If possible I am using a terminal emulation with green (lime) on black
(as it was used by ancient monitors
. In Thunderbird I use black
on gray - and start cursing when someone sends me an HTML-Mail with
hard-wired black on white.
Ideally, mail clients would give you the ability to override HTML
emails with your own custom CSS -- maybe this is a feature request
somewhere in the Thunderbird Bugzilla repository? Anyway, I generally
expect CSS support of any level to be shoddy in mail clients ....
The problem is not that I cannot read the text if it is black on white
but it is definitely stress for my eyes. I only have this problem with
monitors. Books are something different but I must admit that I prefer
recycling paper because it is somewhat gray (unless it smells).
Well, like you said, refresh rate is part of it. Also, don't
underestimate the importance of DPI, or the fact that a CRT monitor is
basically a gun shooting light at your eyes, as opposed to the passive
diffusion you get out of reading text on paper. BTW, have you tried
those anti-glare screens?
Francis Hwang