ANSI C compliance


Keith Thompson

Kelsey Bjarnason said:

I actually find that statement quite funny. Roose's boss would fire him
if he wrote 100% ANSI C code?

Not surprising in the least.

Boss: "Roose, we're going to roll out the latest thing in advanced gaming
software - multiplayer, strong AI, the works. You're in charge of the UI."

Roose: "Oh, goodie! A new game! Lessee... I could write ANSI C code,
using putchar and fgets and the like for the UI... or I could use OpenGL
or DirectX, provide support for mice, keyboards, multi-function joysticks,
force chairs and the like and give the user an impressive 3D immersion
experience. I wonder which way I should go."

Frankly, if I were his boss and he came up with a 100% ANSI C interface,
I'd fire his butt for sheer gross incompetence.

It's a matter of what we mean by "100% ANSI^H^H^H^H ISO C". ISO C
defines function calls. I'm not familiar with OpenGL or DirectX, but
there's probably no need for any code that uses them to use any
features not defined by the ISO C standard, other than the libraries
themselves. The non-portable code is already written; all Roose has
to do is call it.

Mark McIntyre

I think you might be a bit more successful if you used a really hot cup of
tea... it's the Brownian motion which is important IIRC. :)

Rats. My copy is down two flights of stairs, and I'm currently
listening to episode 6 on my mp3 player, or I would not have made such
an elementary mistake...

Mark McIntyre


Frankly, if I were his boss and he came up with a 100% ANSI C interface,
I'd fire his butt for sheer gross incompetence.

Frankly, if his boss was so idiotic as to not specify the required
features of this UI, then if he fired the programmer for using ISO C
only, it would be a prima facie case of constructive dismissal, and
the ex-employee would be sitting on a large pile of cash. I'm
comfortable with this idea. You write the bad spec, I'll code it :)

Richard Heathfield

Ben said: a disused lavatory, past a sign warning "Beware of the
Leopard," ...

(Unfortunately I probably got part of that wrong too.)

You weren't far off.

"But the plans were on display ..."
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a torch."
"Ah, well the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked
filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying
Beware of the Leopard."

Douglas Adams, "The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

Ian Woods

You weren't far off.

"But the plans were on display ..."
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a torch."
"Ah, well the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a
locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the
door saying Beware of the Leopard."

Douglas Adams, "The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

Oddly enough, it was this bit (err, right at the beginning) I read
lastnight before I went to sleep! I figured it's about time I reread it.

Ian Woods

Steve Summit

[This thread seems to have completely died down, and if I had any
common decency I'd leave it that way, rather than posting this
followup which I started composing back in the midst of it but
didn't manage to finish until now...]
Let me thank you first for making a reasoned argument. My time is not
unlimited, so let me ignore the vast majority of responses and focus on
the ones such as this that rely logical argument -- AND acknowledge the
existence of life outside the newsgroup.

My time is also not unlimited, so I probably won't manage to
reply to all the fascinating subpoints in this thread that I
might. Thank you for favoring me as being worthy of a "real
world" dialog, although in the interests of strict intellectual
honesty I have to confess that the plane I'm arguing from is not
always as real-world as I might have made it sound. In fact, I
go to considerable lengths to maintain the self-imposed delusion
that I live in a fantasy world, one in which software is easy
and fun to write, and works right the first time; in which new
features and other improvements are easy to make; in which
debugging is a rare pastime.

It's also important to emphasize that we're talking about a lot
more than "ANSI C compliance" here. In fact -- and I shouldn't
say this, because I'm liable to be quoted out of context -- ANSI
C compliance is in some sense a red herring. It's nevertheless
at least an *important* red herring, however; more on this anon.

While I'm listing prefatory disclaimers, I'll also admit -- and I
don't mean this in any snide way -- that I don't expect to fully
convince you. Several of the ideas you've expressed have met
with instant disfavor here in comp.lang.c, but you (and those
ideas) are in very good company out there in the real world,
albeit it's that same real world where for whatever reason
software is painful and expensive to write, where programs
never work correctly the first time and in many cases never work
perfectly at all, where bugs and gratuitous complexity tend
inexorably to become so ossified that it's impossible to fix them
or to add new features without adding yet more bugs, and where
debugging tends to account for far more time than actually
writing code. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'd like to think we can
do better...

