By value or by reference?



Alex Martelli said:
C is also very simple, just like Python: C always does pass by value.
I.e., C always does implicit copy (on assignment or parameter passing),
just like Python never does.
So in C you ask explicitly when you want a reference (pointer) instead,
e.g. with &foo -- in Python you ask explicitly when you want a copy
instead, e.g. with copy.copy(foo). Two simple language, at opposite
ends of the semantics scale, but each consistent and clean. (Python
matches 4.5 of the 5 points which define "the spirit of C" according to
the latter's Standard's preface...!-).

This is misleading. copy.copy does a smart, data-structure-aware copy
(not a deep copy, but exactly what copy.copy does differs among
datatypes). Parameter passing isn't about data structures; it's about
what an assignment statement means when you're assigning to a formal
parameter within a function (also possibly about some other things
like lazy evaluation), for example whether the argument list is a
declaration of new variables or just a set of aliases for other
pre-existing values (I don't say "variables" here because the value
passed in may be anonymous).

Jeremy Bowers

Hi all!

How does Python pass arguments to a function? By value or by reference?

Summarizing all of the arguments, it is "Pass by reference, by value".

The functions receive copies of the references, but the function receives
a new reference by value, not "the same reference" as it is in C++.

def something(a):
a = 11

immediately discards the passed-in reference with no affect on the caller.

This is never correct in Python:

somefunction() = "some value"

This is sort of "because" of the way Python bind names, and in another
sense, is the *cause* of the Python name binding behavior :)

Bengt Richter

Jonathan Ellis said:
Wrong. Here is the difference between pass by reference and pass by
value to CS types:

With pass-by-reference, i would now be 1. However, since python is
pass-by-value, it remains 10. you tell "CS types" it's pass-by-value, and they come right back

def bar(b): b.append(2)

z = []
print z

With pass-by-value, they'll say, z would still be []. However, since
what is passed is not just (a copy of) the value, but (a reference to)
the object itself, z is [2] instead.

The terminology problem may be due to the fact that, in python, the
value of a name is a reference to an object. So, you always pass the
value (no implicity copying), and that value is always a reference.

I find it simpler to explain as: the semantics of argument passing are
_exactly_ identical to that of assignment (binding) to a barename; you
can fruitfully see argument passing as local (bare) names of the called
function being assigned initial values by the caller (that's exactly
what happens, in practice). Now if you want to coin a name for that,
such as "by object reference", "by uncopied value", or whatever, be my
guest. Trying to reuse terminology that is more generally applied to
languages where "variables are boxes" to a language where "variables are
post-it tags" is, IMHO, more likely to confuse than to help.
Maybe something like this can help elucidate the mechanism(s) of passing arguments?
(I.e., as a sort of automatic tuple formation from the arg list and unpacking it
into the locals indicated by the parameter name list)?
... print 'x=%r, y=%r'%(x, y)
... ... x, y = args
... print 'x=%r, y=%r'%(x, y)
... x=1, y='two'

Bengt Richter

Dan Bishop

Riccardo Rossi said:
Hi all!

How does Python pass arguments to a function? By value or by reference?

If you're familiar with C, think of it this way

/* Python function

def foo(arg1, arg2):
localA = arg1
localB = bar(arg2)
# ...

object *foo(object *arg1, object *arg2) {
object *localA = arg1;
object *localB = bar(arg2);
/* ... */

Alex Martelli

On 2004 Oct 18, at 22:46, Josiah Carlson wrote:
I agree with most everything you have said, though consider the pointer
vs. value of C to define the semantics of the passing. That is, if you
get a pointer in C, it is by reference. If you don't get a pointer, it
is by value.

I disagree: you get the value of the pointer. If you assign to the
barename of the pointer, this has no effect on the caller.

void foo(int* x) {
x = 0;

the fact that x is a pointer makes no difference whatsoever: the x=0;
within function foo is just assigning to local variable 'x', without
any effect on the caller, just as if the signature was '(int x)'

"By reference" semantics, in e.g. Fortran, Visual Basic, Pascal, C++,
...., are normally taken to mean that the function can do:
x = 0;
i.e. assign to the barename of an argument, and thereby affect the
caller. In Fortran (traditionally) it's always that way (the language
definition supports both value/return and reference semantics, with
lots of strictures on what is semantically correct in order to ensure
both mechanisms work; in practice, implementations for the last 30+
years have used references, 99% of Fortran programmers are unaware of
the strictures, and get big surprises when an aggressive optimizer,
taking advantage of the constraints the programmers routinely violate,
turns their code into mush;-). In Pascal, defining an argument in the
signature as "x:integer" or "var x:integer" makes all the difference;
in Visual Basic, the adjectives Byval and Byref do; in C++, the
referencemarker ampersand ('int&x' in the signature); etc.

