C to Java Byte Code


Paul Lutus

Willem said:
Paul wrote:
)> I haven't been following this thread too closely, but if I'm not
mistaken, )> union support was never claimed to be this limited (except by
you). )
) The OP eventually admitted that all variables are mapped to Java native
) integers -- all of them. This means there is no support for the property
of ) unions that they can conjoin two unrelated data types so long as
their size ) is adjusted to be the same.

That's an odd thing to say.  Maybe I'm not reading you correctly, but you
seem to be saying that a union between a float and a long is not this
"conjoin two unrelated data types ..." business you speak of, and that
unions are primarily designed for you to split a float into chunks ?

1. In C, unions can be used to do what you suggest, this is not their only
purpose. My original example program did just that, but the result using
this product didn't.

2. The product being discussed doesn't map different data types together. It
reads the original C program and (according to the OP) creates everything
using native Java integer data types. What this means in practice is that,
on the Java side, it does not map a float and a long together, for a number
of reasons, not least of which is that Java will not allow this.

So the OP's claim the "unions are spported" is false. One cannot map, as in
the original example, a float and a byte array, as one can do in C. In this
scheme both are turned into Java native integers, so any references to one
or the other read from a single instance of a Java native integer. IOW the
same entity is being accessed in the same way.
) If you think about Java's design, you will quickly realize there is no
) support for directly conjoining any two variable types, because of
strict ) data typing, therefore the claim made by Mr. Abdullah:
)  <snip>
) ... is false, because if everything is mapped to a native Java integer,
the ) property and primary value of unions is not provided.

On every single computer, everything is eventually mapped to a single data
type, namely the bit.

Could you please stop posting these wonderful, albeit tautological,
arguments? Or, alternative, ask yourself how much light is shed on this or
any topic through such arguments?
) But if they are both Java native integers, no mapping is taking place.
If ) there are two accesses to a simple integer value, the term "mapping"
is not ) appropriate, but if a C union is provided and two different data
types are ) mapped/conjoined, the term in appropriate.

You really need to set up your newsreader properly. Use this post as an
example of standard quoting style.
Again not making sense here.  A float is mapped to a java integer by the
product, probably by some glue code.

This is false. A float is not mapped to an integer. According to the OP, an
integer is "mapped" to an integer, in fact, it is the same integer. In any
case, Java is strongly typed and will not allow what you suggest.
You seem to be claiming that a float
is an int in this case.

No, the OP claimed this. Perhaps you could read the posted data before
Which is silly, because then you couldn't do
floating point math on it, could you ?

False again. Programmers can do this, and in this case will be required to
do it, because Java will not accommodate a revolving door between integers
and floats.
) Now we have had the argument from both sides. Mr. Quinn thinks it silly
that ) someone would make any assumptions about the size of a byte, your
position ) is that it is silly to assume there is any signifgicant
flexibility about ) this. Maybe you should address Mr. Quinn's argument
directly, as I was ) doing.

You're not having the argument from both sides, you're just not making
sense.  Again.  It's actually quite simple:  The platform dictates the
size of the byte, and the programmer has to be flexible about the size
of the byte.  Unless you're on a weird machine like a PDP-10 or something.

Try reading your own sentences before posting, theh delete the ones that
don't make any sense. This will have a salutary effect on the length of
your posts. When I said earlier that there was little flexibility about the
size of bytes, you argued the opposite position -- that bytes could have
any size. Now you argue that there is little flexibility about the size of
bytes, for which I can only add, read the thread more carefully and try to
avoid revesing your position so readily.
)> Bytes have a size that is fixed on a single implementation and can
)> vary between implementations.  I don't think anybody is trying to claim
)> otherwise.
) True, and see above.

So if you admit this is true, then why did you make that silly argument
about how the product fixed the byte size ?

That argument was made by Mr. Abdullah, not my me, and it is time for you to
do you own reading:

<[email protected]>


"The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
you got the idea.  Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
the cause for this.  The indexes to this large array are treated as
addresses.  This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
modified to suit the one used by MPC.  Unions are supported."


Translation: "Unions are not supported, instead everything is translated
into an integer".

Dave Vandervies

Paul Lutus said:
So the OP's claim the "unions are spported" is false. One cannot map, as in
the original example, a float and a byte array, as one can do in C. In this
scheme both are turned into Java native integers, so any references to one
or the other read from a single instance of a Java native integer. IOW the
same entity is being accessed in the same way.