* * *

First of all, although this point has been amply made elsewhere,
no one is claiming that 100% of every useful program must be
written in 100% strictly conforming ANSI/ISO C. The claims are
merely that as much as possible should be written in ANSI/ISO C,
that the system-dependent portions which cannot be written
portably should be very cleanly separated, and finally that the
proportion of system-independent to system-dependent code can be
much larger than is necessarily always acknowledged.

* * *

Several others have made this point, but even when portability is
no market requirement, it can be hugely advantageous to write a
program portably, anyway, if it makes the development easier.
I was once hired to make extensions to a piece of embedded
software, and the first thing I did was to port it from its
native environment (a stripped-down version of MS-DOS) to Linux,
and write a quick-and-dirty curses-based replacement for its
original machine-dependent user interface. That port probably
cost me a day or two of work, but the payback was handsome and
immediate, because it made *everything* else so much easier; I'm
sure I worked 2-3 times as efficiently during the 6-8 weeks that
the rest of the project lasted as I could have if I'd tried to do
all my development under MS-DOS and all my testing on the actual
embedded device.

This is another of those arguments which I'm sure seems utterly
unconvincing (because it's so unbelievable) to many observers out
there in the real world where software is painful and expensive
to write. If every line of code comes dear, it might seem
inconceivable to spend time writing an entire Unix-compatible
curses-based user interface for an embedded program, when that\0
interface will be thrown away when the coding is complete, never
to be seen by a paying customer. "Why would you even think of
wasting time writing it, when we're already so far behind on all
the product-specific code we *have* to write? And what do you
really need it for, anyway? DOS isn't that bad a development
environment, and anyway we should be doing all of our testing
there since that's where the end users will be using it. Why are
you so het up about trying to do your development under Unix?
Are you one of those Unix bigots or something? I think you're
just too lazy and set in your ways to learn how to program in

Those counterarguments aren't completely invalid, and I'm probably
poking a bit more fun at them here than is strictly fair, but
they're made by people who don't understand the difference that
a development environment can make, who don't appreciate the
orders-of-magnitude differences in productivity between mediocre
programmers using mediocre development environments versus good
programmers using great ones. (And, incidentally, they don't
understand that a certain kind of motivated, directed laziness
is a very great virtue in programming. Me, I'll bend 'way over
backwards, and run around the barn three times, and stay up all
night coding, if it'll let me be completely slack-off lazy for
the entire rest of the project.)

* * *

Up above I admitted that ANSI C compliance was in some sense a red
herring, albeit an important one. Now I'll start trying to
explain what I meant.

"ANSI C" is partly a code-word for "the high-quality code we
advocate here, as opposed to the junk everybody else puts up with."
You're right -- strictly speaking, ANSI C compliance might not
seem to be nearly as much of a "hard" market requirement as the
"really important" market imperatives such as efficiency and
featurefulness. But there are a number of things that thinking
about ANSI C compliance forces you to do.

One is that it forces you to cleanly separate those parts of your
program that can be portable from those that can't be. And it
turns out that this is quite often a *really* *good* exercise to
go through anyway, even if the can-be-portable part never ends up
being ported off of its initial development environment at all.
The reason is that although everyone understands that Modularity
is Good, not everyone always manages to actually write code that
is particularly well modularized. The user interface code tends
to end up being tightly intertwined with the data processing
code, and the data processing code tends to get all tangled up
with the OS- or database-access code. And the result is that
there end up being all sorts of things that would be "nice"
to do, that you can't. You can't write a noninteractive test
harness that exercises the 80-90% of the program that does
involve data processing but doesn't involve the user interface,
because you can't separate that portion of the program from the
user interface. When the database access code isn't working,
you can't put in a single, simple debug printout at the one spot
where all database access calls funnel through, because there
isn't that one spot, because ad-hoc database access calls are
scattered all over. When focus group testing shows that the
workflow implied by the existing user interface is awkward and
confusing to users and should be significantly reworked, you
can't afford to, because it would require rewriting too much of
the intertwined, non-user-interface, data processing code as
well. And so on.

