C unit testing and regression testing


Les Cargill

Jorgen said:
Speaking of TDD, does anyone here use it together with C?

I've used it before.
I meet people once in a while who like the idea, and I've read a
pamphlet by Kent Beck ... but I've never really done it according to
the dogmas.

Right. The trouble with the dogmas is it is harder to
deduce their intent. But taken as a general principle, I
think it largely works - move accountability
for correctness evaluation closer to coding.

This breaks down some when the test group is disjoint from the
Or seen anyone else do it for that matter, in any
language ... but I tend to work in conservative places.

(I sometimes write tests before the code, but I understand this does
not qualify as TDD.)

Exactly. And sometimes, it is more convenient to derive
the tests from the internals of what you've written.

These days, I tend to write external test harnesses more
than do internal test rigs.

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