There are a number of graphics examples, utilities and demos you can
use in J and combine it with Python.
Some of those graphic examples are very nice, I have seen a big site
filled with complex fractals, chaotic attractors, etc.
Python Zen seems somewhat opposed to part of the J spirit, that's why
it's not easy to advertise J in this newsgroup. Python is open source,
and it values readability, it belives that it's better to write more
and be more readable/debuggable, than to be able to express many
things with few symbols. APL was an interesting language, powerful
too, and J looks more keyboard-friendly and it's probably better for
other things too. K seems even less readable than J to me. Probably J
has to be compared more to scipy than to Python itself, because they
share some purposes, the vector/matrix processing. If you need to do
lot of array processing the syntax of scipy (with the help of
MatPlotLib too, that's partially copied from MatLab) isn't (may be
not) high-level enough, the system isn't able to simplify things by
itself, etc. So in that situation a more functional language may be
fitter (maybe even F#, but probably there are better languages around
for that purpose, some modern ones coming from ML family).