If, on the other hand, a project is developed with a "do as much
of it as possible in ANSI C" mantra, it goes hand in hand with a
"modularize it properly" mantra, because for the most part the
pure data processing code, that it would be nice to keep
separated from the User interface and the OS interface, is
precisely the part that can be written strictly portably.

Abilities like bolting on an alternative, noninteractive user
interface "just for testing", or tracing all database access
calls "just for convenience during debugging", might seem like
luxuries, or mere niceties. But in successful projects,
"luxuries" like these are easy to come by, because they're
synergistic with -- simultaneously enabled by and further
contributing to -- the very same high qualities that are making
the project successful.

* * *

Though I hope it was at least somewhat convincing, the preceding
argument has a bit of a disciplinarian, drink-your-cod-liver-oil-
it's-good-for-you feel to it. Dusty crusty academicians come up
with all sorts of reasons why learning Latin is Good For You
because it Clarifies your Thought Processes even though nobody
speaks it any more. Me, I don't know any Latin, but I'm afraid
I might sound abot as crusty for claiming that writing ANSI C
is beneficial even if you don't care about portability, just
because it will force you to write better, more modular code.
Here's a perhaps more compelling argument.

Assume we agree that we care most about ANSI C compliance in
those parts of the program that can be made portable, and that we
have gone through the exercise of cleanly separating those parts
of the program that can be made portable from those that can't
be. Now, what sorts of strict ANSI C violations, or other
nonportabilities, is our program likely to contain?

Obviously, the can't-be-made-portable portions of the program
will be full of nonportabilities, that's the whole point.
In those parts of the code, for each noncompliant aspect that
a nitpicker or naysayer might point at, there isn't an ANSI C
alternative, so it's hardly worth complaining.

But in the allegedly-portable parts of the program, when there
are two or more ways of writing some piece of code, what can we
say about the possibilities, and about our preferences for
writing one over the other? If one of the ways is not ANSI
conforming, here we will usually find that it *does* have a
conforming alternative, and the arguments in favor of the
nonconforming option basically reduce to: ignorance. If you
don't know about the conforming alternative, that's one thing,
but having been presented with it, if you insist on continuing
to do it your old way, because it's "more efficient" or "what
you're used to" or because the resulting alleged nonportability
"doesn't matter in this case", you're probably being willfully

But it's even worse than that. In the nonportable parts of the
program, you had no choice but to go with the system-dependent
implementations; there were no alternatives. Having gone with
the necessarily system-dependent, unavoidably unportable
alternative, the potential failure mode is only the one we
already knew about: it's not portable.

In the nominally portable parts of the program, on the other
hand, anything nonstandard you're making use of -- that is,
any departure from Standard-conforming C -- is likely to be
a compiler extension or an instance of undefined behavior.
(Actually, by one definition they're the same thing.)
You might make an informed decision to adopt and depend on a
compiler extension, but far more worrisome are those instances
of undefined behavior.

That instance of undefined behavior, that you thought you could
live with, that worked fine for you last week, might stop working
next week, for no reason at all, or because you installed a new
release of the compiler, or changed a compilation option, or
switched to daylight saving time, or tried to run the program on
a bigger problem, or with more or less memory available to it,
or for a million other but-what-difference-can-that-make reasons.
That quirky aspect of C that you weren't sure about, that you
empirically determined worked a certain way based on a quick test
program that you wrote, and that you then made use of in 37
different places in the larger system that you can't remember all
of and can't definitively grep for, turns out not to always work
the way you thought it did, after all, because your empirical
testing was unwittingly incomplete.

(Me, I tend to be pretty paranoid about those nifty-keen but
utterly nonstandard vendor extensions, too, because the more
enticing and compelling they are, the easier it is for them to be
be twisted by the vendor into a shackle that forces you to keep
using that vendor after they've incongruously become Totally
Evil, and you find you'd rather wean yourself from them after
all, except now you can't.)

