Gavin Sinclair
Actually, I had thought of this quite some time ago. I picked the
project name "Runix" and played with a cute logo that (sort of)
spelled Runix in Norse runes.
The aim at the time was to implement a free set of Unix-like tools
for Windows (without the heavyweight solution of Cygwin).
There are other (lightweight) solutions anyway: mingw and unixtools.
I see no point in a Ruby project for this; it doesn't solve any
problems that I've seen come up on the list.
David Alan Black and I also discussed this as a possible codefest
activity, but dumped it in favor of scanf.
Finally I decided: It's an interesting and fun activity, but it's not
a high priority for me. I myself am rapidly moving away from Windows,
and it's not usually wise to invest in the past.