C# Learner said:
Keith said:
[...] There are certainly some things I would
do differently if I were designing C from scratch today, [...]
This is basically what I've had set in my mind while participating in
this thread.
I think I've finally found someone who's tuned into my wavelength,
perhaps; in any case, someone who truly understands my motive.
While Keith points out there are some things he would do differently, C#
is in essence the attempt at an entirely new language, and yet they kept all
of the older syntax. Anders was a Pascal guy, and yet he chose the
constructs he did in his custom tailored language why? Well, because he
thought they provided the most power for the language without denying users
access to some commonly used programming tools.
The first tool is debugging and error assessment. The strict language
of C# make it very easy to discover the root of a lexical or parsing error. At
the same time they make it easy to point out and find common programming
Verbosity or the lack thereof as a tool:
Take language constructs like begin...end to designate blocks... They
are verbose, why not just type { and }, after all this is much shorter. Why do
I need to separate my code by all that whitespace:
if something:
When I could easily write it on one line without all of that crappy whitespace
if ( something ) { foobar; }
What about intellisense and other features users have grown to love? Are they
faster, more efficient when written against a C type language? Does the explict
bounding of statement/expression/block scopes help the underlying intellisense
to more accurately understand what the user is doing? Does it remove levels of
that would otherwise exist? When does whitespace become important, when is it
does tabs to spaces or spaces to tabs affect the compilation of your
application? What
happens to whitespace nested blocks when I use two spaces per indent, but
convert to
tabs that are 4 to 8 spaces per indent? Does my code resize properly or do all
of my 2/4/6
spaces get turned into a single tab. Does a tab count as a single indention
character or
multiple? For instance, does a single space or a single tab have the same
nesting depth?
There are so many more aspects to programming today than loading up your
text editor and hacking away in the most efficient form that you can manage.
Code generators,
intellisense, auto-complete, are all tools taking up precious processor time
trying to figure
out what you want to do, and I think the trade-off between some extra semantics
confusing the hell out of the computer that is making my life a bit easier, is
something I'm quite
happy with.