I think one of the concerns is deploying these gems on production
boxes; if an exploit of some sort (God forbid) is found, that's
putting my box in danger. I doubt these gems are in danger of
something like that, but I guess somehow they could be (i.e., flaw in
the rubyforge gem, somehow exploting rake to overwrite files...I don't
For me, it's just a question of principle. For example, I just built
a gem for something I've been working on. It requires hoe because I
used hoe to build it, but it's a very simple library, and as such, my
users will never, ever need hoe (and some may not want it on their
system). Why do I, as the one building the gem, not have the option
to exclude it? Why not just generate a Rakefile and I'll include it
if it needs it; otherwise make a gemspec and build the gem and leave
hoe off the deps.
At least, that's how I would do it. I understand if theres some sort
of other, technical reason far beyond my comprehension.
This argument (mbox format): 178,544 bytes
rake-0.7.1.gem: 76,800 bytes
rubyforge-0.4.0.gem: 28,160 bytes
hoe-1.1.7.gem: 12,288 bytes
total dependencies for hoe-packaged gems: 117,248 bytes
hoe and rubyforge alone: 40,448 bytes
So we've argued for 61,296 more bytes than it takes to download all
three of a hoe packages dependencies.
Or, you could have downloaded hoe and rubyforge 4.4 times in the
amount of mail spent on this argument.
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