Claudio Puviani
Pete Vidler said:Claudio Puviani wrote:
[snip]Good information is never out of date. Knuth's "Art
of Computer Programming" series was first published
in 1968 and anyone would get shot for calling it out
of date. A discriminating reader can easily filter out
what's still relevant and what isn't. Those who can't
are probably not ready to read the book yet.
Right, but if it almost pre-dates namespaces there is
going to be a lot missing from it -- am I right?
Templates and such?
First of all, it doesn't predate namespaces, much less templates. It's not a
book about individual C++ features. If that's what you're looking for, this
is the wrong book for you. It's about large-scale software design, and the
basic principles can be applied to almost any language.
Knuth's book is somewhat different, the concepts it
addresses are not based on a language that has changed
a great deal over time. It isn't even based on a real
language at all (unless you count a few implementations
by enthusiasts).
Software design is fairly language-independent as well. John Lakos simply
used C++ as an example because it's still the best vehicle for large scale
software development.
[snip]EVERY book that proposes guidelines has strange guidelines.
Or at least, we perceive them as being strange because the
author comes from a different background. The thing to
remember is that guidelines are NOT rules and should be
followed only if they make sense in a given context.
I have to disagree. I have read many guideline type books (the
"Effective" and "Exceptional" books to name five) that I have
had no disagreements with at all. I don't believe I come from
the same background as the authors.
You're a rare exception. Most people have built up equally valid guidelines
over years of developing in C++, and it's just impossible for every rule in
every book to seemlessly fit into every other system. It's not a criticism
of the authors; just situations that make some recommendations inapplicable
or inconsistent with existing practices.
[snip]The truth is that whether or not one appreciates John's style
or agrees with every detail, anyone who hasn't read the book
is a step behind those who have with regard to physical design.
That cannot possibly be true. If we haven't read the book we
might still know everything it contains (through other sources)
and not realise it.
That's highly unlikely and slightly pretentious. The best software
developers I know -- and I know some stellar ones -- still learn something
every time they pick up a new book. Anyone who thinks he's too good to learn
something new is just plain delusional.
And for all I know, if I do read it much of its contents might be
obvious to me.
Right. Maybe you should read it instead of patting yourself on the back
Claudio Puviani