C to Java Byte Code


Gerry Quinn


"Because they occupy the same space, changing u.a also changes the value of

"The primary usefulness of a union is to conserve space, since it provides a
way of letting many different types be stored in the same space."


"The meaning of the new value of u.b is implementation dependent, and in
fact the C Standard states that it is invalid to read u.b if u.a was
last written."

- Gerry Quinn


CBFalconer said:
Not only that but some mentally challenged posters insist on
restoring the mess when follow-ups have been set.

Because the core topic can be relevant to any of those groups; who are
you to speak for everyone in those groups? As a matter of fact, people
from all those groups (that I've seen posting regularly in those
respective groups) have been jumping into this thread.

It's the whole long established *POINT* of cross posting, to make a
thread available where it may serve common interests, which this thread
has done.


Gerry Quinn

Mohd Hanafiah Abdullah wrote:

illegal statement here. You cannot access a field of a union as a
type other than what you last wrote into it.

It's not illegal, any more than casting a float to an int (which it
effectively is) is illegal.

What Paul seems not to understand is that, while it is legal, the
results are unspecified, and tend to be implementation-dependent.

- Gerry Quinn


Paul said:
/ ...

That is not the topic, and you need to find out what "thread drift"
refers to. You are always free to start any thread, on any topic, in
any suitable newsgroup. For this thread, a thread originated and
cross-posted to four nearly unrelated newsgroups by an unscrupulous
commercial vendor eager for free publicity, you have limited options
other than addressing the topic.

I did not start this thread, cross-post it, or choose its topic.

But you *DID* participate and *YOU* are just as much to blame for the
"thread drift" you speak of, yet it's everyone else's fault. How

Actually, the part of the thread you are referring to discusses the
validity of the OP's product, which has to do with the original topic.
Since when is posting about weather the program can do what it's claimed
to be able to do off-topical from the root topic? Granted it's
stretched, but not so far as to warrant another thread, IMHO.

Gerry Quinn

*JAVA* doesn't have unions, they could be compiled to *byte code*, in
the same way Visual Studio (v6 I believe) compiles unions into object
code. I get the feeling you just jumped on the band wagon here, rather
then check the facts. It is *ENTIRELY* possible for the OP's compiler to
support unions, in a similar way many normal C/C++ compilers, like VC

Which is exactly what I'm saying. C has unions. Bytecode and object
code don't. Paul's objections are meaningless.

- Gerry Quinn

Gerry Quinn

It's not illegal, any more than casting a float to an int (which it
effectively is) is illegal.

Sorry, I meant casting a float* to an int* and de-referencing. Casting
a float to an int does give specified results, of course.

- Gerry Quinn

Keith Thompson

chris said:
There is an important seperation to make here.

I believe all MPC claims to do is "implement the C standard". This
appears to be slightly different from what you appear to want to it
do, which is produce the same result one gets on a "standard,
contemporary C compiler". In particular any code which writes to one
variable in a union and then reads from another is in the world of
undefined behaviour, and so how such a program is executed should not
enter the discussion.

What everybody seems to be missing here is that MPC *does* behave the
same way as a more traditional compiler. Upthread, Mohd Hanafiah
Abdullah (apparently the author of the system) provided an example
showing a union of an int and a float. The example stores a value in
the float member and reads the int, and vice versa. It mapped the int
value 1078531719 to 3.142, and vice versa. This is of course
undefined behavior, but it's consistent with the behavior of gcc on an
x86 system. Apparently MPC doesn't just implement unions in a manner
that's barely conforming; it implements true unions that behave as you
would expect them to.

There may be some interesting issues in how this is implemented in
Java bytecode (as distinct from the Java language), but that's
off-topic in comp.lang.c.

MPC is non-conforming in that it doesn't implement type double (all
the basic types are 32-bits). I don't believe the author has claimed


Gerry said:
Which is exactly what I'm saying. C has unions. Bytecode and object
code don't. Paul's objections are meaningless.

Quite right. I think most of this thread could have been avoided if Paul
had admitted his blunder, or had not made it in the first place. But,
sigh, you can't expect much of PL anymore, as he is *never* wrong....


Gerry said:
Sorry, I meant casting a float* to an int* and de-referencing.
Casting a float to an int does give specified results, of course.

