Bent C Dalager
Considering AJAX heavy web sites to be terrible designed
it not exactly the trend seen on the web.
That's ok; I often find myself at odds with the general perception.
What I do find striking is that this is 2012, more than 15 years after
HTML had standardised forms (<input>, HTML 2.0 I believe) and they are
/still/ playing catch-up to the established GUI frameworks such as
Motif, Windows, etc. Tab order, menu and tool bars, hotkeys/shortcuts,
i18n, layout, drag and drop, list selection: mostly a hodge podge of
what the developer chanced upon in some library somewhere and what he
could be bothered to hack together himself. Just such a simple matter
as standardising how to handle the browser's "Back" button in a web
app – cutting edge rocket science, it would seem.
Usually a new technology is reasonably mature after ten years, but
getting a proper GUI on web pages is taking forever.
(Yes, I sometimes do turn on JavaScript.
Bent D.