In any case, the point here is that when a departure from
Standard conformance is an instance of undefined behavior, the
potential failure mode is reasonably dire: the program could stop
working tomorrow, for whatever reason, even though it seemed to
pass its test suite with flying colors today, inspiring us to to
release it to the customers tonight. And it seems to me that if
you say you don't care about the Standard and that you can live
with departures from it, many of your departures will end up in
this category.

* * *

Finally, here's the other half of the "red herring" explanation.
To some extent, talking about ANSI C compliance is a shibboleth.
There's a worrisome sort of class distinction in programming
between programmers who are satisfied with code that seems to
work, versus programmers who insist on code that works *for the
right reasons*. Unfortunately, of course, code that merely seems
to work today can just as easily stop working tomorrow, leading
to neverending bug-chasing. Code that works for the right reasons,
on the other hand, has some decent chance of continuing to work
properly tomorrow and next week and next month and next year,
*without* continual hands-on maintenance (meaning among other
things that the programmers involved are free to move on to new
and different projects).

Here's what I mean by the shibboleth: programmers who insist
that code work for the right reasons can't help but be zealous
advocates of the ANSI C Standard, because it's unquestionably
the biggest and strongest Right Reason that there is for code
to work. So programmers who care that code works for the right
reasons also care about (and think about, and talk about)
the C Standard, whether or not they have portability as a job
requirement. Programmers who are looking for excuses to ignore
the Standard, on the other hand (because, they claim, it's
irrelevant to their work), are likely to be the ones who are
satisfied with code that seems to work at the end of the day --
but that's an attitude that ends up causing all sorts of other
problems, too.
...I would say that the line-by-line deficiencies in code
(e.g. non-ANSI code) are completely and utterly overshadowed by the
lack of design knowledge by the average programmer...

[and in another post:]
the lack of high-level design contributes much more to unmaintainability
than the failure to write ANSI C. This is a huge problem where I work.
The schedule pressures force hacks upon hacks, rather than rethinking the
original design to meet new requirements. ANSI C is not even on the table.

To my way of thinking, the two are much more related than you
might think. Code which is sullied by hacks upon hacks, or which
suffers from a lack of coherent design, is code which someone
tried to get working by hook or by crook, and where the definition
of "working" was probably "seems to work at the end of the day".
The only way I know of to get out of that trap is to start paying
attention to coding styles and development attitudes which
feature the virtue of code that works for the right reasons --
and ANSI C is very much on that table.

* * *
What percentage of programmers do you think are used to doing it?
(Honestly, I am not sure of the answer).

The percentage is probably pitifully small.
If you were a hiring manager, wouldn't this unnecessarily limit
your pool of applicants if you were to insist on it?

It depends on what you mean by "unnecessarily limit". The
percentage of truly excellent programmers is also on the small
side. You might say it limited your pool if you were to insist
on finding a truly excellent programmer, and you might very well
not be able to find one, but neither of these realities implies
that this kind of excellence is unimportant or not worth striving

* * *

I'm sorry that we here in comp.lang.c tend to come across as
Standard-thumping fundamentalists, continuing to insist, with
ramrod-straight demeanor, that all code be strictly conforming,
as if it's only important for its own sake. But the insistence
is *not* merely for its own sake: much more importantly, it's for
the sake of code that's *correct*, not just in the ANSI C Standard
sense, but in the much more important "works reliably in the real
world" sense. As I had occasion to write once before when this
issue came up, "I'm not a Standard-thumping fundamentalist who
worships at the altar of X3J11 because I'm an anal-retentive
dweeb who loves pouncing on people who innocently post code
containing void main() to comp.lang.c; I'm a Standard-thumping
fundamentalist who worships at the altar of X3J11 because it
gives me eminently useful guarantees about the programs I write
and helps me ensure that they'll work correctly next week and
next month and next year, in environments I haven't heard of or
can't imagine or that haven't been invented yet, and without
continual hands-on bugfixing and coddling by me."

