C Standard Regarding Null Pointer Dereferencing


Shao Miller

I can think of no
reasonable justification for doing so in this newsgroup.
Keith, I'm afraid that I have no justification for my back-and-forth
regarding "claims to have" and "invented" being civil/uncivil. Thanks
for bringing up "doing so in this newsgroup." Sorry.

And now, back to C... :)


[103 lines deleted]

I believe that the e-mail address under whichspinoza1111posts
works.  If you want to have a debate with him, I suggest you do
so by e-mail.  Even with "(OT)" in the subject, I can think of no
reasonable justification for doing so in this newsgroup.

*Please* stop feeding the troll.

"Please don't talk to the Jew"

Kenny McCormack

[103 lines deleted]

I believe that the e-mail address under whichspinoza1111posts
works.  If you want to have a debate with him, I suggest you do
so by e-mail.  Even with "(OT)" in the subject, I can think of no
reasonable justification for doing so in this newsgroup.

*Please* stop feeding the troll.

"Please don't talk to the Jew"

Agreed. It really is astounding to see Kiki argue so passionately
against people using this newsgroup as they choose - and to talk to whom
they choose.

You really have to ask why? What is it to him??? Seriously, why should
he care?

(Especially now that Kiki openly [and repeatedly] claims to be using a
killfile. At least in the olden days, when Kiki claimed that using a
killfile was a moral failing - and thus, of course, that he did not use
one - there was a glimmer of sense in his "protect the newsgroup"

Quite seriously, I would really like to see Kiki's defense to this.


spinoza1111  said:
(Maybe if I put the "OT" in parentheses rather than brackets it
will survive better.  It appears that GG's posting interface
strips off tags in brackets.  Anyone know why that might have
seemed like a good idea??)
On Jul 29, 9:16 pm, (e-mail address removed) (Richard Harter) wrote:
On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 21:27:45 -0700 (PDT),spinoza1111
[ snip ]
I'm not a stalker. Seebach unleashed a cybernetic mob on Herb Schildt
a number of years ago in order to advance himself in a career for
which Seebach is just not qualified, and I examined Seebach's attack
to find it to be garbage. My article about this matter was accepted
for publication in the competently moderated and prestigious group
comp.risks. The moderator was then spammed by the sort of cybernetic
mob Seebach had marshaled against Schildt and printed an apology for
accepting my article,
Why?  If he was right to accept your article, why not print(?)
a defense instead?  It seems to me that you're contradicting
yourself here -- the moderation is competent, and yet the moderator
succumbed to pressure?
Not a contradiction, an indication of the pressures Peter is under. I
dropped the matter after exchanging email in private with Peter
because I respect him and his time commitment. He has always treated
me with a decency and respect I don't see many people showing here.

His experience with you may be different from that of those who
post here, and that may be a factor.

He is more intelligent, more qualified, and above all a better person
than nearly anyone here, and if we may consider that there is a
collective persona in comp.risks, he is, as Hamlet said, "Hyperion to
a Satyr" with respect to that monster.
Was there any suggestion, in the e-mail exchanged with PGN, that
you explicitly mention this experience in your post?  I think it
might have helped me assess your remarks more accurately, and indeed
reading through the post one more time, I think maybe I *was* unduly

I don't believe you're here to judge other people. You lack standing
and qualifications.

Peter was a source for my book, "Build Your Own .Net Language and
Compiler" (Apress 2004), and he read the review copy, it appears from
his email thank you note.

This book described my experience in mainframe platforms.

The one point where I'm still confused, though, is why you claim
NP completeness for an operation that it seems to me is no worse

Actually, I never made that claim. However, matching two sets using
linear pairwise search is indeed NP complete.

But that's not what minimally competent programmer would do when using
DASD in the old days while processing a payroll as a "batch", which as
I said would be necessary given accounting, not data processing,
constraints. He would use "employee ID" as a key to randomly access
the "employee master record". But this, as I said, would cause read
head motion for each record in the batch, and this is much slower than
sequentially proceeding, with minimal head motion, through two sorted
files. Paradoxically, when using batch-oriented payroll accounting,
you needed to use DASD as if it were sequential.

than order-N-squared, with N being the number of employees.  (NP
completeness might be involved if one needed to consider all subsets
of the set of employees, but I'm not thinking of why that would be
necessary if the goal is to process many "change this employee's
salary" requests, even if only sequential reading of the data is

The formula would have nothing to do with this. For a random DASD
access for each payroll "ticket", your time formula is N*A where N is
the size of the incoming ticket or hours worked record and A is the
average seek time.

