I've now fixed #attr to be backward compatible. The only caveat being
that one mustuse true (or false or nil) for it to work. ie.
| attr :a, "as if it were true"
will not work. But as Florian pointed out, this is fairly
The feature BTW is a bit extended. It can now take more than one
attribute as follows:
| attr :a, :b, :c, true
And all three will get writers too.
One last thing, it doesn't just create writers but the
"contra-positive" of the attributes you can give it. In other words:
| attr :a=, true
Will also create a reader. And
attr :a?, true
Will get a writer (#a=).
Note that casting can not be used with this notation. So
attr :a => :to_s, true
Will not work. This is b/c casted attributes must always be at then end
of the argument list (it's a hash after all).
Oh, one last thing. All the "attr_*" methods are still there but now
they accept casting and I've added #attr_tester (for #a? methods)
Hope you like. It will be available when I release Carats in a month or
two. (Sooner if I can find a helping hand.)