trans. (T. Onoma)
19:30AM +0900, Charles Hixson wrote:
| > Similarly, if user defineable operators become a part of the language,
| > nobody will be required to use them.
| I'll just chime in once, to say I support Hal's view, which he expressed
| very eloquently.
| I realise that I am treading on somewhat dangerous water here, in that I
| have been involved in other threads on things like method call versus block
| call semantics. I'm not saying the language cannot be improved, and I'm
| equally sure a lot of user input and suggestions over the last ten or
| eleven years have helped make 1.8.x as good as it is.
| However, ISTM that what's being described here is a substantially different
| language to Ruby. Sure, there is some intellectual satisfaction in the
| exercise; you can continue down this route making the language somehow more
| 'flexible' or 'pure' or 'minimalist' or whatever - like removing instance
| variables altogether and replacing them with closures. It would be
| interesting to see what the smallest subset of Ruby is that can bootstrap
| up to the full feature set. Maybe it would end up looking like Lisp (or
| Eiffel, Smalltalk, Haskell or many other languages mentioned here as
| comparatives before which I don't know or use)
| However, Matz has been doing the language-design exercise for more than 10
| years, and most of us are very happy with what he's produced. This idea has
| probably been floated and considered in the past. If it's not in the
| language, probably it doesn't fit his overall world view of what the
| language should look like. Draw your own conclusions from his silence on
| this thread, and on the likelihood of this feature ever making it into the
| core.
| > If it doesn't do anything important, it will be
| > forgotten.
| If it doesn't do anything important, then it shouldn't have been added in
| the first place. ISTM that user-defined operators are nothing more than
| syntactic sugar, which Ruby has plenty of already, and add nothing that
| can't be done with a handful more keystrokes. I'd rather see discussion on
| language semantics, which can make life substantially easier or harder when
| programming.
| > If it does, then those who find it important will learn how
| > to use that feature. And if someone wants to use two mutually
| > incompatible dialects, then they will need to come up with a way to
| > harmonize them.
| Or just use a different language in the first place, which is more suitable
| to their particular problem domain.
| Ruby matches the problem domains that I deal with very nicely at the
| moment.
| > It shouldn't, and doesn't have to be, an all or nothing kind of thing.
| > It should be a"Use however much you want, and don't complain bitterly if
| > you cut your finger on the bleeding edge. You were warned." kind of
| > thing. Naturally exotic features will have less support.
| The original comment I wrote at this point was:
| "Personally I see Ruby as a stable platform to do real work on, not an
| experimental platform for wannabe language designers."
| But then I realised it sounded bitchy as hell. No offence is intended to
| anyone, so please substitute a less inflammatory statement of your
| choosing.
| Regards,
| Brian.
Know what noise is? Another word for static. Know what static is? Something
that never changes. You know what something that never changes is?
Honestly I sick and tired reading emails about how it is bad bad bad to talk
about changes to Ruby.
Anyone remember this?
| At Tue, 1 Apr 2003 13:08:42 +0900,
| Austin Ziegler wrote:
| > Now, rb_iv_set/rb_iv_get aren't visible from the Ruby side
| > (apparently), but they are visible from the C side. Are there good
| > reasons to not allow this, or can we modify it so that iv_get and
| > iv_set (or better names for them) are available as private methods to
| > go along with instance_variables?
| Kernel#instance_variable_get and #instance_variable_set are
| added in 1.8.
| --
| Nobu Nakada
It's not like matz and the other developers aren't interested and listenting.
If they weren't why would they _ever_ talk to the community about this stuff?
matz is quiet b/c his postion requires that he be very conservative. That
doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't pursue our dreams. Every once in a
while one of those "gets out of the park", and ends up making Ruby better.
Brian, I'm a bit surprised at this given our conversation on Range class. Hal,
I'm not surprised at all. Seems like you bring this up every time a Ruby
suggestion thread (with which you don't agree with, of course) gets any
significant feedback.