C has nothing like that. You can explicitly take the address of
something, you can pass (by value!) an address ('pointer'), you can
dereference an address -- and these are the mechanisms you can use to
get PAST the lack of byref parameters. The workarounds in Fortran for
the lack of byval parameters are sometimes even funnier: you see X+0
passed as the actual argument, for example, or sometimes X*1, in the
hope that this will make a copy of X and thereby preserve X from
modification (the interested reader can study the Fortran 66 and 77
manuals to see how this tricks have fared, standardswise... compilers
often are more accomodating than the standards, though in the Fortran
world optimization is SO crucial that this need not be so...).
[[similar tricks in Python are using L[:], L+[], or L*1, to get a copy
of L -- less forgivable in Python where list(L) does that cleanly,
explicitly and legibly, of course;-)]]
I also agree that everything is pure and explicit in both languages, it
took me a few minutes mucking around with the interpreter my first time
to understand how Python deals with the base types.

I'm trying to point out that if you toss the standard C semantic
definition of "pass by value" and "pass by reference", by merely
pretending that the definitions have not been given in the history of
computer science, and just look at how Python does actual name binding
in namespaces/scopes, you can understand what Python does much better
than to get into a "Python does pass by reference" vs. "Python does
by value" argument.

I agree. But in C you cannot possibly do better than "C does pass by
value, and assigns by value [with an unfortunate hack regarding arrays
decaying to pointers]". The concept of passing by reference is needed
in other languages, but not in C (nor Python). "Pass by value"
normally (for most languages) implies a copy: once you realize that
Python doesn't do implicit copies (the +[], *1 and [:] hacks
notwithstanding, those ARE computing expressions after all) then 'pass
by value' is in fact just as applicable to Python -- the difference is
not in how arguments are passed, but in the fact that in Python a
name's value is ALWAYS a reference to an object, so the value (that is
passed) IS the reference (to the object), while in C variables are
little boxes with their value inside, so the value that is passed is a
copy of the box's contents (some of those boxes, known as pointers,
hold addresses...).


Jacek Generowicz

Riccardo Rossi said:
How does Python pass arguments to a function? By value or by reference?

[Or maybe "by name", or even "by need" ?]

Don't take anyone's word for it. Check for yourself.

Here's a program that tells you the answer. Should be trivially
translatable to many other languages.

def passCheck(b):
b = 'new'

def doesThisLanguageBindByValue(language):
a = 'original'
b = a
b = 'new'
if a == 'original':
print "%s assigns by value" % (language)
print "%s does not assigns by value" % (language)

a = 'original'
if a == 'original':
print "%s passes by value" % (language)
print "%s does not pass by value" % (language)


Caveat: Once you've convinced yourself that the answer is "by value",
do notice that the values are references, so you can give the
impression that you have by-reference semantics, by passing or
assigning a mutable object and mutating it. But the _binding_
mechanism is most certainly "by value".

Alex Martelli

JCM said:
This is misleading. copy.copy does a smart, data-structure-aware copy

I imagine you mean something like "type-aware" here. But I don't see
anything misleading here, nevertheless.
(not a deep copy, but exactly what copy.copy does differs among
datatypes). Parameter passing isn't about data structures; it's about

Some languages do use different parameter passing conventions depending
on the types involved, actually; I believe C# is an example. Most
languages do fortunately eschew such complications.
what an assignment statement means when you're assigning to a formal
parameter within a function (also possibly about some other things

....which in turn depends, also, on what assignment statements mean *in
general*. In C, a=b means (assuming the same datatype on both sides;
you can't ignore datatypes in C...): copy the bits that are in the "box"
named b, into the "box" named a. In Python, a=b means: attach the "tag"
a, to the same object to which the "tag" b is also attached right now.