Steve Summit
(e-mail address removed)

Steve Summit

Roose said:
...the extremely narrow focus on ANSI C limits the utility of this
newsgroup for your average C programmer. As I said, in the game I'm
working is portable across PS2, GameCube, and Xbox, but it is decidely
not ANSI C.

It's interesting you should mention game programming. It's
commonly believed that graphics-intensive games don't have to,
and can't, be written portably. In fact, in a memorable thread
from 1994, a poster contesting the newsgroup's extreme ANSI
focus made exactly this point:

Who cares about ANSI! ...
Let's C great games like DOOM and Wolfenstein written
using ANSI standard. Yeah! It ain't gonna work! ANSI
is only good for stupid text and standard file I/O operations.

[from <[email protected]>]

Others were quick to point out, however, that one of the
biggest games of 1994, Doom, *was* in fact written almost
completely in portable, ANSI-compatible C. And there was a
delicious postscript to that tangent of the thread when none
other than Dennis Ritchie posted an article which I am not
going to reproduce here, but which I encourage you to go over
to to read:

<[email protected]>

"Portability often pays off in unexpected ways", indeed!

Steve Summit
(e-mail address removed)

Richard Heathfield

Steve said:
[This thread seems to have completely died down, and if I had any
common decency I'd leave it that way, rather than posting this
followup which I started composing back in the midst of it but
didn't manage to finish until now...]

<300+ lines reluctantly snipped>

An excellent article. With a little editing (to generalise it into essay
format rather than "reply" format), it would make an excellent Web
reference page to which denizens of clc could justly point when the subject
comes up again.

Mike Wahler

Here's what I mean by the shibboleth: programmers who insist
that code work for the right reasons can't help but be zealous
advocates of the ANSI C Standard, because it's unquestionably
the biggest and strongest Right Reason that there is for code
to work. So programmers who care that code works for the right
reasons also care about (and think about, and talk about)
the C Standard, whether or not they have portability as a job
requirement. Programmers who are looking for excuses to ignore
the Standard, on the other hand (because, they claim, it's
irrelevant to their work), are likely to be the ones who are
satisfied with code that seems to work at the end of the day --
but that's an attitude that ends up causing all sorts of other
problems, too.

[Honesty dictates that I admit I had to look up the word
'shibboleth' :) ]

I suppose I've always been different from these 'standards ignorers'
in that it's always been the case that I lose sleep just as readily
when I have code that 'works' but I don't know *why*, as when I have
code that doesn't work. I certainly don't release it.

Thanks for your excellent article. I second Richard's idea about
converting it into 'essay' format and posting it somewhere, with
perhaps a link to it from the FAQ.

I also have a perspective I suppose is somewhat 'unique' among
the 'younger' folks here: I learned to program in C (and used it
on more than one platform) before there was a standard. This of
course meant I had to learn the idiosyncracies of each implementation
I used, a very time-costly proposition. The advent of the standard was
a Great Day in my life, that's for sure.


Steve Summit

A couple of years ago, I posted a big long article defending this
newsgroup's focus on the importance of portability and ANSI C
An [adjective deleted] article. With a little editing (to generalise
it into essay format rather than "reply" format), it would make an
excellent Web reference page to which denizens of clc could justly
point when the subject comes up again.

For no particular reason, today was the day to do that editing
and generalizing. The revised essay is at

Point away.

Just for fun, I poured the same text into the new "clc wiki", at

So anyone is free to edit it to more perfectly reflect the
newsgroup's consensus, refine the wording, eliminate first-person
perspective, etc.

Keith Thompson

A couple of years ago, I posted a big long article defending this
newsgroup's focus on the importance of portability and ANSI C
An [adjective deleted] article. With a little editing (to generalise
it into essay format rather than "reply" format), it would make an
excellent Web reference page to which denizens of clc could justly
point when the subject comes up again.

For no particular reason, today was the day to do that editing
and generalizing. The revised essay is at

Point away.