Even so, I'm a nice guy. I feel for you. But you can't say I haven't tried
--I've pushed for a separate mailing list for this stuff for, lord knows, how
long now?
| > Similarly, if user defineable operators become a part of the language,
| > nobody will be required to use them.
| I'll just chime in once, to say I support Hal's view, which he expressed
| very eloquently.
| I realise that I am treading on somewhat dangerous water here, in that I
| have been involved in other threads on things like method call versus block
| call semantics. I'm not saying the language cannot be improved, and I'm
| equally sure a lot of user input and suggestions over the last ten or
| eleven years have helped make 1.8.x as good as it is.
| However, ISTM that what's being described here is a substantially different
| language to Ruby. Sure, there is some intellectual satisfaction in the
| exercise; you can continue down this route making the language somehow more
| 'flexible' or 'pure' or 'minimalist' or whatever - like removing instance
| variables altogether and replacing them with closures. It would be
| interesting to see what the smallest subset of Ruby is that can bootstrap
| up to the full feature set. Maybe it would end up looking like Lisp (or
| Eiffel, Smalltalk, Haskell or many other languages mentioned here as
| comparatives before which I don't know or use)
| However, Matz has been doing the language-design exercise for more than 10
| years, and most of us are very happy with what he's produced. This idea has
| probably been floated and considered in the past. If it's not in the
| language, probably it doesn't fit his overall world view of what the
| language should look like. Draw your own conclusions from his silence on
| this thread, and on the likelihood of this feature ever making it into the
| core.
| > If it doesn't do anything important, it will be
| > forgotten.
| If it doesn't do anything important, then it shouldn't have been added in
| the first place. ISTM that user-defined operators are nothing more than
| syntactic sugar, which Ruby has plenty of already, and add nothing that
| can't be done with a handful more keystrokes. I'd rather see discussion on
| language semantics, which can make life substantially easier or harder when
| programming.
| > If it does, then those who find it important will learn how
| > to use that feature. And if someone wants to use two mutually
| > incompatible dialects, then they will need to come up with a way to
| > harmonize them.
| Or just use a different language in the first place, which is more suitable
| to their particular problem domain.
| Ruby matches the problem domains that I deal with very nicely at the
| moment.
| > It shouldn't, and doesn't have to be, an all or nothing kind of thing.
| > It should be a"Use however much you want, and don't complain bitterly if
| > you cut your finger on the bleeding edge. You were warned." kind of
| > thing. Naturally exotic features will have less support.
| The original comment I wrote at this point was:
| "Personally I see Ruby as a stable platform to do real work on, not an
| experimental platform for wannabe language designers."
| But then I realised it sounded bitchy as hell. No offence is intended to
| anyone, so please substitute a less inflammatory statement of your
| choosing.
| Regards,
| Brian.
Know what noise is? Another word for static. Know what static is? Something
that never changes. You know what something that never changes is?
Honestly I sick and tired reading emails about how it is bad bad bad to talk
about changes to Ruby.
Anyone remember this?
| At Tue, 1 Apr 2003 13:08:42 +0900,
| Austin Ziegler wrote:
| > Now, rb_iv_set/rb_iv_get aren't visible from the Ruby side
| > (apparently), but they are visible from the C side. Are there good
| > reasons to not allow this, or can we modify it so that iv_get and
| > iv_set (or better names for them) are available as private methods to
| > go along with instance_variables?
| Kernel#instance_variable_get and #instance_variable_set are
| added in 1.8.
| --
| Nobu Nakada
It's not like matz and the other developers aren't interested and listenting.
If they weren't why would they _ever_ talk to the community about this stuff?
matz is quiet b/c his postion requires that he be very conservative. That
doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't pursue our dreams. Every once in a
while one of those "gets out of the park", and ends up making Ruby better.
Brian, I'm a bit surprised at this given our conversation on Range class. Hal,
I'm not surprised at all. Seems like you bring this up every time a Ruby
suggestion thread (with which you don't agree with, of course) gets any
significant feedback.
Even so, I'm a nice guy. I feel for you. But you can't say I haven't tried
--I've pushed for a separate mailing list for this stuff for, lord knows, how
long now?