M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
Both Octave and SciLab are more or less "Matlab clones", if that's whatEdwin said:You can already do a lot of what matlab does with ruby-gsl. There are
also a couple of gnuplot and plotutils bridges to make plotting easy.
(plotutils bridge is part of ruby-gsl)
For an R bridge I use a simple class that writes stuff to a script file
and then executes the script with R. It is far from perfect but doable.
But I would certainly welcome a better bridge.
you want. Octave is open source. SciLab is "free as in beer" and may
have loosened their license a bit since I last looked.
A few years ago, I looked at a lot of open source math and graphics
packages for inclusion in a project. The candidates were Octave,
Xlisp-Stat, Perl Data Language (PerlDL or PDL) and R. When the smoke
cleared, I picked R, even though at the time I was primarily a Perl
That project is still going strong today, as is R and its community. I
don't think XLisp-Stat has released anything since then, Octave is more
or less stagnant and I lost track of PerlDL -- it's still the package of
choice for things like astronomical image processing.