If what you suspect about the background of the responders is true,
why were *their* posts accepted?  I've looked over those responses
again, by the way, and everyone making a point about the underlying
technology seems to me to have relevant experience.

Because unlike me, Peter Neumann believes that managers know their
Where to draw the line between informed speculation (which is,
and IMO should be, welcome in comp.risks) and wild guesses (which
IMO should not be) is probably to some extent a matter of opinion.
In this case it appears that I may have initially drawn it in
the wrong place, which I regret.

You've painted yourself using corporatese and unexamined phrases into
a logical corner.

Read George Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language". "Never
use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used
to seeing in print." "A matter of opinion" is a received, hackneyed
figure of speech used by people who haven't disambiguated opinion from
status. It's a chunk of words that stops thought.

You see, you've unintentionally said that "where to draw the line
between informed speculation and wild guesses [opinion] is a matter of
opinion". This is an infinite regress.

It's simply untrue that corporations can any way through
administrative procedures identify "mere opinion". You can safely
predict that "scientists" at BP will now say that the oil is "gone"
from the Gulf of Mexico despite the fact that this "informed,
objective viewpoint" is a physical impossibility in physical law
(conservation of matter) and a shocking offense to Gulf fishermen who
have lost their livelihoods. I worked at Amoco, now part of BP, in OS
development and realized that Job One was lying to the oil boys (who
were vicious, drunken thugs) about status.

Absent a kind of maturity which is a termination offense in many
corporations, it is impossible to distinguish people and the quality
of their opinions: there are no individuals, just in duh viduals as we
see here.

It's not my opinion that data processing managers did command
programmers to use the key to look up each employee master when
processing large sequential files. This is what they did in my lived
experience because, shortly after the "structured programming"
innovation of the early 1970s, they insisted on dominating, usually
boorishly, structured walkthroughs despite the fact that this was
discouraged in the literature, and nearly all of them were instances
of the famous Peter Principle: they'd been made manager because they
were incompetent programmmers.

To them, the (rather simple) subtleties and gotchas of a properly
coded and walkable-throughable sequential match were "too complicated"
and ergo "inefficient" because they did not understand it. They would
force programmers to do a random seek.

Nor am I generalizing from insufficient data points. I'm a consultant
whose worked worldwide. This is what happened in reality. It's not
"opinion" at all.


spinoza1111  said:
[103 lines deleted]
I believe that the e-mail address under whichspinoza1111posts
works.  If you want to have a debate with him, I suggest you do
so by e-mail.  Even with "(OT)" in the subject, I can think of no
reasonable justification for doing so in this newsgroup.
*Please* stop feeding the troll.
"Please don't talk to the Jew"

Agreed.  It really is astounding to see Kiki argue so passionately
against people using this newsgroup as they choose - and to talk to whom
they choose.

You really have to ask why?  What is it to him???  Seriously, why should
he care?

For Hecuba?
What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,
That he should weepe for her?

(Shakespeare, Hamlet)

I think, egocentrically perhaps, that Kiki and Seebach (who's admitted
that he labours to understand and can't code worth dick) are enraged
by the way I waltz in here and either understand, or act as if I
understand, their holy mysteries of the Temple of Doom. I learned
computing as an elaborate draft dodging scheme (that got out of hand)
while preserving other talents including the ability to construct and
understand complex sentences over a low upper bound of complexity, the
ability to draw the human figure, and the ability, which I still have,
to run long distance.

This bothers people who in fact labour to understand simple concepts,
learn them in one formulaic way, and are enraged if someone talks of
them either in a different way or in a gay or amusing way.

(Especially now that Kiki openly [and repeatedly] claims to be using a
killfile.  At least in the olden days, when Kiki claimed that using a
killfile was a moral failing - and thus, of course, that he did not use
one - there was a glimmer of sense in his "protect the newsgroup"

Quite seriously, I would really like to see Kiki's defense to this.

