Announcing Revactor: an Actor model implementation for Ruby 1.9


Tony Arcieri

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

It's interestnig that you chose the make Actor inherit from Fiber. I'm
not sure but I think one side-effect of this is that it makes it
impossible to run an actor in another process transparently (which, if
you're using a fully functional programming style, it should be possible
to do).

After talking with MenTaLguY about this he convinced me subclassing Actor
from Fiber was dumb, particularly in regard to thread safety. In the trunk
I'm working on a version where Actors are independent from their underlying
fibers. Among other things this means that an Actors can be used anywhere
in your program, and will be lazily created if one doesn't currently exist.

And, as you mentioned, it will also be possible to cleanly create subclasses
of Actor which don't use a fiber underneath (e.g. a distributed Actor
protocol built on top of DRb)

Have you done any performance measurements to compare against a threaded

Not as yet, no


And, as you mentioned, it will also be possible to cleanly create
subclasses of Actor which don't use a fiber underneath (e.g. a distributed Actor
protocol built on top of DRb)

It's also worth noting that it may not be necessary to subclass Actor:
duck-typing as an Actor will often be sufficient.


Wanda Lassiter

Measurements are far more important than weight, what counts is if you
can fit the clothes and have the right look, not how much you weigh.
Being and staying healthy is paramount. If you do not have the body type
for editorial modeling there are other types of modeling work you can
try.You can vist for more info.

Wanda Lassiter

The Modeling Industry is made up of the Modeling Agencies, The
designers, The Advertising Agencies, The Photographers and Magazines,
and Catalog houses to Yes the Models with a million people in between
from the Stylists and Makeup Artists to Set Designers.

The Modeling Industry sets the careers of many, many people with so much
opportunity to be a part of it. The Modeling Industry is a machine!

Girls have to pay special attention to staying healthy for beautiful
skin, hair , body.Girls have to pay special attention to staying healthy
for beautiful skin, hair , body.

Teenage girls can go to an open call at a modeling agency - this is the
favored way of models-fashion-advice to submit photographs as the
booking agents and New Faces director can see the girl in person and get
a feel for her personality.

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