Harold Hausman
to cool.
no, you're too cool.
#Begin listing
#End listing
This bot prefers long matches, as he fires low power shots. This, on
my machine at least exposes some performance problems associated with
shooting a lot. Matching a couple of rapid firing bots brings the app
to it's knees after only a few thousand ticks. My first idea where
maybe that the bullets were not being cleaned up properly, but looking
at the source it looks like they are being remove from the hash and
canvas, so I don't know.
I will dive into that (i was able to finish the match, but it slows
down considerably) maybe i have to 'reuse' old bullets.
I've seen some code for circular lists (Gavin K?) that might be a more
efficient way to manage @battlefield.bullets than a hash, but as far
as optimizing the TK stuff, I haven't the foggiest. I'm super
interested in this game improving though, thanks again for taking the
lead on this, that thread went on too long for *someone* not to put
the rubber to the road.
Keep up the good work,