I think he's full of hate, and I'm sick of him.


spinoza1111  said:
[ snip ]

What is group knowledge? Is it something superior in all cases, or
even in most cases, than the knowledge of an individual? And can it be
greater than the sum of its parts? Can a group composed of inferior
knowers know more than a good knower? Is what they produce even
knowledge, or more like a text such as wikipedia? And isn't their
knowledge/text in large measure itself measured by its fecundity, eg.,
its production of new knowers who as such are individuals? And isn't
it the case that while you folks might have "the tongues of men and
angels" on your hard drives, most of you are bone stupid and getting
more so?

Are there answers to my questions in that paragraph somewhere?  

No. I want YOU to start THINKING for a change.
You might notice also that I said "*to me* [emphasis added] you
are coming across as", so indeed it would seem to me that I'm
making claims only about my own perceptions rather than those of
some nebulous group, and surely I do know more about those?
I think you've lost touch with your ability to have a genuine
perception because education and socialization, for example the
dissertation review process, makes us mistrust genuine perception. I
think you use crude if explicit markers to judge texts.

I have no idea what you mean by the first sentence, but at least
you have the courtesy to preface it with "I think".  

You may supply that prefix to all my paragraphs. I think, therefore I
The second sentence -- eh, in some ways it's a fair cop, though
I'd claim that I'm aware that I assign more weight to trivia than
maybe I should and try to account for that in forming overall

I think you may find this habit hard to break. Doing so has become
embedded within bureaucratic structures because thinking is considered
waste motion.
So what you found ugly was *what* I said, rather than *how* I said
it?  That wasn't clear from "ugly phrase".

I'm mildly curious about whether there is some variant of English
in which all of Shao's remarks would be interpreted as he apparently
intended them -- one in which neither "claims" nor "invented" have
the negative connotations they have most of the people who have
commented here.  

Like the Obama administration, you consistently try to split the
difference and deny that there is real conflict. By so doing, Obama
enabled Glenn Beck in the same way the co-alcoholic denies the reality
of say her husband's drinking by continuing to pretend "we're a

You end up supporting the psychotic "regulars" because you have no
distinct POV and you blame their victims for somehow not adjusting the
cut of their jib. We want people like Seebach, Kiki and Heathfield to
bug out, because they're bullies and not competent.

[ snip ]
Does that mean "speaking or writing as if I were not a member of a
predefined class"?

No.  (That is a meaning of "patronizing" of which I am unaware.)

It means addressing me as "my dear", and "dear heart", which
I perceive as being talked down to.  Perhaps those terms also have
some meaning in your usage that's different from what they in context
have in mine.

They do, in fact. Feminism, which started out as a humanism and which
did so much good, ALSO evolved into a modern mythos (by which I mean a
structured collection of urban legends, tics, and bullshit).

This mythos excludes a hermeneutic which would reflect what is, in
fact, the case.

That I know full well that men of my father's generation would use
these phrases (as in that TV series Mad Men) to enforce their
financial power and control. Back in the day, they were the bread
winners, and if the little lady looked cross-eyed at them they took a
mistress or a flat in the city, and that was that.

News flash, dear heart. Things have changed, haven't they.

While knowing this, I use the phrases self-mockingly, ironically in
order to lighten the mood of this newsgroup, which overall mood is
somewhat to the east of East Hell.

And where is it written that they do not preserve their basic
connotation of "friend or potential friend, with whom there might be,
if not friendship, a modus vivendi".

It's not about sex. Catherine MacKinnon wrote that, and I think she's
a rip snorting feminist.

It is about power, sez that gal, and here we have, or should have, no
power over each other.

Finally, I'm not going to stop when YOU say NOTHING to fucking Kiki
when he uses language in which "troll" might as well be "Jew", my
dear. Your type in corporations makes a specialty of never speaking
truth to power, only "counseling" the victims in ways to Succeed with
a lot of New Age English major mumbo jumbo.

My boss at princeton called me cutie because I am cute, especially
when she'd see me go out for a run. You think I'd try to nail her for
"sexual harassment"? Not on your life, because she stood up for me and
assigned me to help Nash.
It seems to me, dear heart, that you've learned to
classify incoming texts according to broad and crude rules whose
crudity is masked by their high level.

