boolean operations on "integer" in VHDL'93


Kevin Thibedeau

Hi !

sure but i want to use integers :-/

 > - Brian

Nicolas Matringe wrote :
 > That's strong typing for you...
it's not a problem of typing, i can create new functions,
however I see nowhere an explanation of these missing operations.
why do AND/OR/XOR work on bit(_vector) and std_(u)logic(vector)
and not on integer, as in any other language ?

 > Nicolas

The reason is because this is an artifact carried over from Ada-83. In
Ada and VHDL, integers are always considered to be signed even if the
range is restricted to positive numbers. There is no universal way to
handle boolean operations on signed numbers so it was decided to leave
out implicit boolean operators in Ada.

This was remedied in Ada-95 with the addition of modular types. They
are restricted to unsigned integers and *do* have implicit boolean
operators. As their name suggests, modular types also wraparound on
overflow and underflow without throwing an exception. It would be
interesting to consider adding them to a future revision to VHDL for
those who want an efficient alternative to the array types.

Jan Decaluwe

Kevin said:
The reason is because this is an artifact carried over from Ada-83. In
Ada and VHDL, integers are always considered to be signed even if the
range is restricted to positive numbers. There is no universal way to
handle boolean operations on signed numbers so it was decided to leave
out implicit boolean operators in Ada.

This was remedied in Ada-95 with the addition of modular types. They
are restricted to unsigned integers and *do* have implicit boolean
operators. As their name suggests, modular types also wraparound on
overflow and underflow without throwing an exception. It would be
interesting to consider adding them to a future revision to VHDL for
those who want an efficient alternative to the array types.

Fascinating stuff - thanks for this info.

Restricting the bit view to the "unsigned" domain makes a lot
of sense (talking from my own language design experience).

During a quick survey I found that part of the rationale
behind modular types was "easier interaction with hardware".
Interesting, isn't it?

It seems that a lot of the groundwork that would turn VHDL
into the "easy" HDL is readily available.


Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Python as a HDL:
VHDL development, the modern way:
Analog design automation:
World-class digital design:


The VHDL standard has already adopted an assumed two's complement
numeric representation for vectors (numeric_std, numeric_std_unsigned,
ufixed/sfixed, etc.) Why can we not adopt an assumed two's complement
representation for integes as well?!

Your statement is not exactly correct. "vectors" are not 2's
complement. numeric_std is 2's complement. SLV is still not
arithmetic at all. That is the difference. If you wanted to add a
2's complement integer type as a new type then that would be backwards
compatible by not changing the standard integer type. The new type
could be defined in something like integer_numeric_std or maybe added
to numeric_std.

The primary problem with vhdl vector based arithmetic (numeric_*) is
that it rolls over (not to signed, but what's the difference, an
unsigned rollover is still inaccurate). Take two unsigned, add them
together, and you can get a result that is less than either of the

What you call "inaccurate" is a result of limited range of the
representation. What would you have the implementation do when the
"overflow" occurs? I can see three choices: roll over treating the
limited range as modulo arithmetic (minimum logic), saturate at the
max and min of the range (more logic and still "inaccurate") or just
not perform the operation (also more logic and who knows what
"inaccurate" really means in this case). Both can/should throw an
error if the operation is actually doing arithmetic. But it is often
that a counter is intended to roll over. For those I have to use an
explicit modulo operator.

The closest vhdl vector arithmetic comes to true integer arithmetic
accuracy is the fixed point package types, with zero fractional bits
declared. Fixed point operators automatically pad the result size to
account for accuracy in all cases, except one: a ufixed minus a ufixed
is still a ufixed (but actually bigger by one bit! go figure) rather
than an sfixed. With the almost universal need to resize sfixed/ufixed
results to fit in an assigned signal/variable, the conversion from
sfixed to ufixed could easily be handled in the resize function

Or better yet, allow assignment operators to be overloaded so that
they can do the resizing automatically.

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

I believe overloading operators has been suggested for the next go
around on the VHDL spec. I have no idea if this would create any


Martin Thompson

Jan Decaluwe said:
Fascinating stuff - thanks for this info.

Restricting the bit view to the "unsigned" domain makes a lot
of sense (talking from my own language design experience).

