David Mertz
I get a lot of books as an author/reviewer. In fact, you can find my
reviews of most of these, easily enough. The side effect is that my
shelves have a lot of books that I'm not realistically going to look at
I would be very happy to send the below titles to anyone who will pay
for shipping (maybe a buck or two extra for my effort). Most of these
are listed on TextbookX.com too (for little cost), but for a long time
without buyers. Of course, some books I like better than others; I
kinda hate to get someone started on a book that isn't as good, even for
free... and most of them have at least some merit:
Jython Essentials
Jython for Java Programmers
Python Manual Pages (Dossier Press, no ISBN)
Python Library Reference (ditto)
Python Miscellanea (ditto)
XML Pocket Guide (x2)
Python Pocket Reference (1st and 2nd ed)
Python Programming on Win32
Perl 5 Howto
Python Programming Patterns
Core Python Programming
Web Programming in PYthon
Visual Quickstart Guide Python
The Quick Python Book
The Zope Book
Zope Web Application Development and Content Management
Python and Tkinter
GUI Programming with Python: Using the QT Toolkit
Programming with Python
Java Developer's Guid to Servlets and JSP
MySQL (A! Press)
MySQL: Building User Interfaces
Well, those are just the ones I can see from my chair (I throw in a
couple that are not Python). I probably have a few more if I were to
walk to the next room
Email me if interested.
Yours, David...
reviews of most of these, easily enough. The side effect is that my
shelves have a lot of books that I'm not realistically going to look at
I would be very happy to send the below titles to anyone who will pay
for shipping (maybe a buck or two extra for my effort). Most of these
are listed on TextbookX.com too (for little cost), but for a long time
without buyers. Of course, some books I like better than others; I
kinda hate to get someone started on a book that isn't as good, even for
free... and most of them have at least some merit:
Jython Essentials
Jython for Java Programmers
Python Manual Pages (Dossier Press, no ISBN)
Python Library Reference (ditto)
Python Miscellanea (ditto)
XML Pocket Guide (x2)
Python Pocket Reference (1st and 2nd ed)
Python Programming on Win32
Perl 5 Howto
Python Programming Patterns
Core Python Programming
Web Programming in PYthon
Visual Quickstart Guide Python
The Quick Python Book
The Zope Book
Zope Web Application Development and Content Management
Python and Tkinter
GUI Programming with Python: Using the QT Toolkit
Programming with Python
Java Developer's Guid to Servlets and JSP
MySQL (A! Press)
MySQL: Building User Interfaces
Well, those are just the ones I can see from my chair (I throw in a
couple that are not Python). I probably have a few more if I were to
walk to the next room
Email me if interested.
Yours, David...