- Gerry Quinn

Good catch, I was about to reply about that, saved me the trouble :)


Richard Herring

[QUOTE="Galga said:
Not in comp.lang.c++, they are not. Please take this elsewhere.
Richard, is it going to warp the the fecking space time continuum to get
off your high horse about a topic that is just maybe mere ounces off

Why is it so important to you to continue crossposting this thread?
What's your agenda? I
In case you haven't noticed, C and even Java are related languages; many
who use one use or have experience with the others,

In case _you_ haven't noticed, C and C++ are even more closely related
languages, yet comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++ are separate groups and
there are good reasons for that.
and who are you to
speak for everyone in c.l.c++,

Where did I claim to do that?
when it might be of interest of people

"Might be"? Have you actually read this group before today?
Actually many people I've seen post there have taken interest in
this thread,

Yeah, right. Name five. Then show that they aren't reading it in one of
the other groups where it might be on topic.
so I think you are proven wrong just by that.

Logic failure. Even *I* take an interest in some off-topic threads. That
doesn't bring them back on topic.
If you don't like a thread, then kill it on your end, please don't try
to push your tastes on other people; even though this thread may not be
100% topical, but it still can have a place in any of the groups listed.

So why don't we just add misc.misc to the Newsgroup: line?
In fact, this was the entire point of cross posted, as par a gigantic
thread a couple years ago about cross posting; ultimately it's to bring
people of similar interests together,

And what exactly is the "similar interest" in this case? Feel free to
point out which features of the standard C++ language
and this topic is just that and
has DONE just that.

In your opinion, perhaps.


Richard said:
Why is it so important to you to continue crossposting this thread?
What's your agenda? I

Because you wanted to speak on behalf of that group, it made no sense
*NOT* to reply to that group. Unless you have something to hide.
In case _you_ haven't noticed, C and C++ are even more closely related
languages, yet comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++ are separate groups and
there are good reasons for that.

True, but that alomne doesn't mean you cannot have cross topic
disccusion. Again, please do not act like you are some sort of owner of
the news groups. Your opinion is only that, it's not an administrative
or royal decry.
Where did I claim to do that?

By trying to decide for everyone what groups this belogns to (ie,
setting follow up.) Not that this part of the thread matters all that
much, your attempt goes meaningless.
"Might be"? Have you actually read this group before today?

Yes, plenty, what is your point? People from all these groups may read
one of these groups a lot more then the others. Even if not, why do
*YOU* care? If you don't want to see this thread in that group, then
kill file it.

Who the hell is holding a gun to your head making you read this thread?

And what exactly is the "similar interest" in this case? Feel free to
point out which features of the standard C++ language

Nice try, but that was never the point. The point was, as you actually
said, that the c and c++ groups are rather seperated, but people in
either might be *interested* in this topic, as it bares some relation.
The original post was not a direct C post, nor was it a direct Java
post, but a post about a utility, that if it works, could be a useful

In that sense, there really seems to be no real reason to shout "off
topic" for only in the name of 100% conformity and ultimately complete
utter inflexibility. Only if you really feel the need to make noise by
making a unnecessary fuss.

And again, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


John Gordon

In said:
If you don't want to see this thread in that group, then kill file it.
Who the hell is holding a gun to your head making you read this thread?

This sounds like the classic spam defense. "If you don't want to read
it, just delete it!" And we all know how well that works...

Flash Gordon

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:17:29 +0200

<snip using union to pan array of unsigned char to structs containing
unsigned chars>
Which undefined behavior?

Reading using a different type to the type used for writing. IIRC some
of the elements of your struct we actually declared as uint16
If you knew the compiler i'm using, you'd
(probably) laugh your arse off thinking of "undefined behavior". It is
(putting it mildly) not very conforming. In fact, it isn't even C,
just(vaguely) C-like. However, the structure as presented in my
previous post is what's running (more or less) on the host aswell.
Although padding *is* an issue (a tackled one) there.

From the sounds of it you will be using implementation specific trickery
and/or work arounds for implementation deficiencies, so I would not
worry about using implementation specific knowledge about unions.
I intend to read a structured message coming in from a UDP connection
and/or a RS485 serial line (allthough the latter uses a slightly
different definition on the lowest level). So, no... There's no naked
'char' in sight, only a number of 8-bit values (in order to avoid
endianness issues). That's why I defined everything using uint8 (which
is typedeffed as an unsigned char). The chances of any of the uint8's
mentioned containing anything printable is not very big.