Just for fun, I poured the same text into the new "clc wiki", at

So anyone is free to edit it to more perfectly reflect the
newsgroup's consensus, refine the wording, eliminate first-person
perspective, etc.

Excellent, and highly recommended. (BTW, "excellent" was the deleted

Just a couple of minor comments.

I just read the Wiki article. I have no problem with the first-person
perspective, but you might consider signing it, or at least mentioning
who wrote the original.

Also, I think "ISO C" would be a clearer and more accurate term than

Rod Pemberton

Default User said:
Steve said:
An [adjective deleted] article.

Ha. I first read this as, "An [expletive deleted] article."

I was trying to imagine what Richard had originally said.

Adjective deleted? Why bother, unless it was very derogatory and close to
an expletive...
It's simple to put three dots there so noone questions whether the original
article was crappy or not.


Keith Thompson

Rod Pemberton said:
Default User said:
Steve said:
In response, Richard Heathfield wrote:

An [adjective deleted] article.

Ha. I first read this as, "An [expletive deleted] article."

I was trying to imagine what Richard had originally said.

Adjective deleted? Why bother, unless it was very derogatory and close to
an expletive...
It's simple to put three dots there so noone questions whether the original
article was crappy or not.

I suspect Steve was being modest. (The adjective was "excellent".)


Keith said:
.... snip ...

I suspect Steve was being modest. (The adjective was "excellent".)

Modest? A Programmer? A C Programmer? Extinct. :)

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>
Also see <>

Jack Klein

A couple of years ago, I posted a big long article defending this
newsgroup's focus on the importance of portability and ANSI C
An [adjective deleted] article. With a little editing (to generalise
it into essay format rather than "reply" format), it would make an
excellent Web reference page to which denizens of clc could justly
point when the subject comes up again.

For no particular reason, today was the day to do that editing
and generalizing. The revised essay is at

Point away.

Just for fun, I poured the same text into the new "clc wiki", at

So anyone is free to edit it to more perfectly reflect the
newsgroup's consensus, refine the wording, eliminate first-person
perspective, etc.

I agree with Richard, the "excellent" adjective was well deserved.

I have tried to make the same point in replies of varying length here
over the years.

I enjoyed your description of building a desktop simulation of the
user interface for an embedded system. I've been doing that for more
than a decade and a half. It is extremely useful when the
customer/end user/etc., wants to see and approve the appearance and
operation of the interface early in the cycle.

Rod Pemberton

Jack Klein said:
A couple of years ago, I posted a big long article defending this
newsgroup's focus on the importance of portability and ANSI C
An [adjective deleted] article. With a little editing (to generalise
it into essay format rather than "reply" format), it would make an
excellent Web reference page to which denizens of clc could justly
point when the subject comes up again.

For no particular reason, today was the day to do that editing
and generalizing. The revised essay is at

Point away.

Just for fun, I poured the same text into the new "clc wiki", at

So anyone is free to edit it to more perfectly reflect the
newsgroup's consensus, refine the wording, eliminate first-person
perspective, etc.

I agree with Richard, the "excellent" adjective was well deserved.

Eh, I'd say mostly good. There are a number of inflammatory things near the
middle. And, the last paragraph will be found highly offensive by many.
And, I'm sure that last paragraph probably translates poorly into other
languages with Altavista, something like "You will be Crucified like Jesus
by the Romans." ;)

Rod Pemberton

Ian Collins

Rod said:
Eh, I'd say mostly good. There are a number of inflammatory things near the
middle. And, the last paragraph will be found highly offensive by many.
And, I'm sure that last paragraph probably translates poorly into other
languages with Altavista, something like "You will be Crucified like Jesus
by the Romans." ;)
Offensive to whom?

This is a well written piece and makes a very strong case for compliant
code, while avoiding flamebait.

Flash Gordon

Ian said:
Offensive to whom?

This is a well written piece and makes a very strong case for compliant
code, while avoiding flamebait.

Presumably offensive to those like Rod Pemberton who like to insist that
this group should be wide open to anything vaguely C related even though
experience in comp.lang.c++ apparently shows that this would make the
group useless.

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