And on the 386 running the web server in my closet, the C implementation
doesn't support unions; one cannot map a float and a byte array, because
both are turned into the processor's native bytes, so any references to
one or the other read from a single set of the processor's native bytes;
IOW the same entity is being accessed in the same way.

[I don't actually have a 386 running a web server in my closet, but
it's not at all an unreasonable thing to expect, and it's really no
different from a JVM; any floating-point operations are done by the
runtime environment and not the underlying hardware, just as the C-on-JVM
implementation under discussion appears to do.]

Where the data is stored doesn't make it a float; how it's treated does.
If you can stuff the value 42 in and look at the bit pattern and see `00
00 28 42', you have something that (for this value at least) acts like
a 32-bit IEEE floating point number, and you DO NOT have a Java integer.

There's nothing stopping a C implementation from storing its floating
point values in a processor's native bytes, or in Java integers, or in
a cave somewhere in Antarctica (well, perhaps common sense and physical
laws, but nothing in the definition of the language), as long as an
(which allows them to be 32 bits long, f'rexample for a word-addressed
platform) that make up that float succeeds and gives reasonable values.

This is false. A float is not mapped to an integer. According to the OP, an
integer is "mapped" to an integer, in fact, it is the same integer. In any
case, Java is strongly typed and will not allow what you suggest.

A float is represented by a bit pattern that happens to be stored in a
Java integer.
An int is represented by a bit pattern that happens to be stored in a
Java integer.

Is this really that difficult to understand?

False again. Programmers can do this, and in this case will be required to
do it, because Java will not accommodate a revolving door between integers
and floats.

I see no revolving door here; I see a particular method of storing
bits being used to store bits that happen to be the representation of
a floating point value.

That argument was made by Mr. Abdullah, not my me, and it is time for you to
do you own reading:

<[email protected]>


"The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
you got the idea.  Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
the cause for this.  The indexes to this large array are treated as
addresses.  This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
modified to suit the one used by MPC.  Unions are supported."


Translation: "Unions are not supported, instead everything is translated
into an integer".

Everything is translated into bit patterns that can be stored in an
integer. (Call it a "virtual machine word" if calling it an integer
bothers you.)

Just like on an implementation for a general-purpose hardware processor,
everything is translated into bit patterns that can be stored in a set
of memory bytes.

By your logic, the compiler I use on the workstation in front of
me doesn't support unions; instead, everything is translated into a
string of bytes, and if I try to look at something with a union it's
just reading from a single instance of that string of bytes.

Are you really so thick you're still not getting this, or are you just
pathologically unable to admit that you might be wrong about something?


Dave Vandervies

Before you try to shift the burden of evidence, care to find where I made
this claim? Please do not drift the tread -- this is the easiest imaginable
activity, but it sheds no light on anyting.

A few lines above in the quoted material, you present the fact that
code requiring a byte-addressable memory model will not work with this
implementation as support for your claim that this implementation imposes
unreasonable constraints on the programmer.

Unless you can demonstrate that C requires a byte-addressable memory
model, your complaint is with the language, not with the implementation.

The OP eventually admitted that all variables are mapped to Java native
integers -- all of them. This means there is no support for the property of
unions that they can conjoin two unrelated data types so long as their size
is adjusted to be the same.

Really? What's stopping it? Is it really that difficult to treat a bit
pattern as a float when you store it and then treat it as an unsigned
char when you retreive it?
They're not stored "as integers"; they're stored in an array of integers
that gets treated as a word-addressed memory space. The same way an
implementation producing code for an Intel processor stores its variables
in an array of bytes that gets treated as a byte-addressed memory space.

If you think about Java's design, you will quickly realize there is no
support for directly conjoining any two variable types, because of strict
data typing,

....which invalidates the claim that this is a C-to-Java translator in
the sense that it outputs Java code that runs directly on the JVM.

It does NOT invalidate the claim that this is a C implementation targeting
the JVM, with runtime code that treats a large array of Java integers
as a word-addressable memory space.

But if they are both Java native integers, no mapping is taking place. If
there are two accesses to a simple integer value, the term "mapping" is not
appropriate, but if a C union is provided and two different data types are
mapped/conjoined, the term in appropriate.

