c++ interview questions.


Ian Collins

*Please* don't quote signatures.
Yes, but I'm talking about the general case, not specifically you.
Also, the fact that people have sometimes given you a script, and
assumed you would just follow it, is certainly evidence in my
direction. If most people in your position thought of original
questions, no one would give you a script.
The script didn't contain any C++ questions, only HR related ones. I've
also been on the receiving end of a fair number of interviews and only
about half the interviewers followed a script. These days I'd be
reluctant to work anywhere where they did, it's indicative of company
cultures I dislike.

James Kanze

The script didn't contain any C++ questions, only HR related ones. I've
also been on the receiving end of a fair number of interviews and only
about half the interviewers followed a script. These days I'd be
reluctant to work anywhere where they did, it's indicative of company
cultures I dislike.

That's a point, too.

I'm independent, so I interview a lot. A few (very few) places
have given me a written test, generally designed just to weed
out the obvious bluffers. Other than that, I've never had any
really detailed programming questions concerning C++; the most
frequent question seemed to be whether I was familiar with the
Design Patterns book, and which patterns in it I'd actually

Obviously, of course, I haven't interviewed for beginners
positions, so maybe the situation is different for them. I have
done interviews myself, for several different clients, and
except for a few simple questions to weed out obvious bluffers,
my questions have never concerned language details. (By simple
questions, I mean things like: "Why would you declare a
destructor virtual?" When the answer is something along the
lines of "What do you mean by virtual?", and the candidate
claims four years experience with C++ in an OO environment, you
don't have to interview any further.)


Im graduating in the coming december. Anyone pls guide me where i can
get c++ interview questions. I shall be very thankful to you if you
provide me good link so any stuff if you have regarding c++,
databases, algorithms, data structures and software engineering.

Al Pacino

Common language specific Questions I got asked post graduation:

What is the differance between a virtual destructor and a regular
Lots of Find the error in the following code: <insert bad programming
here, usually some memory leak>
What is a linked list? What is a "chained" link list?
What is the output of <insert arithmetic involving int and float
Give me the syntax for private inheritance
What compilers have you used?
What debuggers have you used?
How would you debug the following <insert problem here>

Additionally frustrating is interviewing with some managerial person
whom got thier questions from an IT guy and screws up the verbage or
doesn't understand any black and white answer they don't have written
down. So, when you explain "How I would do it" answers, be sure to
know how to explain it well or they will most likely discount it for a
wrong answer.

Be prepared for the common interview questions like:
why do you want to work here
what did you like about your last job
what did you hate
give me an example of some conflict you had
blah blah blah

I've also found that putting a link to my ftp or http site with demo
code to be very valuable, as the silly mangerial staff will usually
foward that to a real engineer whom will then push hard for your
hire...if you have well written and readable code that is...

You will also find that most entry level positions involve more
debugging other peoples garbage code than writing your own. So, be
prepared for it. Developing skills in communicating and convincing
arrogant programmers that think they are smarter than you is
essential. Doing it in a way that allows them to retain their pride is
even better.


Do they? I've conducted scores, maybe even hundreds of interviews over
the years and I've never followed a script. On the few occasions I've
been given one, I've ignored it. Asking from a fixed set of questions
isn't an interview, it's a quiz and a waste of both party's time.

I've just recently joined the the civilian world and had all those
I really dont understand all of those tests... 4 pages of inheritance
to see if you can draw a flow chart... all those trap Q's... things I
will never use that were invented for the only reason of supplying Q's
for interviews...
And there were the testers that asked me a few global Q's about my
knowledge and than the task of coding something... anything... with
MSDN and internet and afterwards a code review.
Simple, fun and effective.

Paul M. Dubuc

dolphin said:
.... If you want to pass a interview.I think the most important thing that you should do is to build a solid base.
I think I can recommend you some books about C++.
Thinking in C++ Vol1.2
Absolutely C++
Effective C++
More Effective C++
Exception C++
If you want to learn algorithms and data structure,the best books are
The art of computer programming Vol1 2 3.

I'd recommend Dewhurst's "C++ Common Knowledge" for starters.

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