Gerry said:
Not a problem, because functions are bound to classes. 'Away' is a
matter of definition. Lispers have been going on about how closing
parentheses half a mile away from their opening parentheses don't
matter. Likewise, there's a trail from function to class definition.
I agree with this, and Lisp methods tend to be located even further from the
class definition, for that matter.
Besides, most C++ IDEs have something similar to M-., which lets you move
directly from the invocation or declaration of a function to its
On the subject of Lisp, though, I'd hope that most Lispers *don't* think
having closing parantheses a long way from their opener is a good thing.
Personally I always try to keep functions below a screenful, so I can see
all of it at once.
I keep telling friends not to do that in C, though, and they keep not
listening to me - even adding vertical whitespace where none is needed - so
I wouldn't be surprised at all if I someday see a 200-line Lisp function.
They probably have better memory than I do.
Nonsense. There is every reason.
If you're basing it on a message-passing paradigm, then there is. If you
have multiple dispatch then it doesn't make sense. Design choice, there.
Which one of those is best is a different discussion, but *for C++*, class
scope is reasonable. *For Lisp*, it isn't.
Class scope tends to play havoc with multiple inheritance, though, if that
includes automatically binding variables to the instance/class slots.
That's because whatever 'class' functions you bolt on to Lisp, the
language is not object-oriented and never will be, except maybe at
package level. Deal with it.
Packages are namespaces, classes are... well, classes. They're entirely
different concepts: although class/instance slots can in some ways be said
to be in a separate namespace, in reality they are just in a separate
lexical scope.
That's true for C++ too, it's just slightly harder to see because function
definitions don't have to be inside the class-definiton braces.[1] In Java
they do, IIRC.
Now, then. How can you possibly say that Lisp isn't object-oriented, when
you can even specialize methods on built-in primitive types such as lists
(okay, conses) and numbers? (And fixnums, bignums, integers, floats, and so
It was *designed* to be an object-oriented language; the Common Lisp ANSI
standard was the first object-oriented language to be standardized.
Other people have already said this, though. Why, then, do you keep claiming
this? What does Lisp lack, that stops it from being object-oriented?
1: Hmm, can you still call it a lexical scope, then? I was pretty sure the
idea of a lexical scope involved the look of the source code;
myclass::function is inside myclass's lexical scope, but it isn't actually
*written* there.