Charles Oliver Nutter
Steve said:Thanks for getting this release out - I've been tracking progress
on the blogs and mailing lists and was really looking forward to
seeing the results. Just to add another datapoint, here are some
timings for how jruby performs on a script that I run fairly
regularly. Its a REXML stream parser that parses the output from a
network scanning tool, and outputs any differences noted in security
issues identified by the the scanner. Its a script used for real work,
and not a synthetic benchmark.
Thank you for this...we're actually looking at some REXML performance
issues this weekend. Unlike most other Ruby code, REXML seems to perform
more poorly than MRI. It's contrary to what we would expect, so there's
something wrong. It's a confirmed performance bug
If you have any scripts or benchmarks you can send us, we'd appreciate it.
- Charlie