The distinction is put in sharper evidence for some datatypes than for
others -- clearest with a C struct:

typedef struct {
int x, y;
} xy;
xy a = {1, 2};
xy b = {3, 4};

wrt a roughly equivalent Python class

class xy:
def __init__(self, x, y): self.x, self.y = x, y
a = xy(1, 2)
b = xy(3, 4)

After a=b followed by b.x=5, what's a.x? In C, it's still 3, because
the assignment was a copy of b's bits at that time; in Python, it's 5,
because the assignment just made names a and b refer to the same object.

And exactly the same thing applies if you have a function, and pass b in
as its actual argument:

void foo(xy c) { c.x = 6; }

vs, in Python:

def foo(c): c.x = 6

once you call foo(b), in each language, it's just as if there had been
an assignment c=b by the rules of the respective language, followed by
the c.x=6 part. Just like above, in C b.x is unaffected (because the
assignment, resp. the parameter passing, did a copy); just like above,
in Python b.x is now 6 (because the assignment, resp. the parameter
passing, just gave one more name to the same object, without copies).

The two languages behave exactly the same if a function assigns to a
formal parameter's name, rather than (e.g.) to a field thereof:

void bar(xy d) { xy e = {7,8}; d = e; }


def bar(d): d = xy(7, 8)

in each language, after you call bar(b), the value of b is totally
unaffected by the fact that the function assigns to its formal argument;
just like it would be by two back to back assignments such as
d = b;
d = e;
no effect on the value of b in either language.
like lazy evaluation), for example whether the argument list is a
declaration of new variables or just a set of aliases for other
pre-existing values (I don't say "variables" here because the value
passed in may be anonymous).

That concept of "alias" is in fact somewhat alien to both C and Python.
A "new variable" in C is a new box where bits may be copied; a "new
variable" in C is a new label which can attached to objects.

Thus, passing arguments in each language has exactly the same effect as,
in the same language, having a bunch of new variables -- which in C
means a bunch of new boxes filled with bits (copied) from somewhere, in
Python means a bunch of new labels attached to objects from somewhere.

That's very different from Fortran, where such "aliasing" is indeed the
norm in parameter passing (but not in assignment; differently from C and
Python, Fortran has very different semantics for assignment and
parameter passing). In that case, a subroutine assigning to the
barename of one of its formal arguments can indeed affect the caller,
iff the caller had passed in a variable (or array item) as the actual
argument corresponding. It need not be call by reference (at least not
as far back as Fortran IV): the language was quite careful to constrain
the valid operations so that an implementation was free to either use a
reference _OR_ copy values on subroutine entry and exit, for
optimization purposes. Most Fortran programmers didn't really
understand that part very well, but here's an example:

I = I + 1
J = J + 2

this is valid Fortran. However, CALL INCBOTH(MU,MU) is invalid (though
barely any compiler/linker could diagnose this!) and the effects on MU
are undefined. In practice all compilers I've used would increment MU
by 3, but it would be perfectly valid to increment it by just 1 _or_ 2
(the compiler can choose to copy MU to I and J on entry, and I and J to
MU on exit, in either order) or even, I believe, to crash the program.

((These constraints on the programmer mean more freedom for the compiler
to optimize the snot out of the code, and that was traditionally a prime
consideration in Fortran. A hypothetical example where using
value/return might optimize things would be with a machine full of
registers and addressability only of memory, not of registers, and
perhaps some mechanism such as sliding register windows to optimize
parameter passing in registers. If Fortran HAD to use pass-by-reference
it could not optimize things by keeping all of MU, I and J in registers
(as we assumed registers to not be addressable -- most machines are that
way, though I recall some delightful exceptions where "registers" in
fact had addresses and could thus be used fully interchangeably with
memory locations, such as some HP and TI minicomputers); with the
ability to pass by copy-on-entry, copy-on-exit, everything can stay in
registers here, just as it could for a pass-by-value language.))

So, back to our muttons, I don't see anything misleading about anything
I said. Terminology apart, it doesn't seem we have disagreements; but
terminology does have some importance, and trying to shoehorn not fully
appropriate terminology may help confuse somebody's thinking, at times.


Bruno Desthuilliers

Donn said:
Well, true enough for string, but not true for list for example.