They're not Java native integers. They're values that happen to be
represented by a 32-bit word, that happens to fit nicely in a Java

Now we have had the argument from both sides. Mr. Quinn thinks it silly that
someone would make any assumptions about the size of a byte, your position
is that it is silly to assume there is any signifgicant flexibility about
this. Maybe you should address Mr. Quinn's argument directly, as I was

Implementations need not be flexible; a C implementation is constrained
only by the requirement that CHAR_BIT be not less than 8.

This means that, by assuming a byte-addressed memory model with 8-bit
bytes, a programmer is restricting the set of implementations their code
works on to those that match that assumption, which is a proper subset
of "all C implementations". If not being able to read word-addressed
memory a byte at a time bothers you, your choices are to restrict your
selection of implementations to those that match your assumptions or
to remove byte-addressibility from the list of things you expect from
word-addressed implementations.


Paul Lutus

Dave said:
And on the 386 running the web server in my closet, the C implementation
doesn't support unions;

Please do not leave the topic, and try to avoid invention to support your
argument. Unions are part of ANSI C.
one cannot map a float and a byte array, because
both are turned into the processor's native bytes,

If the compiler is ANSI C compliant, my example program will compile on that
compiler and run on that plartform. Unions are supported by C, they are not
supported by Java, and they are not supported by the program under
so any references to
one or the other read from a single set of the processor's native bytes;
IOW the same entity is being accessed in the same way.

Just stop posting. You want to argue, not think, fortunately for you there
are plenty of suitable newsgroups for this onanistic activity.
[I don't actually have a 386 running a web server in my closet, but
it's not at all an unreasonable thing to expect, and it's really no
different from a JVM; any floating-point operations are done by the
runtime environment and not the underlying hardware, just as the C-on-JVM
implementation under discussion appears to do.]

Where the data is stored doesn't make it a float; how it's treated does.

This discussion unfortunately is not just about C, it is about C and Java.
Java does not agree wth you. Floats are treated as a unique data type, and
mixing of data types, as for example in a union, is not allowed in Java.
If you can stuff the value 42 in and look at the bit pattern and see `00
00 28 42', you have something that (for this value at least) acts like
a 32-bit IEEE floating point number, and you DO NOT have a Java integer.

At which word did your brain go offline? Post the stack dump.

If you read a thread like this, and you have nothing to contribute, do not
reply. It is a simple rule.

/ ...
A float is represented by a bit pattern that happens to be stored in a
Java integer.
An int is represented by a bit pattern that happens to be stored in a
Java integer.

Java recognizes that a float and an integer are different data types, and
refuses them to be freely mixed, as C allows in a union. This is wy the OP
chose to make all the data types the same. This is why his product does not
suppoert doubles at all -- he had some hard choices to make.

On the topic of hard choices, is there a timetable for you to bring your
brain back on line?


Paul wrote:
) Willem wrote:
)> That's an odd thing to say.  Maybe I'm not reading you correctly, but you
)> seem to be saying that a union between a float and a long is not this
)> "conjoin two unrelated data types ..." business you speak of, and that
)> unions are primarily designed for you to split a float into chunks ?
) 1. In C, unions can be used to do what you suggest, this is not their only
) purpose. My original example program did just that, but the result using
) this product didn't.

I would say that chopping op a float into chunks is usually only used in
'hackish' code, and probably falls under the 'undefined behaviour' clause.

) So the OP's claim the "unions are spported" is false. One cannot map, as in
) the original example, a float and a byte array, as one can do in C. In this
) scheme both are turned into Java native integers, so any references to one
) or the other read from a single instance of a Java native integer. IOW the
) same entity is being accessed in the same way.

I really don't understand what you're saying here. Firstly, one can most
certainly map a float and a byte array. That the array has a different
size is not relevant to that.

)> On every single computer, everything is eventually mapped to a single data
)> type, namely the bit.
) Could you please stop posting these wonderful, albeit tautological,
) arguments? Or, alternative, ask yourself how much light is shed on this or
) any topic through such arguments?

I just wanted to point out that your argument about floats and bytes being
mapped to integers is stupid, because on most computers, as I just wrote,
they are also being mapped to a single something.
I assume you understood that perfectly and, unable to respond to the actual
argument, chose this ad hominem approach instead.

