Nathaniel Talbott
Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason,
There is no fundamental reason tests should be ordered alphabetically.
demonstrated that it's only too easy to order tests any way I want, so
I know
alphabetic is not out of necessity. So then, what reason or principle
determines that tests should be run alphabetically? I see none. Is
there a
reason and/or principal that says they must be run with that order?
tell me if there is, and I'll retract.
Early in test/unit's life, test order was arbitrary (well, OK, they
were actually run in the order that Module#public_instance_methods
returned them... but that was pretty arbitrary). In general, this was
not a bad thing, because unit tests that are dependent on test order
are a pretty serious code smell. However, PragDave pointed out that
adding a bit more predictability would be a good thing, so I started
sorting the methods alphabetically. This allows one to order test
methods via naming 'hacks', but they feel like hacks. Some people don't
like that, but I consider it to be a feature, because THEY ARE hacks.
So yes, I can agree that sorting alphabetically is a fairly arbitrary
decision (although I can't think of another order I would prefer in its
place). However, the choice to not make ordering an important part of
test/unit's function is not arbitrary. The only other ordering I have
really considered adding random order, with the seed being printed out
each run so that results can be duplicated. That would be useful for
removing inter-test dependencies, while most other orderings I can
think of would encourage them.
As I've watched the uses of test/unit grow and change over time, I've
also considered adding more ability to run tests in specific orders...
however, this is because I see test/unit being used in various places
at an acceptance (or customer) testing level, where those needs are
much more legitimate. It's a challenge to introduce something like
that, though, and still encourage good unit testing practices. Perhaps
it's time for test/accept?
Anyhow, I'm glad that Sean has released this new library... it will
only make test/unit better (I've already gleaned a few ideas from it).
And when I get a chance to overhaul the test/unit documentation, part
of the overhaul will be an attempt to communicate not just what
test/unit does, but also what it doesn't do, and why.
Terralien, Inc.