Point addressed above.  

[ snip ]

John Kelly

I think, egocentrically perhaps, that Kiki and Seebach (who's admitted
that he labours to understand and can't code worth dick)
I think he's full of hate, and I'm sick of him.

Some people think a troll is anyone saying anything they don't like, or
posting off topic. Though I don't agree, I have encountered trolls.

Criticism is one thing. But when it's mean and personal, it's trolling.

Have a nice day.


Some people think a troll is anyone saying anything they don't like, or
posting off topic.  Though I don't agree, I have encountered trolls.

Criticism is one thing.  But when it's mean and personal, it's trolling..

Whoa. Trying to get at the truth using adequate complexity is "mean
and personal" only to the ignorant, or people who don't like the
truth. blm is probably a wonderful person. The problem is that I know
too many wonderful people who were socialized to enable bullying and
were used by the bullies and tossed aside.

I refuse to accept accusations of "meanness" given the way people can
say foul things here and use "troll" isomorphic to Jew and get away
with it, as long as they neither apologize nor explain.

John Kelly

Whoa. Trying to get at the truth using adequate complexity is "mean
and personal" only to the ignorant, or people who don't like the
truth. blm is probably a wonderful person. The problem is that I know
too many wonderful people who were socialized to enable bullying and
were used by the bullies and tossed aside.
I refuse to accept accusations of "meanness" given the way people can
say foul things here and use "troll" isomorphic to Jew and get away
with it, as long as they neither apologize nor explain.

But why get personal with these people. It's just a big waste of time.
You can't reform the incorrigible. And you can't defeat them online.


But why get personal with these people.  It's just a big waste of time.
You can't reform the incorrigible.  And you can't defeat them online.

That's what they say. I am beginning to see this attitude in the large
as a form of what I've called "codependence" or "enabling".

You CAN defeat them online. If you are a literate person, you know
what constitutes a valid and well-written article, but you also know
that most people, especially software people, aren't very literate.
You know their judgements are crap. You know you've won.


But why get personal with these people.  It's just a big waste of time.
You can't reform the incorrigible.  And you can't defeat them online.

They get very personal with one when they greet your contributions, as
Kiki does to some people (myself included) by saying "please ignore
the troll". I cannot imagine being so desensitized, so dehumanized
that you'd take it lying down if you walked into a conference room or
social affair and someone said that.

It would make a big difference here if enough people started to
confront Heathfield, Kiki and Seebach on their behavior, but ever
since the 1970s, at least, people have become sufficiently dehumanized
by hyper-individualism to figure that it's a loser's game to be

The result? These discussion groups are worthless for their intended

Nick Keighley

@yahoo.com> wrote:

<snip stuff>

Some people think a troll is anyone saying anything they don't like, or
posting off topic.  Though I don't agree, I have encountered trolls.

Criticism is one thing.  But when it's mean and personal, it's trolling..

Have a nice day.

when he spouts nonsense to get attention, that's trolling. It's up to
you of course but I don't think you have much to gain my encouraging
him. And pretty much any response is encouragment (including this

Although kenny & spinoza pretend not to understand most kill files
block a poster not the responses to that poster. So some people have
reason to be irritated by responses to known trolls. If it weren't for
the reponses they'd remain blissfully unaware of their existence. Oh


No word matters.
But man forgets reality and remembers words.
The more words he remembers, the cleverer do his fellows esteem him.
"Lord of Light" Roger Zelazny


But why get personal with these people. It's just a big waste of time.
You can't reform the incorrigible. And you can't defeat them online.

There is a certain amount of irony to be had here, were you to look at
the last ten or twenty years of Usenet postings by Edward Nilges. :)


Kenny McCormack

John Kelly said:
But why get personal with these people. It's just a big waste of time.
You can't reform the incorrigible. And you can't defeat them online.

The short answer is: Why ask why? I.e., you'll never get anywhere
trying to figure out why people bother posting to online fora; we each
have our own reasons and (presumably) these reasons are sufficient for
(each of) us.

The longer answer is that none of the combatants are fighting with each
other - they are fighting for the "hearts and minds" of the spectators -
the "people at home". This form of battle is often referred to as
"talking around people". That is, Kiki and his friends never actually
engage with us, nor we with them. Each side is really talking to their
own supporters - talking around the nominal "target".

