LR write:
every programmer has an employer or at least a customer
BTW, this is a cultural difference, not a technical one.
No. Each of programmer must pay taxes. Do we include in C++ ways of taxes
reducing? There are many programmers, who has a car, do we include in C++
regularity of car's tech-services? There is war in some countries, do we
include in C++ protection in the case of war or storm?
This is quite clear - there is domain (in our case the domain is
programming one and is a questions of programming and desing) and there is
environment of programmers - his wifes, childrens, parents, emploiers,
cars. They are different things and must be separated, correct language
intended to programming domain only.
_correct_? I suggest that this can only be subjective.
No. For our case "correctness" is very objective thing and even more - can
be easy tested by experience (or experiments): If there are no suitable
ways to resolve detected problem of domain, the thing is incorrect. Very
And this "public" language is going to have some problems.
Would any programmer take the time to learn a language
I have written in the thread above, that some people mixing "programming
language" and "desing ways". The time to lern basic (means all regular
stuffs) things of C/pascal/C++ is several weeks. This is experimental
time, many times proved.
We must assume, that programmer wants some desing things (that can be
expressed by his native language) and expects C++ syntax for it. This is
only way to lern and use programming language correctly (this is aslo
experimental thing, many times proved), "text of standard" can not help
you here.
that is going to have such potential problems with compatibility.
I guess you are about user-human's problems? The problems could be only
for people who can not explain thier own actions. Of course, versions must
be strictly separated, for example, by dialects (dialects here are part of
language syntax, rather than other version of "standard").
I already have answered befor (later in the post you are answering): "what
we can do with perfect language".
All languages have problems. Whatever language you develop will have
I found this quote here:
"There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about
and the ones nobody uses"
I do not want to discuss outside of terms of detected problems. We can not
hide the problems ( for C++ development some the problems already have been
enumerated by me:
- there are problems with expression by C++ existing desing ideas of
existing jobs;
- there are no _effective_ and _real_ way for _all_ end-users to reflect
their desires to C++;
- there are some contradicted "set of terms of conditions" of C++
development, each of them reflects own group of users and we have only one
(selected by certain condition) group supported now;
- there are ways to change the situation;
) by any quotes. If user require something, at least the user will use it,
why not? I agree, that with current state of C++ desing it is not easy (or
even possible) to take in account opinions of all end-users. And i am
speaking about the fact and ways of changing the state.
Everyone would like the language to improve. The question is, what are
the costs?
I know, there are free C++ compilers. Who pays for it?
You want a new language. That's fine. Go ahead. But I think you'll
find that the "industrial" requirements will always exist. In the mean
time, I think you can always grab hold of some public domain compiler
and modify it for your own ends.
No, i do not want new language if C++ is not closed one, and is not a
registered trade mark of concrete language, that is developed by concrete
registered persons under concrete registered terms and conditions. It is
not easy to guess is C++ open programming system or private language.
If i could do all works (even declarative works) with improved C++ myself,
how do you think, did i write here? I think even Stroustup uses some
community to do C++ development.
Maksim A. Polyanin