During a quick survey I found that part of the rationale
behind modular types was "easier interaction with hardware".
Interesting, isn't it?

It seems that a lot of the groundwork that would turn VHDL
into the "easy" HDL is readily available.

Maybe we should just quit VHDL and start synthesising Ada directly
(with only half-a-smiley ;)

Maybe call it SystemAda :)



Your statement is not exactly correct. "vectors" are not 2's
complement. numeric_std is 2's complement. SLV is still not
arithmetic at all. That is the difference.

I beg to differ. The new numeric_std_unsigned package assigns an
arithmetic interpretation to std_logic_vector, just like
std_logic_arith did.

Also, by using the conversion unsigned(my_slv) you are already
implying that the unconverted slv has the same bit representation as
unsigned, which is arithmetic. The tool is not allowed to convert/move
bits around in that conversion, so the new interpretation is in effect
placed on the old slv as well.
What you call "inaccurate" is a result of limited range of the
representation. What would you have the implementation do when the
"overflow" occurs? I can see three choices: roll over treating the
limited range as modulo arithmetic (minimum logic), saturate at the
max and min of the range (more logic and still "inaccurate") or just
not perform the operation (also more logic and who knows what
"inaccurate" really means in this case). Both can/should throw an
error if the operation is actually doing arithmetic. But it is often
that a counter is intended to roll over. For those I have to use an
explicit modulo operator.

If I tell the simulator or synthesis tool to add one to a value, the
new value better be larger than the old value, by exactly one, or it
should die trying (with an informative error message in the case of a
simulator). It should not silently assume that something else will be
good enough. Same goes for subtraction. If I need it do do something
besides adding or subtracting, then I will tell it what I want it to
do (either by resize() or mod, etc.)

Integer and sfixed/ufixed do this correctly, with the exception of
subtracting ufixed values.
I believe overloading operators has been suggested for the next go
around on the VHDL spec. I have no idea if this would create any


I think limiting overloaded assignment operators to re-sizing the same
type (between the expression and the target) would be pretty safe, but
it also would not handle the signed/unsigned issue. But because
integer and natural are the same base type, it can also handle signed/
unsigned conversions (with bounds checking). Those are different base
types in VHDL.

So maybe we limit the actions of overloaded assignment operators to
converting "closely related" types and resizing to this relatively
safe. If it works out, maybe we can extend overloaded assignments to
other areas, but I'd rather take baby steps and not break anything,
than take too big a step and cause bigger, unforseen problems.


Jan Decaluwe

Brian said:
I believe that would make a lot more sense as a starting point than C or C++.

I am playing with Ada, and finding it very nice indeed.

Ada-95 and now 2005 add a rational type of object oriented programing,
maintaining good type safety even in a complex class hierarchy. If VHDL is to
acquire classes, I hope they will be along the same lines.

As well as adding the modular types, Ada has fixed point types (you specify
range and precision) which could make DSP a breeze.

I suspect the original VHDL committee chose about the right subset of Ada as a
starting point in the 1980s, but now a larger subset could be useful - fixed
point types for example.

Since then there has been parallel (usually divergent) evolution, but VHDL-2008
got conditional- (and case?) -expressions before Ada (they are due in Ada-2012).

But if we're going down the SystemAda route, we need a synthesisable subset

To get started, we would need to define/implement an RTL semantics subset. The
language has built-in concurrency support, so no problem there. An RTL-style
signal would probably be easy. The remaining problem is a model for sensitivity,
and then a simulation engine could be written ...
heap allocation, limits on recursion, etc. It'll look a lot like the SPARK
subset - with which, using annotations in the form of Ada comments - your design
can be proved formally correct.

There would seem to be a lot of commonality between restructuring logic for
formal proof, and restructuring it for synthesis - and certainly there are a lot
of similar limitations. If the prover fails to terminate, that probably implies
infinite hardware, etc...

So, I'm going with SystemSPARK, and using Ada for my testbenches!

- Brian

Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Python as a HDL:
VHDL development, the modern way:
Analog design automation:
World-class digital design:


I beg to differ. The new numeric_std_unsigned package assigns an
arithmetic interpretation to std_logic_vector, just like
std_logic_arith did.