I may not have made clear enough that this consideration only applied to
immutable objects...
Aside from this wretched wart on the language, as another followup
has already pointed out, you really don't need to distinguish
mutable vs. immutable to understand argument passing and variable
binding in Python.

If you write:
def f(a, b):
a = 5

... it makes no difference whether either argument is mutable
or immutable. a becomes a different object notwithstanding,
and b.flog operates on the caller's original object whether flog
modifies anything or not. We tend to make this too complicated.

Perhaps, but still there's the case of

def foo_list(bar_list):
bar_list += ['42']

which behave quite differently from

def foo_str(bar_str):
bar_str += '42'

My 2 cents

Alex Martelli

Josiah Carlson said:
I disagree: you get the value of the pointer. If you assign to the
barename of the pointer, this has no effect on the caller.

[snip the remainder of the email]

Sounds good. Now with the semantic arguments out of the way, is there a
link where the equivalent of what was just said is available in the

If yes, great. If not, perhaps what has been discussed should be
slimmed down and inserted into the FAQ so that future generations don't
need to rehash this conversation.

Sure, but it's a vain hope -- 2 out of 3 questions asked here ARE about
stuff well covered in the FAQ, anyway.


Alex Martelli

Jacek Generowicz said:
Here's a program that tells you the answer. Should be trivially
translatable to many other languages.

def passCheck(b):
b = 'new'

def doesThisLanguageBindByValue(language):
a = 'original'
b = a
b = 'new'
if a == 'original':
print "%s assigns by value" % (language)
print "%s does not assigns by value" % (language)

Can you give some examples of languages which would end up in the else
branch? I think that with a suitably perverse operator= I might be able
to imitate this weird effect in C++, but then I think I'd have to make
the 'b = a' a copy ctor instead of an assignment (or get to such levels
of perversion that even my once-C++-addled mind reels at...;-).


Bengt Richter

Josiah Carlson said:
I agree with most everything you have said, though consider the pointer
vs. value of C to define the semantics of the passing. That is, if you
get a pointer in C, it is by reference. If you don't get a pointer, it
is by value.

I disagree: you get the value of the pointer. If you assign to the
barename of the pointer, this has no effect on the caller.

[snip the remainder of the email]

Sounds good. Now with the semantic arguments out of the way, is there a
link where the equivalent of what was just said is available in the

If yes, great. If not, perhaps what has been discussed should be
slimmed down and inserted into the FAQ so that future generations don't
need to rehash this conversation.

Sure, but it's a vain hope -- 2 out of 3 questions asked here ARE about
stuff well covered in the FAQ, anyway.
I keep thinking there should be a tech fix for part of this problem. E.g.,
if interactive python help supported help(faqtopic='whatever') and that
automatically used urllib to search the latest faq (caching stuff perhaps)
and produced a topic-oriented HTML page with links to likely faq items, and
started a browser to display it ...
Hm, sounds like google with a site restriction. Maybe faq should live on and help(faqtopic='...') could leverage that?

Anyway, the other part is feeding good stuff like your posted explanations
into the faq. I keep thinking a little posting markup of some sort could
make automated harvesting of archives for faq snippets possible.

Bengt Richter

Jacek Generowicz

Can you give some examples of languages which would end up in the else

Sure. Here it is in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void passCheck(std::string& b) {
b = "new";

void doesThisBindByValue() {
std::string a = "original";
std::string& b = a;
b = "new";
if (a == "original") {
std::cout << "by value" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "NOT by value" << std::endl;

a = 1;
if (a == "original") {
std::cout << "by value" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "NOT by value" << std::endl;

int main() {


return 0;
I think that with a suitably perverse operator= I might be able
to imitate this weird effect in C++, but then I think I'd have to make
the 'b = a' a copy ctor instead of an assignment (or get to such levels
of perversion that even my once-C++-addled mind reels at...;-).

No need for such horrors. Just declare the variables to be references
.... and then you really do get bind-by-reference. It does exactly what
is says on the tin (unusual for C++, I know :).

Alex Martelli

Jacek Generowicz said:
Sure. Here it is in C++: ...
std::string a = "original";
std::string& b = a;

Ah, references, of course. And you need to make the two "b =" bits
drastically different in meaning, taking advantage of the fact that C++
overloads = to mean both initialization/construction and assignment;
that's not quite cheating but it sure bends the rules;-).