)> ) But if they are both Java native integers, no mapping is taking place.
)> If ) there are two accesses to a simple integer value, the term "mapping"
)> is not ) appropriate, but if a C union is provided and two different data
)> types are ) mapped/conjoined, the term in appropriate.
) You really need to set up your newsreader properly. Use this post as an
) example of standard quoting style.

Your newsreader and/or editor is the one that rewraps the lines, not mine.
If you're complaining about my use of a closing paren instead of a
greater-than, then your complaint is noted and ignored.

)> Again not making sense here. A float is mapped to a java integer by
)> the product, probably by some glue code.
) This is false. A float is not mapped to an integer. According to the OP, an
) integer is "mapped" to an integer, in fact, it is the same integer. In any
) case, Java is strongly typed and will not allow what you suggest.

Your claim about what else is mapped to an integer is meaningless.
The actual question is what do you claim happens with the float ?

)> You seem to be claiming that a float
)> is an int in this case.
) No, the OP claimed this. Perhaps you could read the posted data before
) posting.

The OP claimed that all data types are represented as integers, not that
they are treated the same. Heed your own words.

)> Which is silly, because then you couldn't do
)> floating point math on it, could you ?
) False again. Programmers can do this, and in this case will be required to
) do it, because Java will not accommodate a revolving door between integers
) and floats.

According to the OP, his product does do floating point math on the
floating point numbers even though they are represented as integers.

)> You're not having the argument from both sides, you're just not making
)> sense. Again. It's actually quite simple: The platform dictates the
)> size of the byte, and the programmer has to be flexible about the size
)> of the byte. Unless you're on a weird machine like a PDP-10 or something.
) Try reading your own sentences before posting, theh delete the ones that
) don't make any sense. This will have a salutary effect on the length of
) your posts. When I said earlier that there was little flexibility about the
) size of bytes, you argued the opposite position -- that bytes could have
) any size. Now you argue that there is little flexibility about the size of
) bytes, for which I can only add, read the thread more carefully and try to
) avoid revesing your position so readily.

You must be trolling, because in the very sentence above this, I said quite
clearly what my position is, which involves both flexibility in byte sizes
(on the part of the programmer) and inflexibility in byte sizes (on the
part of the platform).

If you fail to apply context to arguments, then obviously they will make
little sense. This only shows that you're either too stupid to read the
context in which arguments are made, or that you're deliberately
misinterpreting me. Which, IMO, is also stupid.

)> So if you admit this is true, then why did you make that silly argument
)> about how the product fixed the byte size ?
) That argument was made by Mr. Abdullah, not my me, and it is time for you to
) do you own reading:

You may want to reread what I wrote.
I did not say 'argument that the product',
I said 'argument about how the product'.
That means that I was talking about your response to the
argument you quoted below.

)<[email protected]>
) *******************************************************************
) "The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
) So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
) you got the idea.  Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
) the cause for this.  The indexes to this large array are treated as
) addresses.  This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
) And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
) modified to suit the one used by MPC.  Unions are supported."
) *******************************************************************
) Translation: "Unions are not supported, instead everything is translated
) into an integer".

I fail to see where you get this weird translation from.
You must think that the sole purpose of a union is to be able to chop up
certain data types into chunks.
This must also mean that you think a union between a float and an int is
completely useless, and actually not even a union.

SaSW, Willem
Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any of the statements
made in the above text. For all I know I might be
drugged or something..
No I'm not paranoid. You all think I'm paranoid, don't you !

Paul Lutus

/ ...
A few lines above in the quoted material, you present the fact that
code requiring a byte-addressable memory model will not work with this
implementation as support for your claim that this implementation imposes
unreasonable constraints on the programmer.

Post the quote in which I used these words, or retract the claim. I never
said what you claim I said.
Unless you can demonstrate that C requires a byte-addressable memory
model, your complaint

The quote on wuich you are relying is an invention of yours. I never used
the words you posted. Start retracting and apologizing for misquoting now.

Mr. Abdullah made this statement, I did not. He said:

<[email protected]>


"The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
you got the idea.  Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
the cause for this.  The indexes to this large array are treated as
addresses.  This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
modified to suit the one used by MPC.  Unions are supported."


