Programmer said:
Agent--if the little things that annoy me don't annoy you so much--
isn't horrible (yes, I AM damning with faint praise, but you may
not object to its faults as much as I do). It does color code quotes
(one level--colored or not colored) and it does allow some tailoring
of what you see in a group (has watched posts, kept posts).....
No, I take it back. Agent's crap.
That's good to know.
Consider this: in the editor, it word wraps what I type just fine,
but completely ignores quoted material. Therefore, I have to
manually re-wrap quotes to fit my line length.
Or, if you double-click a word and then attempt to drag-highlight
other words.... nothing happens. Only the double-clicked word
remains highlighted (what idiot thought of that?!?!).
Ineed. Another classic example of a programmer's try-your-own-thing gone
horribly wrong.
Or, it's sort of a quasi-MDI application (multiple windows in a big
window), but its behavior is annoyingly non-standard. The part I
hate most is that the "main" window is a three pane deal with your
list of groups, list of articles and current article. But I want
articles in their own window, thank you, AND I want to be able to
have multiple article windows open. But all this piece of crap
will give you is one article window. You can open a second "main"
window, but who needs that?
I've seen very few applications successfully pull off this ort of MDI
style appllication. If thye wantd to do it that way, they should have
looked at Trillian (Pro) at how it lets you have *tabbed) containersfor
message boxes galore, lets you have multiple containers, as well as
"pulling" indicual message boxes "outside" the container, or do away
with the container all together. One of the best semi-MDI designs of
this sort of nature I've ever seen.
Or, the only reasonable way to use it (due the three-pane mistake)
is with the main window maxed. Which means getting at any other
window (your outbox, for e.g.) requires going to the Window menu
and opening it there.
What the hell? Have the authors never used any other reader before, or
did thye just miss the fact that Outbox is always a folder in the list
(and I like when it turns bold (or some other style to indicate change)
when there is something in it (ie: unsent messages), like any other
And why is my outbox NOT listed with my Inbox and other folders?
Since you have to explicitly go open your outbox, it was weeks before
I noticed that I had a couple messages that never made it out (due
to Agent's "send" command being ^N (send Now)...I just can't get
used to that. ^N is almost universally New.
Another classic example of auothrs completely ignoring how things
normally work in editors. I really don't posibly know what their excuse
could be here, given that ^N not only is a stanard shortcut for New on
Win32 platforms, but also on Mac's (well, Command + N), and I've even
seen this used in some GUI editors in Unix and Linux environments.
Or how about the fact that the folder list only provides a count of
UNREAD articles. Not the total in the folder (a far more useful
number to me, although I prefer both).
It's also braindead in its handling of column widths.
I mean, what kind of bad weed were these jokers smoking? They
might be decent programmers in some fashion, but they ain't much
in the user interface design area.
No, don't buy Agent. You'd only come to regret it.
After that review, I'll keep looking
I have to agree with you here too, if you know of a godo replacement,
I'm all ears (and eyes
[sigh] I really liked Netscape 3. Simple and fast. Stayed the
heck out of my way, and I like that in a piece of software (also
in other drivers
. I learned to love Netscape 4.7 and would
have stayed with it, but my company only supports IE, so I lost
the ability to get through our corporate firewall.
NS3 (Gold) was my browser of choice once upon a time. Then came NS4
(bleh, gag, snarl, spit) (Did ya ever try getting CSS to work properly
in it after it was working with othes?) Well I suppose NS4.7 was
alright, and used it for sometime.
As for your corporate firewall, I doubt it would be checking wehat
browser you are (were) using, it probably used soem automatic proxy
settings; just snag them, and insert 'em into NS's prefs and you should
be on your way
I think the problem is often featureitus. The idea that an app
needs to have it all. The CuteFTP product *used*to*be* one of
the best FTP apps out there until they ruined it. Each new
"upgrade" made me like it less and less until--trying to jump
through the misbegotten registration hoops--I finally said, the
hell with it and dis-installed it permanently. (And they've
lost me as a customer forever.)
I hear ya loud and clear. Thats why I never upgraded form BulletProof
FTP (1.07, nice and clean). Later version of it also kidna went the way
of CuteFTP.
Another great example of bulkware if ICQ, after AOL took over it. They
stuffed it like a 200 lbs turkey. (Anothe reason why I went towards
I've seen a number of really decent shareware apps go down that
road. Pity.
Understood. But you're "talking" to someone who doesn't even
mind top-posting (even prefer it in some circumstances--I tend
to skip posts when all I see on the first screenful is quotes).
Yes, sometiems needless bulk-quoting is a lot mroe of a problem. I find
it extreamly annoying wen I'm surfing the google groups archieves on
some search, only to have to click the show whole post link because some
moron didn;t trim out the needly fat from their post. Come one people,
you don't need to quote 8 paragraphs of irrelevant crap. *grumbles* lazy
HOW a post is formatted is trivial and way below my radar. [shrug]
True. I've seen enough top-posting, trim-your-damn-post, and such
rantings to last me a life time. IIRC, I started this mess by asking Dik
if you could adjsut his quoting style, seing how many people's readers
would mis wrap his quotes as normal text (as well as my color coder
p ), just seemed like the right thing to do.
Now what was it... oh, yeah,... post ^Now
I'll just ^Send