Jorgen Grahn
I an nor so sure I would call that an information "leak", in a language
without the ability to tell the compiler to automatically call an
objects destructor, I wouldn't call listing a requirement that the
object needs its "close" function called before the object goes away an
encapsulation "leakage", it is just part of the objects interface. It
does say that when designing said interface, the designer needs to think
if there is now, or in some point in the future a possible need for such
an routine, and if so provide it and "require" its call. If anything, it
is the objects that do NOT require a "close" call that have leaked
implementation details, as if the future that changes, you need to
review all usage of that class.
Yes, the automatic calling of the "close" function simplify a lot of
code, but some of the critics of C++ also point out that this
automatisity is also a big problem as it can hide significant amounts of
Which critics? You hear this a lot from C programmers who like to
believe they have total control over the generated machine code (and
that C++ wants to rob them of it), but here we're comparing C++ with
languages like Java and Python, not C.