

Michael Sparks

Kay said:
The new Python site is incredibly boring. Sorry to say this. The old
site is/was amateurish but engaged. Now after ~15 years of existence
Pythons looks like it wants to be popular among directors of a german
job centers. It aims to do everything right but what could be said
worse? The text on the beginners page tries to argue with the
potential users in a pointless monologue. Who wants to read this text?
Who wants to be convinced that Python is *not* slow? "Do you stop
beating your wife?" And where is fun, irony and black humour? Why
Python? "Python in industry" - I see chimneys of 19th century
factories, proletarian heroes as well as futuristic hybrid robots
superseeding humanity. "Python community" - a dutch grand-family photo
from the beginning of the 20ths century - some ( or all? ) of the
members are accidentally looking like Guido, "Python in science" -
snake-like RNA strand. It need not be like this but I wonder about the
total lack of personality.


This doesn't show the vibrance of to me somewhere like Europython.
It doesn't show "Oh, and this is incredibly, cool, fun and useful". That
to me is what both and do show.

RonR has 4 very simple engaging points:
* Get Excited
* Get Started
* Get Better
* Get Involved

Blindly copying something else is rarely IMO a good idea, but having
NO personality simply turns people off. I'm not sure how to fix this,
but I'd suspect starting with the visual humour style in python might
be a good place to start...

Put another way, I'd expect ** [1] to look like the new site,
and ** to look like something that, well, represents some of
the utter (very cool, very diverse) madness of the people involved with

[1] NB: I **really** wouldn't go to, I REALLY wasn't
expecting that.... (REALLY)

(e-mail address removed),
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

Totally my opinion and no-one elses and expecially not
the views of the BBC (!)


It was Michael Bernstein who designed it, I believe, and agree that
it's a great logo for PyCon.

Correct. Also known as my cousin. He did the logo for my me and my

Anyone wanting the services of a good graphic/web designer should
definitely consider him!

</blatant plug>

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