I thought I saw a uint16 or something like that? Maybe a typo or faulty
memory on my part.
Does the 'Byte-code compiler' of the OP move memory or not? As
previously mentioned, the intended platform is a micro-controller in
an embedded environment.

Using the union to map the different types all on to one piece of memory
*does* achieve what you want, i.e. it does *not* move the data around to
copy with the accesses by different types. So in *your* case I would
say hang the portability issues (but comment them) and go for it.

You would be probably be best discussing this on groups/mailing lists
dedicated to your platforms of interest since on comp.lang.c we won't
know the limitations of your C-like implementation and the would be off
topic in any case.

It is probably off topic for most of the other groups as well, so I've
set follow ups to comp.programming as the most likely group of the ones
this is cross-posted to.

Alfred Z. Newmane

John said:
This sounds like the classic spam defense. "If you don't want to read
it, just delete it!"

That maybe a classic defense, but I don't see how this thread (except
maybe in some views, the original post) could be spam.

In this case, I think the "kill the thread if you dont like it" hold
water, as no one is forcing anyone to read it.
And we all know how well that works...

Works rather well if you know how to delete a thread that you /really/
don't want to read. Is it /that/ hard?

Flash Gordon

Good catch, I was about to reply about that, saved me the trouble :)

I caught my reply on the outgoing spool before it left.

However, the bit pattern of an int can be a trap representation for a
float, so writing an int then reading it as a float is definitely *not*
guaranteed to leave your program running. I think the only type punning
the C standard actual guarantees won't crash your program is reading
anything as unsigned char, an exception that I believe is explicitly

E. Robert Tisdale

John said:
This sounds like the classic spam defense.
"If you don't want to read it, just delete it!"
And we all know how well that works...

Please don't feed the trolls.

Old Wolf

Paul Lutus said:

"Because they occupy the same space, changing u.a also changes the value of

"The primary usefulness of a union is to conserve space, since it provides a
way of letting many different types be stored in the same space."

There are plenty of similar references

And what makes you think those pages are accurate?
None of these contain references to the C standard.
They are comments made by people who are used to programming on
implementations that do the what those quotes say. However it is
possible to have a conforming C implementation without
these quotes applying.

As an analogy, I could find screensful of quotes saying that
bytes have 8 bits. But as we all know, there are C implementations
in which a byte has 9, or 32, or some other amount of bits.
Non sequitur. It is a question of syntactic correctness, not portability.

In C it is possible to have a syntactically correct
program that is not portable (by which I mean, it may
work reliably on one platform, but give different results,
or crash entirely, on different platforms). For example:

int i = 3;
i = i++;
printf("%d\n", i);

Here is another example of non-portability that doesn't
include undefined behaviour:

int x = 12;
assert( *(unsigned char *)&x == 0 );

Flash Gordon

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:57:27 -0700

You cna use pragmas or other means to force a specific byte alignment,
can you not?

You can use pragmas, but there is nothing to say
#pragma align 1
on the next compiler you use doesn't mean align on 1GB boundaries.

There is also nothing to say that any given compiler supports a pragma
for specifying alignment.
If it was distributed code, it would most like be
documented (and commented in the code) reguarding that.

I've seen plenty of non-portable code that does *not* document what
non-portable extensions it is using.

Old Wolf

Thomas G. Marshall said:
Old Wolf coughed up:

Nice description..:)
First example:

How does the mini-PI come out of a union (first example) that was only set
with integer 1?

According to the C standard, it is "undefined behaviour" to
read any member of a union except for the one that was most
recently set. This means that an implementation can do whatever
it likes (including printing 3.142, or crashing, or causing
demons to fly out of your nose, as they say).
Imagine that a compiler detects this situation and inserts
code to display 3.142 whenever a float is read from a union
that just had an int put in it (that would be very perverse,
and that vendor wouldn't sell many compilers, but it is allowed).

E. Robert Tisdale

napi said:
I think you would agree with me that a C compiler
that directly produces Java Byte Code to be run on any JVM
is something that is missing to software programmers so far.

I used Google


to search for

+"C to Java byte code"

and I found lots of stuff.

There have been lots of such projects for a long time.
Why do you say that this is something that has been "missing"?
How is your product better than all of the other offerings?

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