Nice rebuff :~
No matter the previous incarnation using Lotus Notes, ASP and web pages are
not the place for massive tables (or whatever you use to show the data).
Paging or providing a search / filter mechanism or a warning that > 1000
rows cannot be displayed seem to be the only real alternatives for
non-ActiveX based solutions.
The browser will take minutes to parse and display such a huge set of data
anyway so the prospect of it being usable is minimal.
You *could* use a client side ActiveX component in IE to show a datagrid and
use an asynchronous mechanism to stream the data to the client thus
providing a seamless experience and to my mind that is the only way that you
will get such a huge amount of data to the client at all.
However, you seem set on trying to emulate a significantly more powerful
system (Lotus Notes - internal LAN I presume) with a web browser so if you
ever get it working then let me know - I'd love to stress test my ADSL
router for about an hour
I'd explain it, but you didn't want to debate the issues, just attack me
personally. You appear to be pretty helpful and I'm sure your MVP status
was given because you earned it but looking back though GG, I see you also
have a habit of personal attacks. That's a shame since I explained my
reasoning and you chose to end the legitimate discussion with a personal
attack based on assumption. I even gave weight to what you were saying but
referenced that you brought it into the equation, not the originator. The
person who loses, when this happens, is the person seeking the help.
I've already explained it once.[email protected]&rnum=1