My own view is that you don't bother arguing with nutjobs (like Kiki and
friends in this ng and the various political nutjobs in the politics
groups) - rather, what you do do is to discuss with other sensible
people, how the nutjobs became such nutjobs. As I like to put it, you
don't discuss the maze with the rats.


<snip stuff>

when he spouts nonsense to get attention, that's trolling. It's up to

Is it nonsense, or just things you don't understand?

you of course but I don't think you have much to gain my encouraging
him.  And pretty much any response is encouragment (including this

Although kenny & spinoza pretend not to understand most kill files
block a poster not the responses to that poster. So some people have
reason to be irritated by responses to known trolls. If it weren't for

"So some people have reason to be irritated by responses to Jews."
Your daemonization of "trolls" (and your utter failure to understand
the meaning of the word) is a miniature working model of Fascism,
which shows that you are probably the sort of person who under stress
joins Fascist causes.

You utterly fail to understand the meaning of the word. The Wikipedia
definition is an older usage, where on a local area network a person
would deliberately spoof and tease insincerely was a "troll". But
Kenny and I are both sincere about our dislike of the behavior of the

In his recent book "You Are Not a Gadget", Jaron Lanier reserves the
word for abusive posters who are anonymous and neither Kenny nor I are
anonymous. Quite the opposite, in my case, I have repeatedly (starting
at Princeton University) put my reputation on the line.


There is a certain amount of irony to be had here, were you to look at
the last ten or twenty years of Usenet postings by Edward Nilges.  :)

I have complained to Apress concerning your demonization of a person
who happens to also be an author for that company. It is
unprofessional to do this, just as it was unprofessional of you to
build a computing career NOT by taking any classes in computer
science, but by publishing a juvenile attack on a computing author.

But, you make me glad to be a polymath. I don't have to work with
people like you ever again.

You've made a fool out of yourself with your excuses for bad code,
coupled with your attacks on others' "bad code", for almost as long,
and you too are getting old.

If thou wert my Foole Nunckle, Il'd haue thee beaten for being old
before thy time.

How's that?

Thou shouldst not haue bin old, till thou hadst bin wise.

Shakespeare, King Lear


[103 lines deleted]

I believe that the e-mail address under which spinoza1111 posts
works. If you want to have a debate with him, I suggest you do
so by e-mail. Even with "(OT)" in the subject, I can think of no
reasonable justification for doing so in this newsgroup.

*Please* stop feeding the troll.

Didn't we have a similar exchange a while back ....

Some of us are slow learners, I guess. Or maybe it's like quitting
smoking, which (as I understand it) for some people only happens
after repeated attempts.

As for taking the discussion to e-mail -- well, no, that's not
something I really want to do, for a variety of reasons, not all
of which I want to explain here. But one of them is some sense
that the discussion started as a public debate and should finish
that way.

But my, what a lot of "I really want to reply to this!" stuff
there's been in recent posts. I guess it's good that I have
less time these days for Usenet.

Malcolm McLean

My own view is that you don't bother arguing with nutjobs (like Kiki and
friends in this ng and the various political nutjobs in the politics
groups) - rather, what you do do is to discuss with other sensible
people, how the nutjobs became such nutjobs.  As I like to put it, you
don't discuss the maze with the rats.
Ah this is the "sociobiology study group" move.

What happened was that some academics in American universities thought
that they could explain human social behaviour by applying the same
Darwinian analyis to it as to other species' behaviour. There are pros
and cons to this position. One of the effects is that it tends to
produce analyses that are very sympathetic to the right.

Some left wing academics didn't like this implication. So they formed
the "sociobiology study group". However they didn't actally study
sociobiology. The studied the sociobiologists, describing their
political inclinations, some remarks they made which could be
construed as "racist", and so on.

Totally illegitmate. Studying sociobiology mean admitting that in some
respects sociobiologists have a strong case. If human social behaviour
isn't Darwinian, what is it? Are you arguing that humans have souls
(the sociobiology study group never tried that particular angle).
Studying the sociobiologists is a very sophisticated form of the ad
hominem fallacy - don't actually show that sociobilogy is wrong, just
try to discredit it.

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