/ ...
Really? What's stopping it? Is it really that difficult to treat a bit
pattern as a float when you store it and then treat it as an unsigned
char when you retreive it?

This is not a tutorial about Java, and you can do your own reading. In any
case, I never made the claim, the OP did.
They're not stored "as integers";

They are stored as Java native integers.
they're stored in an array of integers
that gets treated as a word-addressed memory space.


/ ...
...which invalidates the claim that this is a C-to-Java translator in
the sense that it outputs Java code that runs directly on the JVM.

Yes, correct, therefore the OP's claims are false.
It does NOT invalidate the claim that this is a C implementation targeting
the JVM, with runtime code that treats a large array of Java integers
as a word-addressable memory space.

Ther OP made false claims both here and on his Web site. I said the claims
were false. At which point did you lose track of the topic?
They're not Java native integers.

In fact, that is exactly what they are. The term "native" in Java has a
different meaning than you may be familiar with.
They're values that happen to be
represented by a 32-bit word, that happens to fit nicely in a Java

They are Java native integers, as distinct from java Integer class

/ ...
This means that, by assuming a byte-addressed memory model with 8-bit
bytes, a programmer is restricting the set of implementations their code
works on to those that match that assumption, which is a proper subset
of "all C implementations". If not being able to read word-addressed
memory a byte at a time bothers you,

It doesn't bother me, it bothers the OP. His program cannot do it. He
requires programmers to rewrite their C programs to accommmodate his

At which word, in which post, did you lose track of the topic?

Dave Vandervies

Paul Lutus said:
If the compiler is ANSI C compliant, my example program will compile on that
compiler and run on that plartform. Unions are supported by C, they are not
supported by Java, and they are not supported by the program under


Find a word-addressed processor that does 32-bit chars and 32-bit floats
in hardware, with a C implementation that has CHAR_BIT==32. (F'rexample,
a Cray-1 or a DSP.)

Run your code snippet on it and tell us what you get back.

If you get more than one "byte" printed out (and can verify that my
conditions are met), I'll concede the point.

If you get a single "byte" printed out, then tell us why that
implementation doesn't support unions.

If this is too much trouble, you're clearly not interested in paying
attention to what I'm saying and reading for comprehension, so there's
no point in me continuing.


Dave Vandervies

Dave Vandervies said:
Find a word-addressed processor that does 32-bit chars and 32-bit floats
in hardware, with a C implementation that has CHAR_BIT==32. (F'rexample,
a Cray-1 or a DSP.)

Note that 64-bit words and CHAR_BIT==64 is also acceptable. (Requiring 32
would invalidate the use of a Cray-1 as an example.)


Paul Lutus

Dave said:

Find a word-addressed processor that does 32-bit chars and 32-bit floats
in hardware, with a C implementation that has CHAR_BIT==32. (F'rexample,
a Cray-1 or a DSP.)

When you are ready to address the topic of this thread, post again.

/ ...
If this is too much trouble, you're clearly not interested in paying
attention to what I'm saying ...

When you are ready to address the topic of this thread, post again.
and reading for comprehension, so there's
no point in me continuing.

There is no point in your valiant attempts to move this thread from its

Alex Fraser

If the compiler is ANSI C compliant, my example program will compile on
that compiler and run on that plartform. Unions are supported by C, they
are not supported by Java, and they are not supported by the program
under discussion.

From these statements, I infer that you have an example program which
demonstrates that unions are not supported. Is this correct? And if so, what
is this example program?

Do you have any other evidence on which you base the claim above? And if so,
what is it?


Dave Vandervies

When you are ready to address the topic of this thread, post again.

I'm attempting to address the suitability of using an array of 32-bit
values to store values of varying types and use a union to convert
between the values stored there.

Since that's obviously not what you think the topic of this thread is,
there's not much point in me continuing.

This thread is going in the killfile as soon as I post this article.
This means you can claim I'm wrong, accuse me of onanism, and refuse to
accept that you might not know everything all you want, and I promise
not to reply unless somebody changes the subject line.


Paul Lutus

Alex said:
If the compiler is ANSI C compliant, my example program will compile on
that compiler and run on that plartform. Unions are supported by C, they
are not supported by Java, and they are not supported by the program
under discussion.

From these statements, I infer that you have an example program which
demonstrates that unions are not supported. Is this correct? And if so,
what is this example program?