And after all this, the message "C++ does not assign by value" is false,
because it sure does, under many (most!-) circumstances. You'd need to
rephrase this as "under at least some circumstances, C++ does assign
not-by-value" or the like.

To remove the need to bend the rules, and have both "b =" be
assignments, you do need a peculiar type for b, such as (untested and
I'm rusty in C++, so take it w/a grain of salt):

class sly {
std::string *p;
sly() { p=0; }
std::string& operator=(std::string& x) {
if(p) (*p)=x;
else p=&x;

Here, the first assignment to b (declared as 'sly b;') follows the else
branch of operator=, initializing p; following ones follow the if
branch, altering whatever p is holding on to.
((Not sure operator= as written will accept an '= "new";' assignment,
but if not that could be easily cured by overloading operator= with a
variant taking a const std::string&)).

OK, so there are languages which have reference-variables or let you
build such beasts -- as I recall the first one was Algol 68. But
"(language) does not assign by value" should be true only for languages
that do NOT assign by value, as opposed to ones which may have several
kinds of assignments...


Jacek Generowicz

Ah, references, of course.

Well, the original question _was_ (I prapharse) "by *reference*, or by
value?". Given that C++ allows you to choose, why not choose?
And you need to make the two "b =" bits drastically different in

_I_ don't. That C++ choses to do so, is a different matter. (Hence my
earlier comment about C++ doing exactly what it says on the tin being
rather rare :)
taking advantage of the fact that C++ overloads = to mean both
initialization/construction and assignment; that's not quite
cheating but it sure bends the rules;-).

I'm just using the surface syntax provided by C++. Don't blame me for
C++ being a complete mess :)
And after all this, the message "C++ does not assign by value" is false,
because it sure does, under many (most!-) circumstances.

The relative frequency is a function of how often the programmer
choses to use "&".
You'd need to rephrase this as "under at least some circumstances,
C++ does assign not-by-value" or the like.

Which is why I _did_ rephrase the message in the C++ example :-0
OK, so there are languages which have reference-variables

Exactly. And Python is not one of them.

Jacek Generowicz

Jacek Generowicz said:
Well, the original question _was_ (I prapharse) "by *reference*, or by
value?". Given that C++ allows you to choose, why not choose?

.... and if I had bothered to read the thread title I could have said
that the original question was _exactly_ "By value or by reference?".


Gustavo Niemeyer

By reference to an object....See the python tutorial.
Wrong. Here is the difference between pass by reference and pass by
value to CS types:

With pass-by-reference, i would now be 1. However, since python is
pass-by-value, it remains 10. you tell "CS types" it's pass-by-value, and they come right back

def bar(b): b.append(2)

z = []
print z

With pass-by-value, they'll say, z would still be []. However, since
what is passed is not just (a copy of) the value, but (a reference to)
the object itself, z is [2] instead.

It really depends on what you claim to be passed by value. In Python,
objects are passed by reference, but references are passed by value. So
one may say that z is being passed by value, since what is passed is a
copy of the reference. With that in mind, one may correctly say that
Python always do pass-by-value, and correctly say that it always do

Here is an article presenting the issue in more detail (much more :):
The terminology problem may be due to the fact that, in python, the
value of a name is a reference to an object. So, you always pass the
value (no implicity copying), and that value is always a reference.

That's it.

Alex Martelli

Gustavo Niemeyer said:
It really depends on what you claim to be passed by value. In Python,
objects are passed by reference, but references are passed by value. So
one may say that z is being passed by value, since what is passed is a
copy of the reference. With that in mind, one may correctly say that
Python always do pass-by-value, and correctly say that it always do

That's my point, even though it's argued the other way 'round, that
neither is correct, given the usual connotations of these terms.

Here is an article presenting the issue in more detail (much more :):
The terminology problem may be due to the fact that, in python, the
value of a name is a reference to an object. So, you always pass the
value (no implicity copying), and that value is always a reference.

That's it.

Right. And in common use, pass-by-value and -by-reference are thought
to imply something else. I wonder how Java deals with it, since (except
for some primitive types like int) it's just the same mechanism as
Python's; being widely used and academically acceptable it must have
found a satisfactory way to explain this, one would hope.


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