Just out of curiosity - would it be possible to see your code?
As far as I can tell, you haven't posted it (If you have, I
have missed it).
I haven't posted it because it's on my machine at home (in
France), and I'm currently working in London, and don't have
immediate access to it. Redoing it here (from memory):
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
class FileOutput
std::string my_type;
fstream my_file;
time_t my_start;
time_t my_end;
FileOutput( std::string const& type, bool is_binary = true )
: my_type( type )
, my_file( ("test_" + type + ".dat").c_str(),
is_binary ? std::ios:
ut | std::ios::binary
: std::ios:
ut )
my_start = time( NULL );
my_end = time( NULL ) ;
std::cout << my_type << ": "
<< (my_end - my_start) << " sec." << std::endl;
virtual void output( double d ) = 0;
class RawOutput : public FileOutput
RawOutput() : FileOutput( "raw" ) {}
virtual void output( double d )
my_file.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >(&d), sizeof(d) );
class CookedOutput : public FileOutput
CookedOutput() : FileOutput( "cooked" ) {}
virtual void output( double d )
unsigned long long const& tmp
= reinterpret_cast< unsigned long long const& >(d);
int shift = 64 ;
while ( shift > 0 ) {
shift -= 8 ;
my_file.put( (tmp >> shift) & 0xFF );
class TextOutput : public FileOutput
TextOutput() : FileOutput( "text", false )
my_file.setf( std::ios::scientific,
std::ios::floatfield );
my_file.precision( 17 );
virtual void output( double d )
my_file << d << '\n';
template< typename File >
test( std::vector< double > const& values )
File dest;
for ( std::vector< double >::const_iterator iter = values.begin
iter != values.end();
++ iter ) {
dest.output( *iter );
size_t const size = 10000000;
std::vector< double >
while ( v.size() != size ) {
v.push_back( (double)( rand() ) / (double)( RAND_MAX ) );
test< TextOutput >( v );
test< CookedOutput >( v );
test< RawOutput >( v );
return 0;
Compiled with "cl /EHs /O2 timefmt.cc". On my local disk here,
I get:
text: 90 sec.
cooked: 31 sec.
raw: 9 sec.
The last is, of course, not significant, except that it is very
small. (I can't run it on the networked disk, where any real
data would normally go, because it would use too much network
bandwidth, possibly interfering with others. Suffice it to say
that the networked disk is about 5 or more times slower, so the
relative differences would be reduced by that amount.) I'm not
sure what's different in the code above (or the environment---I
suspect that the disk bandwidth is higher here, since I'm on a
professional PC, and not a "home computer") compared to my tests
at home (under Windows); at home, there was absolutely no
difference in the times for raw and cooked. (Cooked is, of
course, XDR format, at least on a machine like the PC, which
uses IEEE floating point.)