Computer Whizz said:
André Thieme said:
Yes, that's right. However, they are still not so easy accessible like the
infix operators in our earlier discussions. Therefore complex numbers
would need to be included in the base language. If you need them for just
one part in your program, then do this in C++:
(+ #C(3 4) 25)
Just look at the example program on the site you posted.
Have fun
True, C++ does have some missing things from it's "base" language (Oh how I
sorely missed strings at first glance when I first tried C++)...
But I did get to realise about using chr[] and chr* quite soon, and then
including the <string> library.
I read a bit on that D programming language mentioned somewhere, about
complex numbers being much easier to use - and indeed it seemed so.
And no - the trouble with Lisp to begin with is trying to find the "core" ()
What trouble with Lisp? What is your Lisp experience?
and work outwards from there - kind of backward to my natural way of
thinking... Like reading right-to-left.
The one's I've quoted are short.
That is actually wrong; to properly understand a Lisp expression, you
must work from outside in. You first consider it to be a list, where
the first element denotes the identity of the operator. Otherwise you
can get tripped up. For instance, suppose you had:
(defclass a (foo b c) ..)
If you were looking from the inside out, you might think that there is
a function call (FOO B C). But in fact, this is a DEFCLASS form, where
class A is being defined, and its base classes (multiple inheritance)
are FOO, B and C. The DEFCLASS operator has complete control over the
interpretation of the rest of the form; you have to know its semantics
in order to understand that form.
You read the form left to right. The main connective is always
leftmost. Its constituents can be read from left to right, and their
connectives are also on the left and so forth. Speaking of Forth, that
is the language you must be thinking of which requires some right to
left thinking.
The C and C++ languages have plenty of prefix forms. Function calls:
f(g(x, y), z); // analogous to (f (g x y) z)
sizeof (char *); // sizeof operator is prefixed
return 3; // return operator
if ...
for ...
while ...
switch ...
class ...
All prefix operators, like in Lisp. Oh yes and there are lists all
over the place in C++ source. Lists of function and template
arguments, lists of declarations and statements, lists of base
classes, lists of base class initializers, lists of this lists of
that. They all have inconsistent syntax with each other! Semicolon
terminators here, comma separators there. Initial colon elsewhere. In
Lisp source code, anything that is a list has the same syntax as any
other list, whether it be a list of arguments, list of base classes,
list of variable forms in a LET or whatever.
As to your other point, it is actually infix syntax which forces you
to get to the ``inner core'' just to discover what operation is being
done and get the gist of the expression. Consider the case where you
< ... some long expression ...> + < .. some long expression ...>
You have to parse the thing just to find out that the + buried in the
middle is the main connective. To parse it you have to take into
account operator precedence, associativity and all that. Until you do
the parse, you don't even know that it's an additive expression.
Lisp was deliberately designed so that the main connective is easy to
find without parsing. This isn't a coincidence; it makes it easier to
write code which analyzes and processes code. Such code is found in
Lisp macros, which are parts of a Lisp program that extend the
language with new syntax and semantics that other parts of a program
So before I pass out - I shall post this message and retire.
Please tell us it's for good.