Books for learning how to write "big" programs


Ian Collins

Also there is "Beautiful Code", where the greatest programmers have
put together the code the loved most in their entire life (with full
code). I heard the creator of C has discussed his spam detector (the
one in Practice of programming) in it. The creator of Ruby has also
some input in it.
This is definitely a book I should get.

It is an inspirational book for a programmer, but it does not address
the issues you will encounter with a large, team based project.

A big project can be viewed as a number of small projects bound by a
number of language neutral processes. No matter how good the code is, a
big project will fail without solid processes.

Keith Thompson

James Kanze said:
On May 24, 4:43 pm, "(e-mail address removed)"
OP, this very message board suggested me not long ago:
Software tools in Pascal.
If you're interested, try converting some of the programs to
C++. The only real issue is what classes to define (if
any---some of the earlier code is so simple that adding classes
wouldn't be justified). If you have questions, post them here.

If you have questions about C++, please post them to comp.lang.c++,
not comp.lang.c. (This thread is cross-posted to comp.lang.c++ and

Part of adopting the code to C would be, IMHO, using std::string
and std::vector rather than the code they propose. There's
enough other good stuff in there that isn't supported directly
by the C++ library.

Um, no, that woule be part of adopting the code to C++.


James Kanze

James Kanze said:
On May 24, 4:43 pm, "(e-mail address removed)"
If you're interested, try converting some of the programs to
C++. The only real issue is what classes to define (if
any---some of the earlier code is so simple that adding classes
wouldn't be justified). If you have questions, post them here.
If you have questions about C++, please post them to comp.lang.c++,
not comp.lang.c. (This thread is cross-posted to comp.lang.c++ and

Not again.
Part of adopting the code to C would be, IMHO, using
std::string and std::vector rather than the code they
propose. There's enough other good stuff in there that
isn't supported directly
Um, no, that woule be part of adopting the code to C++.


Nick Keighley

Ian Collins <[email protected]> kirjutas:

My English might not be the best, but this phrase "customers are game"
should AFAIK mean that the customers will be hunted down and killed :)

a slightly obscure english usage. It implies willingness, perhaps

From (it's uses several (old) dictionaries and most of them
don't cover this meaning). WordNet
2: willing to face danger [syn: gamy, gamey, gritty, mettlesome,
spirited, spunky]

and from Chambers (paper version)
...fighting spirit (archaic)

...having the spirit of a fighting **** (colloquial): plucky,
courageous (coll) having the necessary spirit and willingness for
task (coll)

Unfortunatly they don't specify where or who colloqially uses it.

Most of my obscure english come originates from NW england. But I'd
expect most reasonably read Ukians to be familar with this expression.

James Kanze

My English might not be the best, but this phrase "customers
are game" should AFAIK mean that the customers will be
hunted down and killed :)
a slightly obscure english usage. It implies willingness,
perhaps even courage.

Not that obscure---it's more or less standard American usage.
(Random House marks it as informal, but the other dictionaries I
have access to don't.)

From the American Heritage Dictionary:


NOWN: [...]

ADJECTIVE: Inflected forms: gam·er, gam·est
1. Plucky and unyielding in spirit; resolute: She
put up a game fight against her detractors.
2. Ready and willing: Are you game for a swim?

Paul McGuire

I would like recommendations for books (in any language, not
necessarily C++, C, python) which have walkthroughs for developing
a big software project ? So starting from inception, problem
definition, design, coding and final delivery on a single theme
or application.

Most of the code I have written and books that I have read deal with
toy programs and I am looking for something a bit more
comprehensive.  For example, maybe a complete compiler written in C++
for some language, or a complete web server or implementing
.net libraries in some language (just a few examples of the scale of
things I am interested in learning).


This book was very popular at a previous place that I worked. A bit
dated now, but at least raises some of the critical points. Perhaps a
Python treatment of the same topics would be useful...

-- Paul

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