
Hello List,

I'm happy to announce that huge progress (hack-a-ton) was made this
weekend to bring a new implementation of One-Click Installer for

I saw a post saying an rmagick mingw gem was available. Any word on how
we can get it, or how to compile it?

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