C++ is slow


Leor Zolman

I think that the tone of the forum would improve greatly, *especially* for new
posters and/or new C++ programmers *IF* we could first answer the question, and
then parenthetically offer the yards of critiques on correctness and
commentaries on style. I often wonder how many lurkers are out there,
absolutely terrified to ask any type of a question in fear that they will be
mercilessly ripped to shreds.

Three's another aspect I neglected to address in my adjacent post: There
are more than one C++-topical groups, and indeed the more-newbie C++'ers
are better off posting in alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++, where their
newbie-ness is pretty much taken for granted... the trouble is, many folks
don't realize that such a group dichotomy exists, and responders on this
group are more likely to be "critical" of the entire body of code posted
than responders on acllc-c++ (or, at least less likely to do it with kid
gloves on).

However, I have no easy answer to that problem...aside from the ubiquitous
"put it in the FAQ" (or if it is already there, feature it more

Leor Zolman
BD Software
(e-mail address removed)
www.bdsoft.com -- On-Site Training in C/C++, Java, Perl & Unix
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