Also, by using the conversion unsigned(my_slv) you are already
implying that the unconverted slv has the same bit representation as
unsigned, which is arithmetic. The tool is not allowed to convert/move
bits around in that conversion, so the new interpretation is in effect
placed on the old slv as well.

Yes, if the designer wants to consider SLV as a 2's complement vector,
there is nothing in the language to prevent that. But there is
nothing in the language to promote it either. Anyone is free to
create their own libraries or to use standard ones to add capabilities
to the language. That is what is going on in both
numeric_std_unsigned and in numeric_std. The utility of these data
types is being extended as the designer wishes. It is not a default
part of the language.

If I tell the simulator or synthesis tool to add one to a value, the
new value better be larger than the old value, by exactly one, or it
should die trying (with an informative error message in the case of a
simulator). It should not silently assume that something else will be
good enough. Same goes for subtraction. If I need it do do something
besides adding or subtracting, then I will tell it what I want it to
do (either by resize() or mod, etc.)

Integer and sfixed/ufixed do this correctly, with the exception of
subtracting ufixed values.

How do you expect a synthesis tool to handle this requirement? If you
write VHDL code to increment a counter, what do you expect the
hardware to do when the counter reaches the max value? Are you saying
you expect the synthesis tool to throw an error if the designer does
not indicate explicitly what will happen with an IF statement or a MOD

What does the synthesis tool do with integers in the case of a counter
that can overflow?

signal a : integer range 0 to 15;
-- clocked process wrapper...
a <= a + 1;

What hardware should this produce? Or how should I write this for a 4
bit counter? How exactly should the synthesis tool "die trying"?

I think limiting overloaded assignment operators to re-sizing the same
type (between the expression and the target) would be pretty safe, but
it also would not handle the signed/unsigned issue. But because
integer and natural are the same base type, it can also handle signed/
unsigned conversions (with bounds checking). Those are different base
types in VHDL.

So maybe we limit the actions of overloaded assignment operators to
converting "closely related" types and resizing to this relatively
safe. If it works out, maybe we can extend overloaded assignments to
other areas, but I'd rather take baby steps and not break anything,
than take too big a step and cause bigger, unforseen problems.

I have no idea what is safe and what is not. But us talking about it
won't solve anything.



Yes, if the designer wants to consider SLV as a 2's complement vector,
there is nothing in the language to prevent that.  But there is
nothing in the language to promote it either.  Anyone is free to
create their own libraries or to use standard ones to add capabilities
to the language.  That is what is going on in both
numeric_std_unsigned and in numeric_std.  The utility of these data
types is being extended as the designer wishes.  It is not a default
part of the language.

The standard ("default part of the") language now includes the
packages. And by allowing the unsigned(my_slv) conversion, which does
not include any reforming of the elements within my_slv, and my_slv =
10 (via numeric_std_unsigned), the language is ensuring that the
numeric interpretation is extended to slv. Whether you choose to
access that interpretation or not, the representation must be
consistent with the numeric interpretation.
How do you expect a synthesis tool to handle this requirement?  If you
write VHDL code to increment a counter, what do you expect the
hardware to do when the counter reaches the max value?  Are you saying
you expect the synthesis tool to throw an error if the designer does
not indicate explicitly what will happen with an IF statement or a MOD

What does the synthesis tool do with integers in the case of a counter
that can overflow?

signal a : integer range 0 to 15;
-- clocked process wrapper...
  a <= a + 1;

What hardware should this produce?  Or how should I write this for a 4
bit counter?  How exactly should the synthesis tool "die trying"?

Your description did not legally tell the synthesis tool what to do
when a is 15, since storing the result of 15 + 1 in a would be illegal
(and in fact impossible in a four bit storage register). Therefore,
the synthesis tool is free to do anything it wants in that case.

So, one way to look at what really happens in synthesis is this:

signal a : integer range 0 to 15;
-- clocked process wrapper...
if a + 1 > 15 then -- implied by the range of a
a <= "don't care"; -- because assigning 16 to a is illegal anyway
a <= a + 1;
end if;

Lucky for us, it turns out that the most efficient implementation of
the above is to simply truncate the result of 15 + 1, which is a roll
over, or modulo counter.

