Matthias Kaeppler
Ioannis said:I use Linux mainly as a hobby, however are you sure those problems
aren't problems of the specific distribution that you are using? I am
using KDE and never experienced an application crash.
I use GNU/Linux since Slackware 3.0 era, and from all the free
distributions I have used, I think the greatest (or one of the greatest)
to be White Box Linux:
What distribution are you using?
Sure, that may of course be the reason, I use Debian Sarge (the current
testing branch). However, I tried a couple of other distros, like SuSE,
RedHat, Mandrake, Arch, Fedora Core 3, and Debian testing turned out to
be a lot more stable than any of those.
In fact, the packages in Debian testing are older (and probably less
prone to bugs) than the packages in the distros mentioned above. Debian
has never tried to be bleeding edge, as opposed to most of the other big
distros, which yields a stability bonus.
Haven't used whitebox so far. Maybe I'll give it a shot when I find the
time. The installer looks like the one from Fedora.