1. The OP, unhappy with the original thread and eager to get some additional
free publicity for his commercial product, created a new thread. The old
thread has the same name and starts here:

<[email protected]>

2. Java does not support the mapping of one variable type onto another.

3. The product in question solves this problem by turning everything into a
32-bit word, this making the "union" issue moot, since there is no point
creating a union betweeen a thing and itself.

The basic issue is that the disparate data types that can be mapped using
"union" in C, cannot be mapped at all in Java (because of the latter's
strong data typing). The OP solved this problem by making all data into
32-bit words.
Do you have any other evidence on which you base the claim above?

Please take the time to read this and the prior thread before raising closed
And if
so, what is it?


<[email protected]>


"The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
you got the idea.  Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
the cause for this.  The indexes to this large array are treated as
addresses.  This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
modified to suit the one used by MPC.  Unions are supported."


If, as the OP claims, all data are 32-bit words, then the claim that unions
are supported is false, since (1) Java will not allow disparate data types
to be overlaid in memory, and (2) a union's purpose is the mapping of
disparate data types, and there aren't any disparate data types.

BTW there is also no support for anything that requires fewer or more than
32 bits, e.g no support for typical doubles as just one example.

Paul Lutus

Dave said:

/ ...
I'm attempting to address the suitability of using an array of 32-bit
values to store values of varying types and use a union to convert
between the values stored there.

That is not the topic, and you need to find out what "thread drift" refers
to. You are always free to start any thread, on any topic, in any suitable
newsgroup. For this thread, a thread originated and cross-posted to four
nearly unrelated newsgroups by an unscrupulous commercial vendor eager for
free publicity, you have limited options other than addressing the topic.
Since that's obviously not what you think the topic of this thread is,

I did not start this thread, cross-post it, or choose its topic.
there's not much point in me continuing.

There is not much point in your continuing.
This thread is going in the killfile as soon as I post this article.

Why not before?
This means you can claim I'm wrong,

Post the quote of the statement you falsely claim I made, or retract your
false claim. Never invent statements for other people. I never said what
you claim, the ball is in your court, we won't hold our breath.

grep "wrong" (this thread) || echo "No evidence, no argument."
accuse me of onanism, and refuse to
accept that you might not know everything all you want,

"Everything all you want"? I was right, your brain really is offline.
and I promise
not to reply unless somebody changes the subject line.

We'll see.

Keith Thompson

Paul Lutus said:

"The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
you got the idea.  Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
the cause for this.  The indexes to this large array are treated as
addresses.  This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
modified to suit the one used by MPC.  Unions are supported."


If char is 32 bits, then a byte, as C uses the word, is 32 bits.
In that sense, the system is byte-addressable, even though it's not
If, as the OP claims, all data are 32-bit words, then the claim that unions
are supported is false, since (1) Java will not allow disparate data types
to be overlaid in memory, and (2) a union's purpose is the mapping of
disparate data types, and there aren't any disparate data types.

Of course there are disparate data types. int and float may be the
same size, but they're distinct types with different representations.
If the implementation doesn't let you view a float as an array of
unsigned char (an array of length 1 in this case), then it's
non-conforming. And I would expect any reasonable C implementation to
let you look at the representation of a floating-point type by using a
union to alias it to an unsigned integer type of the same size, though
strictly speaking this is undefined behavior.
BTW there is also no support for anything that requires fewer or more than
32 bits, e.g no support for typical doubles as just one example.

Since a 32-bit floating-point type can't support the minimum
requirements for double, the implementation is presumably
non-conforming in that respect. (That doesn't necessarily mean it
can't be useful; I have no opinion on that.)

Thomas Stegen

Paul said:
<[email protected]>


"The size of each char, int, long, or float is 1 word (32 bits long).
So, sizeof(int) is 1, sizeof(char) is 1, sizeof(float) is also 1,
you got the idea. Using a large array of int to mimic addressable memory is
the cause for this. The indexes to this large array are treated as
addresses. This memory is word-addressable and not byte-addressable.
And programs that assume a byte-addressable architecture will need to be
modified to suit the one used by MPC. Unions are supported."


If, as the OP claims, all data are 32-bit words, then the claim that unions
are supported is false, since (1) Java will not allow disparate data types
to be overlaid in memory, and

Quite clearly the results from running code posted in this thread
shows that MPC handles this correctly.
(2) a union's purpose is the mapping of
disparate data types, and there aren't any disparate data types.

