The fundamental problem that he's referring to is the fact that the
Conju array was declared as having only 7 elements, whereas your code,
in three different places, refers to Conj[7], which would (if it did not
have undefined behavior) refer to the non-existent 8th element of the
array. This might work without a problem if the position where the 8th
element would go doesn't happen to be currently in use by any other part
of the program, but that's just random luck, and it's bad luck, because
it makes your program appear to work correctly despite the fact that it
has a very serious problem.
As my 2 last replies a few minutes ago, Conj[7] in a loop has 8
itiration starting from 0 and, i have assigned Conj[7] with a value
that the code takes in consideration. So the code should behave well
here or did i miss something when i was learning these.
I know in vba we can set base 0 to 1. I don't know if that can be done
in C (it would help!). Maybe this can be done if Array[0] is set with
a no value and any loops in this array start at 1...