I would prefer that it at least give me a warning that it was doing
this, but in reality, it could do anything it wants, because I did not
tell it what to do.

To keep simulation and synthesis on the same page, a better way to
write it in the first place would be:

signal a : integer range 0 to 15;
-- clocked process wrapper...
a <= (a + 1) mod 16;

This way, you are explicitly, legally telling the synthesis tool (and
the simulator) what you want to do when a is 15.



Before you go too far with overloaded assignment operators,
you have to face another issue :

assignment is not an operator!

And changing that in VHDL would probably be difficult (for a mild
understatement). For better or worse, it's a 50-year old design decision in,
clearly not just VHDL, but back through Ada, and right back to Algol-60.

I don't see it happening.

Rather than overloading the assignment operator, my suggestion to the
(*1) VHDL pubas (two years ago) is to add a method to allow a function
to get access to the attributes associated with whatever the result of
the function will be assigned to. Adds to the language without
breaking anything existing and accomplishes the same goal.

Kevin Jennings

(*1) bug #240


The standard ("default part of the") language now includes the
packages. And by allowing the unsigned(my_slv) conversion, which does
not include any reforming of the elements within my_slv, and my_slv =
10 (via numeric_std_unsigned), the language is ensuring that the
numeric interpretation is extended to slv. Whether you choose to
access that interpretation or not, the representation must be
consistent with the numeric interpretation.

Your description did not legally tell the synthesis tool what to do
when a is 15, since storing the result of 15 + 1 in a would be illegal
(and in fact impossible in a four bit storage register). Therefore,
the synthesis tool is free to do anything it wants in that case.

So, one way to look at what really happens in synthesis is this:

signal a : integer range 0 to 15;
-- clocked process wrapper...
if a + 1 > 15 then -- implied by the range of a
a <= "don't care"; -- because assigning 16 to a is illegal anyway
a <= a + 1;
end if;

Lucky for us, it turns out that the most efficient implementation of
the above is to simply truncate the result of 15 + 1, which is a roll
over, or modulo counter.

I would prefer that it at least give me a warning that it was doing
this, but in reality, it could do anything it wants, because I did not
tell it what to do.

To keep simulation and synthesis on the same page, a better way to
write it in the first place would be:

signal a : integer range 0 to 15;
-- clocked process wrapper...
a <= (a + 1) mod 16;

This way, you are explicitly, legally telling the synthesis tool (and
the simulator) what you want to do when a is 15.


As it turns out, that is exactly what I do because the simulation
doesn't work without it. It also solves your synthesis problem.

There are any number of things that a synthesis tool assumes if you
don't tell it. They think they are doing you a favor. But then these
are the same sorts of things that people complain about when using
VHDL. That is what VHDL is all about, telling the tools exactly what
you want rather than using default.


Jan Decaluwe

Brian said:
Before you go too far with overloaded assignment operators,
you have to face another issue :

assignment is not an operator!

And changing that in VHDL would probably be difficult (for a mild
understatement). For better or worse, it's a 50-year old design decision in,
clearly not just VHDL, but back through Ada, and right back to Algol-60.

I don't see it happening.

Moreover, these proposals invariably seem to be inspired
by types that force us to deal with the representation to
get arithmetic right. For some reason, we seem to think
that we are better at that than synthesis tools. The
opposite is true of course.

For integer arithmetic, a more usable integer type would
address the issues in a much better way. I don't know
about fixed point, but probably the Ada example can be


Jan Decaluwe - Resources bvba -
Python as a HDL:
VHDL development, the modern way:
Analog design automation:
World-class digital design:

Colin Paul Gloster

Martin Thompson <[email protected]> sent on November 12th, 2010:

|"[..] |
| |
|Maybe we should just quit VHDL and start synthesising Ada directly|
|[..]" |

People have claimed to have synthesized Ada to hardware.

|"Maybe call it SystemAda :)" |

There was an article by Zainalabedin Navabi and others in "Ada
Letters" entitled "System level hardware design and simulation with
SystemAda" in 2009. It seems to me that they were trying to get an
easy publication instead of doing real work. They and the editor
showed unknowingly in the article that they did not know what they
were discussing.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Colin Gloster

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