Can you please provide a reference from the standard for this claim.
I find no such wording anywhere.

As a starting point I suggest (of C99) 6.2.5,,
Though I couldn't find anything there myself, you will probably
have to look elsewhere.
BTW there is also no support for anything that requires fewer or more than
32 bits, e.g no support for typical doubles as just one example.

This specific compiler is not 100% ISO C compliant, I agree. But its
support of unions is compliant to ISO C. I see mp reason that the other
issues I know of with this compiler cannot be solved.

I am curious, you seem to say this is impossible in the general case.
So, can you please give an example of a C program that cannot be validly
compiled to Java byte code according to the ISO C standard. If you are
using some other benchmark for what a C compiler is than the ISO C
standard please provide some definition for what you mean (and I can
also win any argument using definitions that suit me).

According to the standard a compiler is a C compiler if it can compile
any strictly conforming program. A program that assumes byte addressable
memory is not a strictly conforming C program.

If your claim is only about this specific instance then you are right in
saying that it is not an ISO C compiler (strictly speaking), but your
union argument does not provide evidence for this as the resulting code
is valid according to the standard.

Alex Fraser

Paul Lutus said:
Alex said:
If the compiler is ANSI C compliant, my example program will compile
on that compiler and run on that plartform. Unions are supported by C,
they are not supported by Java, and they are not supported by the
program under discussion.

From these statements, I infer that you have an example program which
demonstrates that unions are not supported. Is this correct? And if so,
what is this example program?

You have not answered my question: do you have an example program which
demonstrates that unions are not supported?
Please take the time to read this and the prior thread before raising
closed issues.

I have read all the posts. I do not see the issue of your claim above as
closed, except perhaps in your mind. Nor do I see my questions answered,
otherwise I would not be asking them.

If, as the OP claims, all data are 32-bit words, then the claim that
unions are supported is false, since (1) Java will not allow disparate
data types to be overlaid in memory, and (2) a union's purpose is
the mapping of disparate data types, and there aren't any disparate
data types.

The fact that all data are 32-bit words does not imply that there are no
"disparate data types"; I see nothing to substantiate your claim.

Next flawed argument, please.


Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah

Since unions are not supported in the product being discussed, their
ubiquity is not the issue, and your argument is just that, nothing more.
Also, the only "union" supported in the product is to make two or more
references to the same integer-sized variable (language provided by Mr.
Abdullah). Therefore, in point of fact, the product cannot map two
distinct, same-size entities onto one another, which is what a "union"
should be capable of doing. This means that Mr. Abdullah's claims in this
specific regard are, like so many others, not correct.

Excuse me, but unions are supported in the product being discussed.


Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah

Before you try to shift the burden of evidence, care to find where I made
this claim? Please do not drift the tread -- this is the easiest imaginable
activity, but it sheds no light on anyting.

The OP eventually admitted that all variables are mapped to Java native
integers -- all of them. This means there is no support for the property of
unions that they can conjoin two unrelated data types so long as their size
is adjusted to be the same.

All variables are located in the large array of int. As a result of
register allocation several of the variables end up cached in Java native
variables of int type or float type. But, their home locations are always
in the large array of int. And again, unions and structs are supported.


Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah

/ ...

Ther OP made false claims both here and on his Web site. I said the claims
were false. At which point did you lose track of the topic?

Actually neither I here nor the website ever claimed this is a conversion from
C to Java, but a conversion from C to Java Byte Code, and that's a big
difference. Please read carefully.


Paul Lutus

Mohd said:
Excuse me, but unions are supported in the product being discussed.

Post the byte code in which a Java float is united with a Java integer. Or
retract your statement.

Unions are not supported in your product. A C union is a joining of two or
more distinct variable types with simultaneous access to both, e.g. it is
an example of a memory block shared between data types. This is not allowed
in Java because of strong typing.

You have arranged to create a single 32-bit word datatype to represent
everything, so there is no distinction between one kind of variable and
another. Therefore there are no disparate data types, therefore there are
no unions as that term is understood.

But, as I say above, prove me wrong. Post the Java bytecode that unites a
Java float and a Java integer in the same address space, something not
allowed in Java.

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